Ren'Py - Rogue-like: Evolution [v1.54b] [Oni]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has been fantastic so far, offering plenty of content and quality dialogue. One of its best points is that it takes less time to play compared to similar games, which I really appreciate. the grind is barely there. The developers are constantly updating and improving it. I started playing when there were only three characters, and it's been great to see how much the game has grown over the years.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    It is more good than bad game.

    The story/text is coherent, there is a good variety of scenes and characters. Girls are well drawn for most part.

    Where it gets clunky is the UI/levelling that could have used a massive rework.
    Secondly, the sex ui itself is extremely clunky and after few times it gets boring/choresome to click those buttons. And you need to click them alot to grind out girls stats to unlock more actions, so it is kinda stupid.

    There is an option to bully xavier and remove certain girls from the game, so they don't annoy you.

    The scenes cgis themselves are nothing special, and endless repetition kills it.
    Especially it shows in threesome scenes, where it is clear that cgis and text don't follow each other.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for version 1.53c. No mods.

    Because the story is a bit blend, I stopped playing (grinding mindlessly?) after a while to directly check the code to see if there was some kind of variation somewhere.

    Looking at the code to check what I miss at the moment, I haven't read everything yet and there's stuff I don't understand. What is the purpose of the JeanX.LikeSGirl (this is different from JeanX.LikeGirl stat, and created when threesome with whammy stuff is done line 6374 of script Sex)?

    I also feel like there is too much hardcoded stuff. This is a nightmare to maintain, it might be better if the code generically call the girls parameters/fields and check for particular case rather than just a list of if/else for every combination, since there is a lot of copy-paste anyway between the sentences. Maybe that series of if/else also contribute to the game being slow.

    The internal parameters for each girl may be a bit long doing that, but at least it's easier to read, and dev/we would just look at a Girl's file to see what is missing (and thus would resort to a default behaviour/sentence if there is an empty field, for example), what should be specific to that girl (or combination with other girls). This way, adding a girl to the game would be much easier to the dev too rather than modifying every if/else series in every file of the game.

    Also maybe a more efficient/easy event queue/time slot attribution code could be done? Not sure which data structure would be the fastest in RenPy (which should be compiled in rpyc), and more easy to manage for the dev's objectives. Maybe a full interface so people could check planned schedules of each character in one look (if they have plans).

    Right now I feel like every girl is the same, almost every interaction is the same except for distinct sentences, same methods of grinding, same actions and interactions with and within them, BUT A VERY FEW welcome differences, such as:
    - Whammy Jean, but the mechanic is not very clear.
    - Kitty being able to steal clothes from other girls, and also during a class on the teacher. Going through things could definitely open more kinky stuff...
    - Betsy using psychic knife, mechanic not very clear either, maybe she could use it on girls in the future?

    Just so people don't take this the wrong way, I like the game but it's not without flaws, and I felt like saying something different than other reviewers that could actually help the game improve, or at least help the dev progress more easily on this game. That is why I would put 4 stars and not 3.

    So I am hoping for more, especially in powers impact, story and Xsome department, and variety between girls rather than just sentences. Though, this is already very nice in terms of content.
    I also want to praise the dev for making the smart choice of using different combinations of superposed pictures rather than having a whole picture for each combination like many Ren'py VNs: this compress the size and allows people to mod more easily.
    So many VNs out there have 4GB of file size, but have less content than this game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is fairly enjoyable. The gameplay loop can get a bit stale after a bit, but the girls are extremely well drawn and attractive. Most of the sex scenes get stale just as quickly due to most of the animations being extremely static with only minor movements. Most of the game is handled by navigating a bunch of different menus.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the quint-essential, technically and visually most competent sandbox/corruption/exhibitionism/marvel parody/Ren'Py game out there.

    This title sets a new standard and legit makes me consider going back and re-rating my previous reviews, lest i do injustice to this masterpiece by only giving it 5 stars!

    - The writing is top notch (OH MY GOD GWEN AND EVERYTHING SHE SAYS! FUCKING HILARIOUS)! There are not a lot of porn games that have writing that's actually worth reading. This one sets the benchmark. Well written, and while a lot of titles utterly fail at the pacing department, making the interactions waaaay too long and drawn out, making the player/reader lose interest, the writer(s) of this title know what the fuck they are actually doing!
    - The sex mechanics are second to none and really showcase what is achievable with the game engine.
    - Love the girl customization and corruption mechanics. Slowly asking them to wear more revealing clothing, being more promiscuous in the public, interacting with other characters on and off screen. It's fucking impressive!

    If it was ever possible to buy this game on Steam (yeah, OBVIOUSLY not gonna happen due to IP, i know) i'd pay a full AAA-game price for it (hell, the dev could charge additional $$$ packaging girls as DLC). Not kidding! And no, i am not using patreon and do not intend to. Albeit Oni is the one person who is probably the closest to breaking my resolve on this matter.

    I could gush on and on about this title, but fucking hell dude! Just go download the game already! I am not exaggerating when i say that this is one of the most competent titles not only on this site, but in the porn game industry as a whole!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    What more needs to be said?

    It's an excellent game with excellent art, not-so-compelling gameplay and a reasonably excellent sex system. Customization is reasonable and good. Girls are cute.

    If you're not sure, definitely give it a go.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played dating games before where you could pretty much stumble your way to success through trial and error. But in this game? Say the wrong thing or flake out on a date, and these girls will ghost you faster than a speeding bullet. It's not exactly challenging since your character seems to attract attention effortlessly, but it's refreshing to see that your choices actually matter.

    The storyline and gameplay don't exactly progress at warp speed, but who needs that when you've got a sandbox to play in imo.

    You're free to roam and do whatever floats your boat. During the XXX scenes, you've got a lot of fuuckery! and lots of positions now too!

    As your relationships deepen, you can personalize the girls with different outfits, this keeps me coming back for more because it's just plain fun.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This thread is very informative about this game, along with questions about the newest patches and the details that are apparent with each new addition for the game. This thread has helped me set up this game with their previous experience which was extremely helpful without being disrespectful.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I don't get the appeal. The art is fine but not great, the characters have no depth or characterisation, the gameplay is boring and grindy, etc. It seems to me like one of the main draws of a corruption game is the character being corrupted and when the characters are so bland and uninteresting and all interaction with them consists of repeating the same actions again and again, well, I'm just not drawn to it. I don't get it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 9 bananas out of 10 you're here for waifu
    right .......

    Art 10/10 loved x men evolution so maybe iam bias

    Waifus100/10 great waifus especially rogue and Laura,

    Content 10/10 my kind of kinks male domination

    Mods 10/10prime mod is a prime example of
    how modders make games better see what I did

    So please ignore haters and continue please
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    a classic. there is nothing else to say. The only problem you could say is it lack some concrete story but a classic is a classic. Do I really need to say more? Seems so. or Not. Why the review want 200 characters seriously, it's a classic just play it once in your live, can I go now?
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay let be honest here this is quite a good game but the CG are way too oldschool, In my opinion even AI CGs would be better (and I hate AI CGs).

    The game is fun to play which lack in most of the news game including the grow spurt of all the AI game. But I cannot give this a better rating.

    The character are interesting and well written tho
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I've checked this out after playing Null Hypothesis, as I realised it was basically a reiteration of this game.

    Now, this is a 5 star, 'classic' game. This is on the same level as 'Ganguro Girls'.

    It has the same feel, lower resolution, more basic interactions, clunky ui, art that grows over time instead of being beatiful... But it is an extremely hot game.

    It was so gripping that I spent around 6-7 hours just playing it, grinding and masturbating. Unlike Null Hypothesis, this game is really focused on the porn aspect of it and it does it very well.

    It doesn't take itself extremely seriously, but it has thresholds and the women can flat out refuse you, which is a great motivator to corrupt them.

    There are at most threesome actions, and there are a good variety of actions but you never get a good threesome view or a variety of images. However, the story and atmosphere makes the scenes incredibly hot.

    Easily one of the best porn games. Open up a stream or some music, sit on your chair comfortably, and just have a long session where all you do is play this and enjoy yourself, not caring about time or future obligations.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    it's honestly a great and well written game. Improve the sexy mini game a bit and it'll be a home run. I do hope you have a plan to tell a story and then end it instead of a 4ever expanding roster of X-ladies.

    But I really look forward to the relationship and friendships formed in this game. Well done. Beautiful art, lots of promise.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    love this game so far and the plethora of girls. have been playing since jeans addition. hoping that once all the characters are introduced that a full overhaul with added character depth is added as well as an overall plotline
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the classic trainer / sandbox Ren'Py games.

    The art style is great, this game has lots of content with lots of different girls. But sadly there is no story and the gameplay is too grindy.

    One star missing due to lack of SFX and redundant use of the same animations between different characters
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I've been checking out this game on and off for years now and just like others have previously pointed it out this is a patreon milking project of grand scale. This far cry from a kinetic novel with, there I say "sandbox" elements is nothing short of utter garbage. The fact that it has such a high rating baffles me. You will find simple Japanese hentai visual novels more entertaining than this crap.

    First of all the story is bland. Nothing ground-breaking so 0 points for that. The UI didn't receive any major updates since forever and is atrocious. The gameplay loop is the most meaningless shitty grind you will have in a kinetic novel ever. Figuring out how to progress with the girls is also just more painful than entertaining. Not to mention the fact that update wise you will get essentially a middle finger every month for your support on patreon and have been getting it for around 7-8 years now... The only singular good thing I can say about the "game" is that the art is animated and at least consistent. That's it.

    It is a true enigma that this joke has more than than a 4 out of 5 star average rating on this site. You are all true masochists guys! Damn... not one to kink shame but, DAMN...
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.14e moded version
    this review writed by sandbox fan
    normaly i avoid games lesser than 1gb, but hundred positive reviews is hundred positive reviews :p
    - good arts
    - very good code
    - good content amount
    - no bugs encounted
    - be ready read the code or ask for help in forum, cuz no w/t/guide here
    - there almost zero story, its not nachteil- for such games its ok
    - very overcomplicated and hidden mechanics w/o any normal explanations. or faq. as example- by reading code i found interesting girls trait- "exhibitionist". how to give that trait to girl? u must be caught 3+ times for adult actions in public(i recomend do that with StormX or RogueX) to obtain hint- where is "Xavier's files", then u must take certain girl (StormX or RogueX) to xaviers ofice and take evidence. then u must be caught again(!) and then u can force xavier to allow public adult actions for 1(!) girl. then after some actions girl may obtain that "exhibitionist" trait. ok, u can say- its hard, but posible, but... in game mechanics exist another hidden parameter- girlX.Taboo- embarrassing stat aaand that stat after EVERY part of stripping and every adult action raises to 40(u must be full of "energy" and girl also)
    - some girls r different(much more complicated to harem way), like emma or jean(they start with zero love stat instead 300-500+ like other girls).

    we have very good game with terrible "periphery"- no faq, ho guide, no w/t, no hints. i recomend to play only in moded version to avoid some grind, to improove qol and for monitoring stats(like: mod allow u tracking "taboo" stat).
    if u dnt like sanbox xor grind and u have no wish/not able read code or read game thread - avoid that game
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with a lot of variety in the scenes and characters (specially if you are a X-Men's fan), very good art and not in the grindy side thankfully. A real 5/5 and its still in development, so its gonna be even better
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game, much fun to be had if it's your first time playing it. Apart from that it's one of the most successful ongoing patreon scams.

    The game released some 7 or so years ago and the current version is pretty much identical to the alpha build. All the dev has added are new girls that bring nothing new, no unique interactions or dates you can go on, same thing with all, even the clothes are mostly the same.

    The whole premise that you are irresistible or that girls get addicted to touching you and you can use that to coerce them into naughty stuff is great but the dev doesn't want to go all the way so it ends up amounting to nothing. Rogue or whoever will get desperate and in the end they just forcibly touch you and reset their addiction, it's pointless. It could've been expanded to humiliation play while on dates and such without getting too brutal but that would be too much work to code.