VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Rick and Morty: Another Way Home [r4.0P7] [Night Mirror]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Obama Penis Lovecraft

    Delightfully entertaining, captivating, and hot. The decision to make the game linear was brilliant, as was the choice to make Morticia a more prominent character. This has resulted in a truly objective improvement upon the original game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Wolf the conceit

    Amazing story - check
    Lots of incest - check
    Great humor -check
    A Lot of great animations -check

    The game really can't get any better than this
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    imo this Ren'Py version is substantially better than the original Unity release. The "gameplay" in the original amounted to the classic "go to every map location" schtick. It's a little unfortunate that this version isn't done by the original dev. Looks like a good bit of the writing has been changed/improved, too, making this the definitive version in my eyes. Perhaps the most important change is in Morty's dialogue, replacing his more passive/submissive dialogue in order to minimize the unpleasantness that can come with this kind of MC writing.

    Regarding the core content, there's a reason this is one of the best rated and most popular VNs on the site. The internet's favorite family is fully realized here, with writing and storycrafting that is fairly true to the source material. Most of the interesting side-characters are explored at least once. The sci-fi themes are used to great effect, both implicitly and explicitly.

    The relationship development seems to have been thought-out fairly early on. Even now, with hours of content, our incestuous ventures play out with sufficient sustain as to maintain suspension of disbelief. This development is also appropriately dynamic; for example, we see Morticia on-board and actively engaging Morty fairly quickly, while Beth is reluctant long into their romance. That being said, most (all?) scenes are skippable in the Ren'Py release, and skipping the most objectionable content (ex. hard noncon) will be reflected in the dialogue of subsequent scenes. Thusly, no yums are yucked, nor vice versa.

    Really, my only criticisms lie in the execution of some of the LIs, which tends to be highly subjective. Beth is a fine character, but she's not a very good mother, resulting in a bit of a letdown when things come to fruition. I dislike the Planetina event. I would like to see more of Unity and Kiara, but that's just my fondness for blue extraterrestrials speaking.

    Final verdict? Unless you're vehemently opposed to incest, which seems statistically unlikely, you'll enjoy this one. Familiarity with the source material is not a prerequisite, either. If anything, you may find yourself wanting to watch the show after getting to know the characters here. Props to ferdafs for the killer content, and big thanks to Night Mirror for repackaging it into digestible form. Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die; come watch some porn?

    ps morticia is best girl dont @ me beech
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Deceptively good. Hours of content (as of 3.7c)

    I went into this expecting another low effort parody but I was blown away by this game for a number of reasons. First, the art is a dead-ringer for Rick and Morty's style. Second, although the story starts with the established cast, it does flesh out a few of the minor characters from the show. It adds an adorable female version of Morty from an AU. It writes the family into places that are both humourously close to how they'd act in the original series and also original to the incestuously depraved AU the author is creating.

    I had so much fun with the episodic storylines in this game and I think the author is pretty damned good at erotica too.

    If there's one thing I'd criticize this game on, it's that there's a lot of repetition on content--especially scenes that lean into the "did we just make a baby?" intrigue. As someone with an impregnation kink, I don't really mind it, but I would gladly trade a few of the pregnancy risk scenes for scenes that either hit a different kink or progressed the pregnancy kink (confirmation of the pregnancy, sex while pregnant... or, hell, it's Rick and Morty, you could even "science" the baby to full term and get started on the next one).

    I'd highly recommend this whether you'd seen Rick and Morty or not.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Does a lot of effort to maintain and improve Ferdafs work imo, Creative new scenes and alot more interaction without going off the original game or story, its an attribute very few people can achieve.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    this one surprised me i went into this not expecting much of it i thought this would be nothing more then a cheap parody of rick and Morty boy was i wrong

    this game offers a lot of variety in terms of out comes and variations i whole heartedly recommend this one folks

    and remember you fap when every you want so take it slow and enjoy the game
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game with nice looped animations. Stories can kind of drag while trying to get to certain scenes, but they have features for that. Interestingly enough, you are able to repeat scenes you like, which is a nice feature.

    All in all, Glasses Morty got his wish.

    Edit: Changed from 4 to 5, as the updates are very solid and engaging enough for me to be invested in the characters.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice game.
    It's a great game, with many variations. And the possibility of choosing scenes from day to day makes this one of the best games for me. It's definitely in the top 5 for me.
    Thank you so much for not abandoning and for providing so much content.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VNs I've ever played, the scenes are hot and the characters are very well-written. the story is so engaging I've found myself replaying it just to be able to experience it all over again. a definite 10/10 from me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)



    I really didn't expect anything from this game and it has far exceeded my expectations.

    I was hesitant about the fact that this is a Rick and Morty game, and while I love the show, I didn't want a game based on it, luckily the content is very well limited.

    For me, the best thing is how the sex scenes are developed for each character, it evolves little by little but with the necessary content so that it is not too abrupt or too slow. Especially important when it comes to incestuous relationships, because if there is sex too soon, I already lose interest in the game. Fair balance between sex with secondary characters and the main content. 10/10. Although the MC fucks everything that passes through his hands...

    I think the decisions have no impact on the story, and only work to skip content. It is not a problem for me in this particular case, normally I would be bothered
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic improvement. The idea, writing, and art of the base game are all great, this is just a much better way to present all of those things. The additions and tweaks are all nice touches, and I always look forward to and wait for new releases of this version when I see the base game has been updated.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the absolute best I've played so far and I've been creeping around F95 for a while now. Great work Dev, keep it up!

    I was literally just thinking about this game yesterday wondering if it went to "Abandoned" logged in, and saw a new update 5 stars, no complaints
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Magister Masquerade

    I'm impressed with how far some of these projects have gone, and while I know the show's artstyle isn't exactly complex, I'm impressed by how faithfully it's been replicated here. It's also a pretty great erotic adaptation; you can tell that the creator (both of the original and the remake) are actual fans of the show that know more about it than the casual viewer, and it comes off in the right way. There are a lot of cool cameos here, some of which you might not recongize unless you're deeper into the series than most.

    Anyway, the problem is when it comes to the porn. Here, there is a pretty hard fetish line, which isn't uncommon with these kind of games. Though the game isn't explicit about it until you actually download it, and has some lazy hand-wavy ways to avoid it, a lot of the core content does revolve around incest and underage content (you can change the characters' ages, though the game makes a joke out of basically nothing changing since they're all just pictures. That said, canonical ages are still well known and it's not like the characters are changed in any way). There are ways "around" this and the more polorizing content like pregency and rape, and you can actually skip most if not all scenes story-wise (as in Morty actually deciding not to do something rather than the came simply skipping ahead), but it's clear that most of the content is firmly rooted there.

    What's interesting is that if you know anything at all about that show (or read the game's intro), there really isn't any actual incest here depending on your view of multiverses.

    Ultimately though, it's just a game, and aside from how you feel about the content, probably a far better rendition of the grindy and more tedious original game. Defintiely one of the better Renpy erotic VNs out there if the content suites your tastes.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is really nice, story was good until it ended, but still it goes on for a long while. Happy to see how to galley changed. The only thing I don't really enjoy is the fact that none of the saves from the previous versions work in the current version, however that is fine as it makes me want to play the game again. Overall good game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite literally the best porn parody I ever had the great pleasure of playing. The writing is true to the original series, characters have depth and meaning. It even captures that staple R&M contemporary critisism bleeding through the script. Good balance of H-scenes and story. It is honestly an excellent piece of software. I'm thorouly impressed and hopefull for many more future updates.

    Keep up the good work!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love the game. It's very story heavy and choice oriented game. Love it rare to find a parody game with so many options and good story to go with it. Hope this game gets the success it deserves.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game in Rick and Morty universe. Long playthrough involving multiple characters. Well drawn scenes and player choices make decisions that matter. Definitely recommended for your VN, Ren'Py fan.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    What makes this an amazing port... hell, an absolute improvement from the Unity version is the element of choice.
    You could be a loving partner... or a complete psychopath and game will actually remember it and hint towards it.
    It's amazing.
    While story closely follows the original game, it's a significant improvement due to just story flow, ability to skip anything you want or customize how characters are called, what scenes would lead to and even consent.
    Would highly recommend.

    Night Mirror, If you're reading this:
    Thank you for not being a coward. The story elements are truly wonderful. The fact that you've not shied away from actual hardcore elements is a breath of fresh air.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 game easily!

    -I wasn't sure the art style was going to do it for me at first, but if you're having doubts about it right now, STICK WITH IT! It gets a lot better during the actual scenes, the characters feel a lot more "fleshy".

    - It starts a little slow, but it's better this way, and the content past day 15 or so starts getting really cool.

    -Tricia is surprisingly cool as hell. I mean, her characterization is executed super well, she actually has something of a character arc (not kidding). I'm writing this review at day 24, but so far she's best girl (in a tie in with Summer), just for the fact that she's bringing it all back home somehow.

    Thanks to the developer for making that game, I'm not even a Rick and Morty fan and I absolutely loved it!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent VN faithful to the show.

    The renpy port is very well done, with no bugs, good selection of features and customisability. The art is well compressed, engine is regularly updated, and all major platforms are present. By the amount of updates, fixes, tweaks and improvements, you can see the developer really cares about their craft.
    A special thank you for the consistent Android support!

    First of all, it manages to capture the spirit of the show very well, both in art and in story. So if you're a fan, you won't be disappointed.
    Second, there's a lot of content. Even not being finished yet, it's already absolutely worth playing.
    Art-wise, it's top-notch, all the characters look just like their show counterparts, animations are smooth, and the scenes are all well done.
    The story is fun, interesting, and well tied together. There's character progression, humour, drama, action, what more can you ask for?
    Oh right, lewds, there's lots and they're great. Steamy, well placed throughout the story, and especially great if you enjoy these kinks.

    Overall, one of best, and definitively worth a shot.

    Huge thanks to Night Mirror for this adaptation!