RPGM RJ336598 Black Box Lost Memory Saga - v1.06


Jan 23, 2019


Updated: Feb 8 2022
Game/Creator: / Black Box
Game Version:v1.06
Language: English (MTL)

Downloaded it, translated it to MTL and i played it but the game has a long story so i'll post it here so we can help each other unlock the full gallery.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
It looks like the version you have is bugged, I'm unable to do any lewd attacks that have animations, the orc weapon still works but the main character herself is unable to do any animated enabled H attacks. I suspect the manner in which you translated the game may have broken something as many rpg maker games can be extremely finicky when translated or did something major change between 1.05 -> 1.06? You wouldn't happen to have an untranslated copy lying around would you? I'd like to test and see if the issue persists before translation because if it does then you may have a bad copy all together.


Jan 23, 2019
It looks like the version you have is bugged, I'm unable to do any lewd attacks that have animations, the orc weapon still works but the main character herself is unable to do any animated enabled H attacks. I suspect the manner in which you translated the game may have broken something as many rpg maker games can be extremely finicky when translated or did something major change between 1.05 -> 1.06? You wouldn't happen to have an untranslated copy lying around would you? I'd like to test and see if the issue persists before translation because if it does then you may have a bad copy all together.
unfortunately that version is all i have, however there is an unchanged data folder in RAR that you could extract but you have to delete the current data first. the data folder is found in the www folder


Aug 27, 2018
Here's a functional MTL for 1.3.2.
There's some minor issues with it (text formatting etc) but it's bug free.

Also a full save and the translator++ file
How do you make it work? Is in chinese


Jan 23, 2019
Here's a functional MTL for 1.3.2.
There's some minor issues with it (text formatting etc) but it's bug free.

Also a full save and the translator++ file
save is not working its need the whole file or folder


Jan 23, 2019
Translator++ did all the work really, I just had to clean up a lot of it.

Yeah it goes into www/save, you can just create the folder manually. Or maybe start it and save normally once.
i did that but it still does not work. RPGMV save files requires global.rpgsave


Jan 23, 2019
Sorry, did not realize that.
But if you start, skip the opening, and save manually once, it will get generated. Just tried it myself and it worked.
Yes yours work because it is your "own" save, but for others you have to actually share global.rpgsave otherwise it wouldnt work.
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Aug 22, 2017
Much appreciated!
Unfortunately I suspect I'm having the same problem as Lasucrom, but I'm not really sure what to do about it. The zip I get has files that look a lot like this:
While I'm new to Translator++ as of this thread, when loading the project and hitting "inject" into a new folder it doesn't really work, and I suspect it's because most of the filenames still have serious problems. I can't even get the game to give a "Now Loading..." message, it's just a black screen.
If I try to launch the game file that was posted for 1.3.2 it keeps coming up with missing file warnings, all things which I assume are just erroneously named.

Anyone know how to fix this?

EDIT: Nevermind, I somehow managed to fix it by removing the extra text from the files in the root folder (ie just renaming to ffmpeg.dll, Game.exe and so on) then loading the translation file, injecting from the posted download into a new folder, then copying the files from the new copy of the game back into the old one in every location it said there was a missing image. No problems yet but what a weird issue with a very roundabout 'solution'.
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