Ren'Py - Ring of Lust [v0.5.5a] [Votan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It is an entertaining game, I don't see the grind as excessive, I would like the updates to be more constant and to include more characters, because I feel that most of them have already been explored, as well as to include more threesomes and titjobs :)
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Jon Q Public

    Can't get anywhere without the walkthrough, and it is missing a hint system. Nothing really memorable. Too much grind for the content.

    The models are fine. Fairly attractive even if the boobs are over the top.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Writing: 5/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 5/10
    Kinks: 7/10
    Overall: 6/10

    This ain't no milfs control.

    Hot older ladies, sexy family members, and a magical ring with mind control powers? Now where have I heard that one before? Yeah, the game kinda wears the love it has for milfs control on its sleeve, but that's about where it ends.

    This might have been a fun time, had it not been a grindy sandbox without clear goals. You'll be visiting and revisiting locations looking for new content only to stumble upon it without really any reason why the progression occurred, I mean, I was at a loss why the kitchen was such an annoying place to unlock progression with the girls. Sometimes it had the scene you wanted, other times it did not. This game really felt like RNG at times, which is probably the worst idea you can have for a sandbox game with grind.

    Models are kind of hot, the mom especially, and some scenes were hot. I mean, anything with sleep sex will lure me into it. Sadly, this was another game where it was just Sleep Molestation. The ghost sex stuff was good though, turning invisible is a less powerful kink I enjoy.

    I think what this game needs to bring it up to a "good" would be a bit more direction, so it doesn't leave players running around the house and outdoors looking for progression.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I cant really enjoy this game, since i'm more busy to find out how it works and how to progress.
    It's messed up, that you obviously need a WT to play this game. 1.5 Star ratings from my site, since the images look like from 2012 , but the animations are ok. I stop playing now, because it is really annoying and not a "must play" and nothing you have missed.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    The below average graphics could have been offset by a better gameplay but sadly it's not the case. The game is a huge grindfest, you click mindlessly hoping to blindly trigger events. Events have to be repeated multiple times to trigger the next ones, yet there is no indication.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Low quality renders, average animations and a horrible sandbox and progression, what's not to love?
    On a positive note it is impressive someone who must have severe cognitive impairment can create a game at all.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    - Graphics are poor
    - Writing is really bad, the characters are stereotypical to non-existent
    - boring, cliché dialogues
    - Almost no story
    - So much grind

    - at least this is sort of a game, not just a VN
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    The writing is around 4/10. Not totally bad, but worse than mediocre.

    The sandbox mechanisms/UI are bad -- you can literally spend ingame days not understanding what/how to advance. For example -- in other reviews I *now* read that you can press alarm clock near your bed for some effect. WTF. You must go pixelhunting in a VN? This is excarbated by fact that you have to press on alarm clock at the time when there is dialogue choice ("go to bed") on screen. WTF? Why not make it a dialogue choice too?

    At least the laptop (in your bedroom) was introduced as something to interact with. But you can only click on it at specific times (despite there being no dialogue to do it, just have to know to click on it). At others it is blocked. And somehow the webcam you installed in sister's laptop is never on. And there are no hints whatsoever what you are doing wrong or what's the path.

    The renders are mediocre for 2023. Not horrible, but not particularly interesting. For my taste also, grotesquely huge boobs. Same about MC's dick, there should be a tag for games "stupidly-big-unrealistic-dick", but considering that'd be 70-80% of games here, probably just doesn't make sense. At least the dick is sometimes not erect, or we'd think MC is suffering priapism.

    +1 pt for premise. Still sorta more kinetic novel than VN, but there could be something nice coming out of it, if only.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Hey! The game is very funny, it is not clear where the low ratings come from. One minus noticed is some scenes are not playable. Peeping Beth and a few scenes in the library. Everything else is cool! Sorry for my English, I'm Russian) good luck bro!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The game's renders and the general story are good for what it tries to be -- especially as you get further. Renders improve a lot.

    But the sandbox can be really tough to figure out, even with the walkthrough.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    For the first time since 2020, I came back to this game. And, oddly enough, I enjoyed it. Yes, it has a lot of flaws. The most important one is the lack of hints about the game's progression, no quest system, and finally, not very high quality renders. Also, to be honest, I'm not a fan of BBW. Nevertheless, I must point out the main merit - this is a GAME, not a visual novel. Some of the story lines (stepmother, her sister, stepsisters) I got through on my own, the rest of the story with the walkthrough, which is far from perfect and not always able to give clear directions on how to play next (especially the library story arc). My final score for the game is 3.5 out of 5. It would have been more, I think 4 out of 5, if it weren't for the flaws mentioned above.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why this game is rated so low. It's pretty good and yeah there are a few grindy parts but it's still manageable with the walkthrough. I especially enjoyed the scenes with Cleo and Susan and would love to see more scenes with them
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    TL: DR
    This is a very twisted game to review properly. Let's say you may try it and, if you pass 2-3 hours of gameplay without an urge to vomit, you may enjoy this. If not - bring something voluminous to collect you dinner beforehand, just in case...

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  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I admit, it's been a long time since I played this game, but one look at the reviews and in the thread show that nothing has changed, but keep it in mind my impressions are dated (even though they completely align with the other bad reviews).

    The only draw I can see for this game is that you can be quite the dick in it towards your not-family, if you are into that.

    But it is a sandbox game, it has a lot of grind, many events depend on quite random triggers, and you will spend a lot of time being frustrated with that and the grind as it is.
    There are absolutely annoying minigames in it, which at the time I played it, you needed to do to progress the story of specific girls.

    The writing is, I guess you could call it serviceable, as are the renders.
    The whole thing wasn't fresh when it started, now roundabout 5 years later, games have definitely developed quite a bit and this is still the same old, same old.

    This review is mostly here, because I want people which are interested in the game to be rightfully warned, of a mediocre story, with mediocre renders, an absolutely annoying and grindy and nonsensical sandbox and a lot of frustration.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Grick Rimes

    I gave it 3 stars because the renders are perfectly my taste. That part at least is subjective. You may disagree. They may not be YOUR type.... But they are mine. The story itself needs a walkthrough or something. There's no hint that this or that can trigger a so-called "secret" or "hidden" event..... there's a helluva lot of repeat and grind because the game tends to lack any real logic and flow in my opinion. It has promise, don't get me wrong. There's a potentially great game in here, honestly. Dude gets powers, can make women horny.... let's do the sex warp agaaaaaiiiinnn! but what's the endgame here? I just don't know. 3 stars for potential. But we need to knock the house down and rebuild it from scratch. Same characters, different game mechanics and some logic or a walkthrough.... do that and you may have a 5 star game, my friend.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    ( Story, Originality, Renders, Sound, Playability, Performance, Bugs, Animations, Voice Acting, Grammar, Amount of content )

    The Story and content are good, though the grammar is a little rough in places.
    The biggest reason I haven't scored it higher is that the gameplay is extremely grindy...
    There are little to no hints for where to go next, how to unlock scenes, or even how close you are to doing so... and the one option that is available for receiving help (in-game) just essentially boils down to "just do the thing, idk"
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Ring Of Lust v0-4-5a

    This Game is a good example of what you can do all wrong with a Sandbox game. This Game is such a convoluted mess that leaves you confused on when you can trigger the next scenes at what time of day.
    A lot of Scenes just repeat themselves like the Gloryhole Scenes where it´s just the same women being surprised again and again when they see the same dick.
    You don´t even see sometimes if there is a person in the room when you are home, like the living room, so you have to randomly click through the rooms to find someone and hopefully unlock a new scene.
    For some reason walking through 3 Rooms takes a Day for the MC.
    There is no sound to speak of and the animations/Render/Models look aged.
    The story is bland and the writing is pretty bad.
    I even tried the Cheat Mod which still didn´t help except unlocking the gallery so I could stop wasting my time playing this game.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Ring of Lust is really a mess of a game.
    Its sandbox mechanics require you to follow closely the walkthrough. Without the latter you'd have no clue at all how to progress, because some progression steps require a certain day, a certain time of the day and even progression with other characters, before a new scene can be unlocked.
    Even the walkthrough is pretty much a convoluted mess as well. It's no fun playing, because nothing is intuitive, you'll have to check the walkthrough constantly.

    Apart from that, the daz3d character models seem to look quite outdated to me. I like milfs very much, big natural tits, too and curvy bodies to some degree, but proportions in this game are too unnatural for my taste. Also some facial expressions are very much exaggerated and don't look natural to me. Partly daz3d is to blame for it, but also the dev for not taking a better look at more natural expression sets of daz3d.

    Furthermore the story is stereotypical. You've got a magical ring, which enables you to make women horny, manipulate their thoughts, lets you become invisible and even manipulate tech. Simply put, a jack of all trades.

    The family is totally stereotypical, you've got the mom, who is resistant and needs some convincing in the beginning, then there is an older sister, who treats the mc badly (in the beginning) and there is the younger sister, who adores the mc and on top of that there is the horny aunt, who doesn't need much convincing to show her slutty nature to the mc. At least there are some side characters as well, but it doesn't feel like any of the characters have got a unique and distinctive personality, other than stereotypical genre tropes.

    Ring of Lust needs some fundamential rework of its game mechanics, especially the event/scene triggers and a way more structured walkthrough.
    An in-game task list/progression tracker is really missing in this game. Most sandbox games offer some kind of in-game help, like hints for the next progression step for each npc, this game doesn't.
    The models could use some rework as well in my opinion. Personally I lost all motivation playing this mess after having started from scratch somewhere just before I reached almost half of the available content for the time being (v0.4.4.a).

    Ultimately I can only give 2 stars for RoL.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Shoin L

    This game requires a lot of work for me to give it a chance again. The graphics aren't bad, especially the female characters, but the story, development process and gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. Hopefully the developer can work on a foundation that is still positive and give the game new life. It will probably require a complete re-engineering, but it may be worth it.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    When it started I loved this game. Specially Cleo and Lilly but with the time it gets more and more confusing. But nevertheless I look allways foreward for new updates. I even started a new game to have the early experience with all the characters.