Unity - Rick and Morty - A Way Back Home [v4.0] [Ferdafs]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1939130

    i REALLY like the game, the animation is great, i like the style (the show style) and its fun to play . . . most of the time.

    The game crashes and overlaps in ways that ruin the story or just ends the game.

    The biggest thing you need is an autosave feature of some sort and im not saying that to be lazy, sometimes the game crashes randomly just becuase some of the content overlaps and its been too long since the last save, (for example female morty line)

    heck even if you DONT want that then at least have a " skip text you have seen" button (like ctrl) or something that way if it does crash you can go back to where you were and carry on enjoying the story.

    im NOT ragging on this game, i really enjoy it, these are just ideas on how to let people enjoy the game more.

    yes i know about the "mind blowers" option, but i want to enjoy the story more, even more so since sometimes the updates are only better animations, convocations and such.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Whether you've seen Rick and Morty or not, there is so much to love about this game. From the authentic art style to the fluid animations, even the writing is surprisingly well thought out. You might have to wait a bit for the updates but it's always worth it.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It is quite simple to rate this game:

    If you are a fan of the series you'll find somehow the characters attractive and hot, I especially like Summer a lot, if you don't follow the series you may not like the girls or the style.

    Comparing to the original series the drawings are great.

    The sexual scenes are all very hot.

    The BAD thing with this game is the UI and the engine, like many people said before. For this reason I've never been able to play it in one go, just used the 'continue from last patch' option which in my opinion is just a workaround to avoid changing engine (what really must be done).

    Things that make this game annoying:

    1) you can't save the scenes to re watch them
    2) you can't rollback the text
    3) the navigation of the map is extremely bad

    In conclusion, this is a game with great content and fun stuff, that is totally unenjoyable to play. If the dev makes an effort and changes to RenPy (with all the nice stuff that engine offers) this game would probably be one of my favourites.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This definitely isn't for everyone. You kind of have to be a fan of R&M. The art is true to the show, so that means it isn't great, but I like it anyway. The writing is surprisingly good and the scenarios are really hot. Ferdafs REALLY needs to add a skip button. I mean seriously. Some of the scenes are super long and you have to click a million times to get through them. Replaying from the beginning is a chore due to this. Also, supporting the dev through patreon is kind of a rip-off. He/she has gotten really lazy with updates coming out around every other month and the ones that do come out are increasingly underwhelming.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I almost want to figure out how to tear all the assets out of this game, learn python and ren'py, and re-build this in ren'py from the ground up. That's how fucking garbage this UI is and how worth it it would be. Cut your losses with using garbage Unity and move to a better system that's not self implemented, please!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The quest progression almost always gets messed up for me. I start new games and try to follow the walkthrough but no dice. It's nearly impossible to follow just one route at a time or the game can't progress. Seems like some fixing could be done on streamlining that or connecting the quests and progress.

    Other than those things, this game is absolutely fantastic and easily in my top 5. One of the hottest games out right now.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is pretty solid in terms of similarity to the series. It has decent animation in the style of Rick and Morty and a good sense of humor, but the coding behind the game is pretty weak. Events are triggered multiple times and some interactions can cause the game to hang indefinitely.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It looks so much like the show. The art is so good and much better than most of the rule34 parodies.

    The narrative also feels like this could actually be one of the many parallel universes, just not C-137 . The sexual action is so hot and steamy. Love it.

    I do find the navigation annoying and the routes confusing but the quest tracker makes things much easier to follow. I am used to the Ren'py engine so I do not like the fact that you can not back track and when clicking 'hide' it is annoying that it pushes the dialog forward. Being locked into the scenes is unfortunate for when you want to save and quit.

    The saving is very odd and linear meaning you can not go anywhere but forward which means to rewatch scenes you'll have to restart.

    Overall, the effort put in and the scenes are awesome. The characters are rather consistent. I can not wait for the integration of more characters and show references. Not to be nitpicky but I prefer the ren'py engine and the ability to rewatch scenes without gameplay. /5
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay, I'm trying to be fair here, but this game fails as a game. The bones are there, but the execution is janky. I started this game kinda prejudiced against the art style, although super faithful to the show, not what I considered sexy. That being said, the writing is so good and the build up, so enticing, I became a fan right away. I would even consider being a patreon, because the sexy times and authenticity is top freaking notch.

    The reason I gave such a low rating though, is because after 2 years, WE STILL CANT SKIP TEXT!!!!!!

    If you read the criticisms so far, you'd hear about the awful engine, and buggy slip ups. Fine we're all human, but having to repeat the same event 20 times because youre searching for new content is borderline torture. No Fapping, more flopping, out of fustration!

    The thing is, the scenes are like mini episodes of text. Once you start you're trapped until finishing or you just quit the game, and restart, because thats faster than finishing the scenes. Just give us the option of skipping! You dont know how many times I tried to open a NEW Jessica path only to replay the SAME one from the last 2/3 updates ago.

    Really, I'm bitching cause I care. When it's good, it's sooo good. Honestly it's a 4 star game minimum, but they already have plenty high ratings. The loss of stars is for it's awful game engine, poor updates, and lack of Jessica (I, mean she's Morty's main love interest). I swear I will change in future if we get skip option. I can't be the only one asking for it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Huge R&M fan, I really like what I see so far in this game.

    Art is decent, so is writing. The R&M world has tons of potential for content.

    I'm not usually into cartoony stuff but I do like this one.

    A few dislikes, most of it involves the UI and navigating through the different areas. It feels a little clumsy.
    I would like to see a skip function for text, and an improved save functionality. (I forgot to add this)
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    A good porn game with excellent scenes at its best. Decent content thus far, all around good writing and following the story.
    Now you might be wondering if it's that good, why 3/5? That is due to the bugginess of the game firstly, while it can run well, the game often locks you into the same scenes with no ability to go back [repeating content you already did], minor freezing and otherwise more bugginess. But even aside from the bugs, there's no reason for this to be a unity game; it would've been the exact same but better if a ren'py. The coding otherwise is very poor.

    While this game has excellent potential, with great writing and storytelling [and scenes], the lack of bug fixing and lack of content in updates makes it hard to follow.

    I've also read that they're pulling money from the Patreons by pushing out little content as it goes, so it's a really bad move on the part of the dev.

    Hope this game can work out in the future.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I've been following this game for about 2 years now and I've really enjoyed it. The game has a few issues like the U.I is awful and finding someone specific is a nightmare with the current system but most people have pointed that out already. The thing that i'm somewhat confused by is that Ferdafs has gone and created an extensive map with an open world but with nothing in it. There are plenty of places and characters to see but no reason to do so unless there is an event. I would love to see some repeatable events with some of these characters just so that they feel somewhat real rather that cardboard cutouts propped up just waiting for you to trigger the next event.
    I think that adding a customizable wardrobe function to the game would help with this as well.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    As unity game this is a failure, you can trigger events out order which will compromise your experience.
    Good things:
    -Art is faithful to show and it looks good
    Meh things:
    -story - no strong feelings about it, anything would work as long as it makes some sense
    Bad things:
    - coding - simply put coding is shit, you can trigger things out of order, save system... kinda is there, but it's mostly useless, phone thingy sometimes works sometimes not

    Overall I feel like 2 stars is generous for what this currently is, but it would be easy 4, maybe even 5 stars if it was in renpy or if dev was able to fix his shit. Alas he is either unable to do it or just simply doesn't give a fuck.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    It would be a great game in renpy, it's an okay game in unity. The art is true to the show and sexy, definitely the best part for a fan like me. The game play is acceptable but it's not good, it's also not bad enough to make the experience necessarily negative but you'll feel it compared to games with smoother experiences. It also really helps to look at the walkthroughs. If you aren't a fan of RnM or this art style you're probably not even opening this page up, if you are then yes give the game a try it's worth an extra star or two to you.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I gotta say this is probably one of if not the best game parody I've ever played. If you are a fan of the series you'll surely enjoy a fapping a good time with this project, not only is the art beautiful, but each scene you play is like an episode of the show. It's easy to tell that the creator of this game is a true fan of the show base on how well the dialogue between characters is written, not only that but how they also manage to creator an immersive universe fill with easter eggs, truly a passion project. Of course they are a few hick-ups with the game, but so minor they are not worth mentioning since they don't take anything away from the over all enjoyment of your fap through.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, would recommend.
    There's some incest, but not enough =P
    Navigation could use some work.
    There's some sexy Tricia scenes, some Ma-Sha scenes, and others.
    IMO it needs more Summer scenes and less Beth ones.
  17. D
    4.00 star(s)


    Great game. I love Rick and Morty as a series and they implemented the characters very well. Ferdafs could definitely benefit from listening to his supporters as they seem to have very good ideas that I would appreciate to see in future updates, overall pretty great game and I would definitely recommend you play if you enjoy the series Rick and Morty and even if you don't I see how you could still greatly enjoy this game, this is a game I will be visiting again for the future updates as I'm pretty invested in this title already.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    pretty good game, if you keep up to date with it there is an option at the main menu to start from the update so you can quickly see the new scenes instead of playing through it all again. game plays alright and dialog is pretty decent
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Just feels so Rick and Morty! It's so great. If there are more explorable area it'll be much much greater!

    The program runs smoothly as well.

    If there are gallery mode and fast walkthrough mode, it will be great.
  20. K
    4.00 star(s)


    This game is very enjoyable and well put together. I have been following this game for roughly 6 months now and I get excited every time a new version comes out. However this game is not perfect and some points I would suggest ferdafs keep in mind is to listen to the community more as some more recent patches have been good though have not been as good as they could've been I would most certainly recommend this game to any rick and morty fans and even if you are not a fan I would still recommend this game to you.