Lacking and a bit clunky if it wasn't for the restrictive gameplay it may have been better. But the fact you can't interact with most locations and anyone outside of your occupation/location ruins it all. This means the office ladies cannot go to the casino and gamble outside of the slots and they cannot interact with any guys outside of the office guys. Also the game leans towards you being the female only. So if you prefer to play only as the female you'll find more joy in this game. If you prefer to play as the guy you'll find this game awful. If you enjoy both its OK. Honestly the game just lacks any substance. I mean its Illusion but they used to have things to do and content to play with. This game just lacks so much. Its not AI Girl, Artificial Academy, Sexy Beach, or Honey Select. Its Honey Select 2 assets with no real improvements and gameplay that's more shallow than Honey Select 2 which was just about building a harem with thirsty waifus. AI Girl had gameplay and a plot even if basic. This just has nothing in that regards. Its more boring and shallow than Honey Select where you just hump girls. In this you can only hump the girl(s) of the same building. I just can't believe Illusion sunk so low. But at least its not yet another r$pe game such as Playhome. You're better off playing Honey Select 2, AI Girl, Koikatsu, or Artificial Academy 2.