Unity - Completed - Romance After Dark [Final] [Lesson of Passion]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This one is a poor lesson of passion game. The graphics is pretty bad for the date of release. The details are poor. The characters are not really attractive. The story is also bellow average and I found it boring.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Lit Dark Age

    Story WITHOUT SPOILERS (4/5): It is kind of interesting, the way in which the protagonist explains the details is sometimes boring and sometimes it does not go to the point which causes that you to want to skip the text, however the premise in general is quite good, it is not the best story but at least it's good, I like that it has multiple endings although you must be careful when choosing the dialogues that, although it may not seem like it, are important when interacting with another character.

    Gameplay (4.5/5): the details and the HUD are very nice, with very good designs, I appreciate that the game itself tells you what to do after an interaction, it's something that helps in case you've decided to skip the texts and just go there to fuck . By the way, a good detail to choose music from the Jazz genre, definitely combines with the theme of the game. In my case I only experienced a bug in the story of a character, so I recommend saving the game after once in a while

    Animations (4.5/5): The designs seem very pretty to me, the females have a good body and face design, the scenarios are not the same or the classic ones you find in the other games on the site, in general they seem good to me. I am infinitely grateful that women have a different body and features that easily differentiate them.

    S Stuff (4/5): It's nice that there are sound effects, it also stands out that you can change position or choose how to start the scene with the woman, although for my taste some characters or situations are wasted for what could have been more scenes or interactions.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't have much to say about the story, it is somewhat fine but not that good, so acceptable, perhaps.
    Now about the female characters, they have bodies and faces that remind me of fuckdolls or those that obsess with plastic surgeons. Boobs are unnaturally big and hard, so we have good looking boobs like those in DMD or Man of the house(not realistic but still nice) and those plastic filled dolls.
    Interaction of mc to others in this game is fine to me, no status or numbers that indicates if you are right or wrong, this makes things more realistic and unpredictable.
    To sum up: fine game to play, good render, not very nice proportions. I got first 5 endings and decide to use mode on page 2 to see the rest. Thanks for reading.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Sigh... I really wanted to like it. Superficially just from playing it for the first few mins and looking at the preview pics, it looked amazing, with super beautiful backgrounds and character models, a nice detective noir jazzy soundtrack, the right aesthetic with smoking sexualized babes with the right trope for the detective game genre and some rather tonally correct prose and dialogue/inner thoughts for the recovering alcoholic distrustful detective mc.

    But what really tanks the score down are typos and weird sounding sentences at times despite being complete, the ability to engage in flirting and sexual acts right off the bat from paying them a compliment to cupping her tits and declaring his love despite just saying how he loved his wife canonically on the same day , and being intimate even when the characters should have literally just met in 10 minutes to a day of in-game time and when they are supposed to be mad at each other, breaking immersion. Another instance of breaking immersion is the mc being able learn about the name of the dead husband of your client through the dialogue topic choices even though you were never introduced to him yet. Which makes me wonder if the dev just forgot to lock those options out or making them locked out so that you'd have go through them in order.

    The sex scenes are ok and the animation is fluid though but honestly despite how much I wanted to like it I feel like I shoulda just played something else.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Romance After Dark has some wins but also some major flaws. Writing is half-decent to start with but it overdoes the noir side, making it become stale and repetitive as it advances. Characters are very plain and predictable and very often interactions are pretty strange (you can say from the scene in which you meet a girl that you love her and want to marry her?), and also the girls are very cliche. Choices aren't frequent and don't seem to matter much beyond choosing the ending in which you come to in the last scene ("want ending 1 or ending 2 in the next scene?" it should say).

    Technically, renders have a lot of quality and detail, though I disliked some models that is a matter of tastes. Animations and sex scenes are rather poor though, which is a bad point. Sound has a decent level as well because, even though voice isn't acted, music is chosen quite well too fit the mood and the scene. And, at least in my playthrough I only found minor problems.

    So, all in all, not the worst game around and not a long one as well, but I would probably skip it if I hadn't played it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really excellent game! Amazing renders, gritty noir feeling, alluring women, meaningful choices, and real danger for the MC. The women are of course fantasy tropes, but they are saved by the excellent writing which turns them into interesting characters you care about. Not to long and not too short - just about right!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent renders! Excellent characters! LONG nails and BIG earrings are a HUGH plus. Wish the animations had been longer - But expected being an old VN from 2016. Unique individual storylines on a noir detective backdrop, found myself reading more than skipping text. Sad this game is completed, would have liked to see more.