Unity - Completed - Rollerbabe [Final] [Jackson]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    A fun little game with some really excellent pixel art animations seamlessly placed within an arcade-like experience! Its rare to find something so fun and lewd in the same combination as this. I hope to see more games by the dev of similar quality
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty nice game, reminds me of those old Sega arcade games with that retro vaporwave aesthetic I really love. It's a very short and easy game that I've beaten in roughly ten minutes, one per level. The adult content in it is pretty mid though, very vanilla, nothing relevant to write about. Not bad at all, but nothing memorable. I hope the creator makes something bigger out of it, because I can easily see the potential in him.
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Deoxyribonucleic Acid

    Not bad.
    Really short, will only take 20 minutes or so to beat. Game is mostly pretty easy except the last level which is a bit BS. Gameplay loop is pretty basic and derivative. New stages add new hazards but you still just avoid them like everything else. There's 15 or so scenes that aren't bad and are well animated. You won't see them much while you're actually playing though unless you intentionally try to get them.
    Anyways, it's good for what it is but nothing too memorable.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Neat little game. It's short and gives you exactly what you want: Pixel Art Porn.

    Plays really well with just one hand, so, that's very convenient of course and the dev thought of that!
    The pixel art is good, the animations are good too, what you see in the previews is what you get.

    Now some of my criticism:
    -Having sex shouldn't feel like a punishment.
    You should give players a chance to gain a small boost of speed after having sex, or else it would be discouraged to have sex... in a porn game... (Maybe a small QTE to regain speed after sex would've been good?)

    -Boost drinks work just fine, but players should have a few I-frames after the boost is finished, or else we run easily into objects (Or at least an animation that indicates the boost is almost gone)

    All in all, this is a sweet game! There's just a few hiccups in My opinion, but it's definitely a fun lewd game.
    Definitely keeping an eye of this in case of future updates with more content or just gameplay fixes/overhauls!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute little game. Last level is dumb hard, but not that bad. I just wished there where more. I like the theme, not seen in many hgame. The pixel art is crazy good and the animation are really vanilla, but good.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion, a good H-Game should have a time to sex scenes balance.
    Meaning, a game should respect the time you put in and as more time the game requires to complete it, as more sex you should get.

    And this game does it. It's short and provides you with pretty good pixel animations for each stage.
    It's also not hard to complete.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Roughly what I expect of H-games. Short, original, and has sex part of normal gameplay.

    My main complaint is that it is too easy, but you can replay the level 10 and then it's fun enough. The game has ~8 sex poses of decent quality so it is actually a bit replayable.

    People who expect a AAA game will be disapponted, but at the same time, consider lowering your expectations. H-games don't need to provide an incredible gaming experience like the standard videogame industry, they are meant to distract you for 15 minutes. while you do your thing. This one does a perfect job at that imo.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Theme is so good also sprites too and animations are kinda good but not that good. Game is not hard just annoying. It took 15 mins to beat but I could say level design is poor. Paths are random generated but It is really random. Sometimes paths are so clear sometimes they are so messy. Especially there is one type of enemy is so fucking annoying. RUNNERS . They come behind of the map that's okay but they most of time they don't pass u. They keep their distance between u and himself also block the view and path. Like i said It's not hard. It's fucking annoying. Also u're sooooooooooooo fucking slow when start moving and speed up soooooooooooooo slow. It's like 10 or 12 seconds to speed up and it broke the game. But love the theme and sprites
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    [Review of Final on 5/23/2023]

    Remember old NES/SNES racing games that had sprite vehicles on a flat 3D plane, simple controls, and minor obstacles you had to dodge?

    It's that, but your vehicle is a girl, and half the obstacles are dudes who are DTF. To this developer's credit, though, some of them have interesting hit-boxes and movement patterns.

    I enjoyed it. Not too hard, although things do get kicked up a notch when runners start showing up from behind you. Last level took a couple tries.

    Short, simple, and well animated.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: Final

    I'd prefer to give this a 3/5 but it's very barebones and lacking in content and features. Overall this could be a decent game with a bit more effort but as it sits, it's a forgettable 15-minute experience.

    My biggest complaints are that it's too short, for the most part too easy, and just overall lacking in features/content.

    First, the stages. Each one is split into 4 sections and you have to reach the checkpoint to extend them. The problem is that there's hardly any challenge to reach those checkpoints. And every stage looks identical. The only thing that changes is that it adds different types of obstacles each stage.

    Second, the gameplay. When playing an old racer game, there's times when you need to slow down to make the turn or avoid traffic. This game is missing that--at least slowing down for turns. Assuming you avoid the obstacles, you never need to let off the 'W' key at all. And her animation is always the same for the 'W' key whether you're going slow or at top speed. Even when hitting a few obstacles you can still get to the checkpoint in time in most cases.

    Third, the difficulty. It's too easy. If you look at some of the old racing games, the course gets harder the further you advance. This one just adds more obstacles to avoid. Since you can use boosts to plow through everything or jump over them, most of the stages have little to no challenge. The game is missing any sense of accomplishment. Stage 8 has a poor design where the guy that hits you from behind can hit you right at the start. If that happens, you basically need to restart that stage unless you think you can be perfect for the rest of that section.

    You may not agree with my rating but the animations aren't enough to save the paltry 15 minutes of gameplay. The animations don't even serve any purpose since the timer stops while an animation is playing. But you can lose if you get sexed 3 times so it's actually a punishment instead of a reward.

    Last complaint is that the option to go back to the menu or mute the terrible music is to start a stage and press ESC. There's also no real options menu and no rebinding the controls. I don't know if this is intentional or not but arrow keys work just like WASD but without the skating animation. Feels like a polished tech demo or like someone gave up but still wanted to sell it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a simple game with appealing pixel art, as other reviews have said. But it annoys me that hgame developers are still repeating the same mistakes in every other game nowadays: stop punishing good play with no sex, and stop rewarding bad play with sex. We all don't hop on games like this because we like playing Pepsi Man gameplay in 2023. We like it because we think it'll be Pepsi Man gameplay, but with a sexy twist that we can enjoy. For me, I only "organically" experienced a sex scene on the final level. Any other time I intentionally had to let myself die. And it was frustrating to do that because that basically means you'll fail the level and have to replay, which wastes time and isn't fun. Is there really no way this game could've been designed to make the sex rewarding and part of play? They're really nice animations, it's a shame you only really get to see them in the gallery at the end :/
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very reminiscent of the classic run-or-rape arcade style games of days long pasts, and it's easy to be nostalgic for this style of games in a sea of uninspired VN and RPG type games. Graphically, this game uses gorgeous pixel artwork that seems inspired by the original Outrun, with very fluid animations to boot.

    To beat the game, you race through an obstacle course dodging all sorts of obstacles that get in your way. Why are all these burly men doing bicep curls, situps, and other workouts in the middle of the road? I don't know, but after taking enough damage the next dude you run into will rape the player character, after which you need to escape to continue. Run into enough obstacles or run out of time, and you have to retry the level.

    It's a very short experience, and while I do enjoy the animations I wish there were more rewards for actually completing the levels. As it stands, your reward for beating the game is unlocking a gallery with all the in-game H animations to view at your leisure. I would have liked to see bonus animations at least for beating every few levels, and at the very least a congratulatory CG for beating them all but I'm just being picky here.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I love simple games like this one.

    Nothing convoluted, just a simple premise, a goal and some damn nice pixel art.

    Towards the end (around stage 8) it gets a little frustrating since there are just so many things that you need to avoid, but nothing serious.

    To unlock the gallery, just play the game. If you finish a stage, you unlock an animation in the gallery, if you finish the game, jackpot.

    Alternatively, you can "accidently" crash into one of the lads on the road busy to acquire a toned physique, and help him in his workout, the fun way.

    Great game, nice reward for 15 minutes of playing.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Short, simple and enjoyable. The art and animations are nice and the gameplay is enjoyable. The only thing keeping it from being 5/5 is that you basically need to lose a level to see the porn. Would have been nice if there was a nude skin or something like that, but even still this game is easily one of the better ones on the site.