RPGM - Abandoned - Rina: Elementalists of Manahold [v0.4.5] [RareRiroRie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot scenes, interesting story, stunning art. Overall a great game with great potential. My only complaint is that the combat-sex system is not the best, though we know that most games fail at this, but i've read that the dev is working on that so it shouldn't be a problem on future updates. Give this game a try, you won't be disappointed.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Riro is a god, though i wish he had someone to code stuff for him, as hes at his best making art, seriously hes getting so good at it its beating noxian nights for me sometimes, and noxian nights is my favorite of all time, keep up the good work and update please im starving for more oh god oh fuck :(
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    But perhaps what I appreciate most about Rina: Elementalists of Manahold is its welcoming and inclusive community. From helpful guildmates to friendly players in global chat, I've felt supported and encouraged every step of the way.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game with good story and excelent art. I wish i will wait for new update no longer than 400000 days. Good luck for developers and artist. It's a really good game and I hope I will not die until it came out.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game follows the story of Rina, a tall, voluptuous and perfectionist girl who is accepted into a prestigious university for elementalists, fighting magicians in the service of the kingdom, who, on her first day of lessons, discovers that she possesses the power of two elements, a rare and peculiar condition. This peculiarity, together with the need to pay the tuition, will lead her to live adventures and erotic experiences of all kinds, but always with the ultimate goal of becoming a royal knight.
    It is the classic video game made with RPG maker, with isometric maps, turn-based combats and drawn cutscenes: the game loop is pleasant and not tedious, without the need for grinding experience points (the lessons at the university will serve for this too), while the jobs to earn money reward almost always with a new scene. The artistic style is pleasant, but you must like the juxtaposition between the beautiful protagonist and the monsters/ old men with whom she will interact (I also appreciated the chibi style to represent the reactions of Rina), while the combat is not bad, with even powerful spells that do not consume too much mana, forcing you to buy various potions. The real flaw is the use of erotic actions in combat, which, regardless of the cost, all offer the same result (as for damage) on the goblins, and that, to be used, need "lewd points" rechargeable in combat only through some (not so frequent) enemy attacks.
    Finally, a note of merit for the humor and, above all, for the story itself, compelling and captivating, the true diamond of the whole experience.
    To conclude, the game is clearly incomplete, missing endings for both the main quest and for the various jobs and optional activities, but it is definitely a game to keep an eye on.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    the game play is your generic RPGM with you lose you get a scene, but does the art, humor, and story let you get into it. specially the art style its very cute and sexy. (kinda bias on women with glasses and corruption)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting game with a pretty and sexual drawing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... It's a game that's more about the story of the characters and their development in the story, than an RPG adventure itself, and that's it! ! it's great! ! ! ! ! ... I know the project isn't finished yet, so this is a brief review of what I've played. It is worth mentioning that the characters are not generic as in most adult games, there is a variety, with different personalities.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A game with great potential, i've playied the version 0.4 and it is great, short as expected from a non finished product, but the art style and general presentation is very good, the chibby rina animations when she is thinking is great, shows how much care the developer and visual artist have with the game. I am sure waiting for the final release, it would be nice if the game is sold in a less "integrated" platform for a lack of a better term. Steam is good and all but you can't run away from the "your friend is playing a hentai game" meme.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I hope that in the future there will be more sex scenes, especially office boy fat big dick. I think it would be great to add that scene well for the whole this is very good

    I also hope that goblins will have more sex scenes
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Five stars, scenes look good, the game has a good sense of humour and doesnt take itself too seriously. All the content is pretty damn good. Really looking forward to seeing where this goes and for future updates!
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    「S」- Man

    Played v0.4.3a and here are my toughts.

    I will start with what i consider to be an objetive analysis then go to a subjetive analysis from were i derive my final score and put my personal opinion about the game.

    Part 1
    Unique points: This game is way above average when it comes to character building and comedic elements so if you enjoy games were you watch the characters interact as a means to boost the credibility of the sexual inuendos this one might be the one for you.

    Bread and butter: The drawing style is quite beautiful when depicting the characters.
    The lore and world building is average.
    When it comes to handling the fetiches this game is also average, most of the sex elements just happen without much consideration put on to it on the part of the characters.
    The sex scenes are pretty good, not believable, but realy well depicted and funny and light-hearted.

    It's flaws: The map is not pretty nor well designed and this makes walking around tedious.
    Exploration is pointless, theres not much to get from npcs or the enviroment in general.
    The sex-in-battle system is crudish to put it mildly and most elements of the game outside of the story and characters look like they didn't recieve any attention by the Dev. The itens, abilities, lvl-system, menu all are standard RPGMaker vanila stuff.

    Part 2

    This game looks very promising but kind of light on content and in need of polishing. the abysmal contrast of details given to artwork and dialog in compairson to elements of the map make this game feels lik a Visual Novel done in RPGMaker. The kinks are really good if you enjoy ugly bastard and debauched stuff you will love it (and if you don't like then you can go suck on yo momma's cunt you vanilla loving punk bitch). If this game gets a little bit of side-story content and attention to details, like moving around, jobs and decide what it will do with the luxury system it could be a master-piece for the realm of the RPMaker Ero titles. So if i were you i would wait to play it.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    It's meh nothing new or original.

    -Cute MC
    -Decent writing
    -Good artwork

    -Painfully slow combat
    -Ugly bastards are the clear focus of this game
    -The corruption while handled well to start quickly gets bad. The MC goes straight from "Masturbating is lewd." to "I wanna fuck disgusting hobo like men." With nothing in between

    Its mostly old fat fucks fucking young hot women, sadly something that is super overdone these days. The ugly bastards are so nasty the beast content feels cleaner than when shes fucking a human.

    Honestly I'm not saying add Chad Thundercock but this game needs an extremely large does of average dudes. Or use the tried and true give the men average bodies but make them faceless.

    If you aren't hardcore into the drastically overused ugly bastard I'd give this a pass.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    - Great artwork
    - Funny dialouges and situations
    - Rina is dumb and smart at the same time, love it lol
    - Reading goblins' dialouges gives me brain tumors
    - Combat is painfully slow

    Wish i had the means to join dev's patreon
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Rina: Elementalists of Manahold [v0.4.1a] Review

    + Yummy art and good H scenes.
    + An excellent and unique take on Corruption.
    + Funny and well written dialogues, especially Gramps.
    + Hot, likeable heroine.

    - WIP indicators everywhere.

    - This is yet another case of "open world, linear progression", which honestly kinda sucks. I've said it a thousand times by now: For open world games to make sense, there needs to be different things to do, different story threads to follow and rewards for exploration. There's none of that here. The story continues in a highly scripted fashion regardless of what you choose to do, which makes all the walking between locations seem highly redundant.

    - The game takes longer than necessary to get going. I'd recommend the Dev to rework the start, and to cut down on the repetitiveness (Go to school, home and sleep, go work, home and sleep, go talk to gramps, home and sleep. Et c. It gets boring after a while. At least teleport me to my bed when Gramps or a teacher tells me to come back tomorrow! Why do I have to walk through 3 full locations for no reason!?!)

    - Combat is basic but also somehow very confusing, because there's no indication of what any of the stat modifiers do. What does "wet" mean? It sure as hell isn't what I thought it was... The modifiers all need mouse-over tooltips, or there needs to be a "stats" screen where it's possible to see what the modifiers do. The game also forces me to choose between 2 spells I know absolutely nothing about more than 1 time. What's up with that?

    What are my stats? How much exp do I need to level up? What happens when I level up? What is an avoidance potion and why can't I see it in my inventory? Is it a clever pun and it avoided my inventory? So many questions, so few answers...

    All in all though, despite the negatives this is definitely a game worth checking out, mostly because of the quite nice H scenes.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potiential, the updates are a big chaotic but once RareRirorie finds his balance this could be a gem.

    The art is great, it has a particular style that I like it has a great amount of details and the scenes are nice.
    Storywise it's better than porn level story but not top tier level I'd say a 6-7/10
    Gameplay is basic rpg maker gameplay, like people say if it ain't broke don't fix it.

    Overrall it's a good game with not much content yet, can't wait to see what will be in the game in a year or two.

    Good luck on your journey RareRirorie, I hope you won't drop it midway.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.4d, you can safely skip this project. Sex games should be fun and sexy. This game is occasionally one or the other, but never for long enough, and never both. I would need to see quite an increase in the pacing of story and combat before I felt like the player's time wasn't being needlessly wasted.

    The game has a lot of dialogue which it throws at the player early and often. It's fun and funny at times, but mostly takes far too long to say very little. It's too easy for the player to get bored and want to skip through, leaving the player feeling like their time is being wasted.

    Unfortunately this is not the only way the creators fail to respect the player's time. Players should be able to skip repeatable scenes & sequences, but very early on find this is not the case. There's a sidequest that has to be repeated which is at least a minute of the same sequence of picking up objects and triggering unskippable dialogue. Many combats are slug-fests of mashing attack until the enemy is dead, which only drag on when the player is unable to speed up the animations. Players probably shouldn't have to do the same (not fun) things over and over, and when they do the creator should probably find ways to speed the process along.

    The fights themselves can be challenging, but are mostly a slog. There is one particular fight early on that's quite challenging and took me several tries to finish, but left me feeling cheated that I only won because of RNG (I got a critical hit and the enemy didn't, combined with them choosing a sub-optimal attack pattern). The other fights are slug-fests, with the player and enemies taking turns spamming attack accompanied by too-slow animation. Eventually you get worn down and have to end the day to heal, then repeat. This is not a particularly fun gameplay loop.

    Nor is the combat sexy. There's an attempt to make it sexy by including a lust system in combat, but hours into the game it doesn't manifest into anything interesting or even useful. Your character builds up a lust meter when the enemy randomly decides to use a rare lust attack instead of damaging you. After the meter builds enough, your character can use a special ability, draining the meter. The special ability raises the enemy's meter a bit, and you must repeat this process several times before anything fun or useful happens. So you can either deliberately wait and let the enemy pummel you until they finally use the attack that charges your meter, or just beat the crap out of them and be done with it. What's fun or sexy about that?

    The sex scenes are also quite rare and nothing special. The art is fine, but the scenes don't seem to go anywhere or do anything, and are definitely not worth grinding through the rest of the game. The scenes are also plagued by the same dialogue issues as the rest of the game. Dialogue during sex scenes is especially important since these scenes are the pay-off for the player. When they fail to engage the reader/viewer, they do little more than get in the way of a half-decent picture.

    There's an idea here that could be something good in the right hands. Currently, the combat needs an overhaul to meaningfully include the lust mechanics, the dialouge needs to be greatly edited, and there would need to be some quality-of-life changes (skipping repeated scenes) to make the game worthy of players' time. As it is now, feel free to miss this one.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the Artwork! I like that it's unique to other games. :)
    The story is nothing groundbreaking new, but it is solid and I enjoy it so far.

    Normaly I dont write reviews, but after reading one with so much hate and negativity, I could not let this go. 5 Stars from me.

    Hope you keep up the good work, dear Dev. Big fan! <3
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    So lets look at this:
    -has the most basic and boring RPGM combat
    -the content is very short, you can finish everything in 10 mins.
    -Art is absolutely hideous! The grandpa, goblins, some of the npcs;
    -NSFW Part of the game is extremely dumb and not satisfactory: She starts of as this enthusiastic girl who's determined to become a mage, and she finds out her "element" is water and earth. Whoopty doopty dooo That combination means LIFE- Best way to gain its power? THROUGH GULPING DOWN COUNTLESS AMOUNTS OF SEMEN.
    So the gameplay AND NSFW part of the game revolves around being a Literal succubus.

    OK So considering all of this i'd rate this a 1 out of 5.

    "Oh but sir, she has weirdly proportioned and anatomically incorrect titties and butt sir"
    "She has massive ass and titties sir, that's automatically a 5 star!"
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    only game ive felt the need to rate...

    - art: just an incredibly appealing style. the rate of improvement between releases is also crazy.
    - story: hilarious af dialogue, coherent, and just all around fun.
    - protagonist: rina is awesome. hot design, school smart but naive, and relatable dialogue.
    - h content: amazingly hot kinks combined with stellar art style = (y)(y)(y)
    - dev: refreshing to see a dev so active and accepting of feedback

    - can't get enough of it:eek:

    fr tho, I pray that RRR sees this game through to the end. easily the best game on the site if the consistent progress doesn't stop.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    This review is addressed towards version 0.3b, which is the latest version uploaded on the site

    This WIP game has some good things and some bad things.

    The good things are:

    .- Art:

    The art in this game is very very nice, very very detailed and appealing to look at. I enjoyed some of the h-scenes I was able to get before I stopped playing it because of an issue I will comment in a moment

    .- The second good point is, writing and story:

    The writing has honestly been a nice surprise.. usually when it comes to eroge games I expect writing to be good but nothing out of the ordinary, or even bad.. as most games are machine translated, but this one has some very nice writing and it made me enjoy the plot of the game and scenes lots more

    Sadly, and it's the reason why I will give this WIP game a 3/5 stars, there's one MAJOR problem at least to me.. and that is, the combat system.

    And I don't mean it in terms of RPG style combat system, no.. my issue is that the combat feels very very unbalanced at the moment. Everything you fight tends to do a lot more damage than you do.

    You could think, but there's ways to avoid this.. and you wouldn't be wrong, but it makes the gameplay loop revolve around tons of grinding (attending to the biology and alchemy classes, which will give you stats boosts although they're mostly defensive stats.. nothing offensive as far as I saw) and working to be able to pay attending to classes until you have somewhat decent statistics to be able to go out and do the things you have to do.

    This is one of my biggest pet peeves in games in general and especially so in eroge games, where usually the rewards you receive for grinding aren't really worth the effort spent into the task and doing the same action over and over and over again ends up being boring.

    I can't really think of a way to fix this issue at the moment, but I would like to suggest this being looked upon before further developing this game, as it makes progressing through the game bothersome, at least to me.