Just like with every mechanic, poor implementation bad, good implementation good.
I will say something in defense of permadeath, though. One, a game without permadeath is not rogue-like, it's a defining feature. Two, hah, weakling! Three, permadeath is an important restriction for the dev: the game must be beatable in one session. With rogue-
lites devs are always tempted to make the game beatable only once a certain amount of carry-over progression has been made, which means a fuckton of grind, whereas the player has to replay the earlier parts of the game even more, and these are also less exciting parts of the game.
A benchmark for a good rogue-lite, then, is that can have its carry-over part and all unlockables carved out and still be playable with a reasonable difficulty level. If that still holds true, then sure, it works. If obtaining carry-over progression is mandatory for completion, then there's a huge problem.
try Hard Stuck