Unity - Completed - Room Girl [R1.4] [Illusion]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the concept and the graphics seem better than HS2DX.

    Currently the game isn't too thrilling to me (you create characters, put them into the world and then they live their lives which you can influence and push them into directions (such as talking to other characters and starting relationships and H-scenes).

    Currently it's pretty bare bones. But I think once the mods are there, this may be a decent new illusion game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Lacking and a bit clunky if it wasn't for the restrictive gameplay it may have been better. But the fact you can't interact with most locations and anyone outside of your occupation/location ruins it all. This means the office ladies cannot go to the casino and gamble outside of the slots and they cannot interact with any guys outside of the office guys. Also the game leans towards you being the female only. So if you prefer to play only as the female you'll find more joy in this game. If you prefer to play as the guy you'll find this game awful. If you enjoy both its OK. Honestly the game just lacks any substance. I mean its Illusion but they used to have things to do and content to play with. This game just lacks so much. Its not AI Girl, Artificial Academy, Sexy Beach, or Honey Select. Its Honey Select 2 assets with no real improvements and gameplay that's more shallow than Honey Select 2 which was just about building a harem with thirsty waifus. AI Girl had gameplay and a plot even if basic. This just has nothing in that regards. Its more boring and shallow than Honey Select where you just hump girls. In this you can only hump the girl(s) of the same building. I just can't believe Illusion sunk so low. But at least its not yet another r$pe game such as Playhome. You're better off playing Honey Select 2, AI Girl, Koikatsu, or Artificial Academy 2.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Spent a total of 2 hours adjusting thighs and tits and compare outfits, pre-planning different ones to different outcomes.
    Played about 10 minutes to find out it's a NPC Life Sim.
    Made the girl masturbate openly in her office multiple times and deleted the game...
    I regret nothing!!
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It plays like an open world Renpy game but somehow it's even more limiting than a Renpy game in the ways it allows you to interact with the world and the free camera makes it feel clunky as shit. Also there is SO much pointless stuff to do. It's all the same but somehow worse than the previous games because now you have to navigate this vapid open world to get to the content, which is all stuff you've seen 1 million times already since they have added no new animations.

    I wasn't expecting a masterpiece given Illusion's performance in the past few years but this is just so boring and pointless.
  5. 1.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    It seems that ever since Honey Select 1 brought them international success, Illusion have been doing their very best at getting worse at every new installment. Koikatsu was fine for what it is, AI Girl was a good step forward in experimenting with gameplay and active worldbuilding howbeit implemented and executed poorly, Honey Select 2 is just Honey Select 1 with small additions and features, just like how Koikatsu 2 is just Koikatsu 1 is more animations and slight tweaks to the dating system.

    But with THIS game, they couldn't try any LESS than anything they've worked on before. For a company that promises fucking and sex as its main attraction, they have somehow made it fucking BORING. What the fuck happened? Who asked for this? In theory, there is nothing wrong with trying to create a sims-like game. Hell, if made well, I wouldn't mind a sims game with graphics this good. In fact, it could've been GREAT. But is it? Fuck NO.
    all the crap about this game has already been well-covered by the first reviewer below me, and I don't find the need to rehash the same points, but I will say this;

    Illusion, do a remake of Artificial Academy. Or hell, remake the first Koikatsu but with realistic graphics and tweak the 'daily life' routine and YOU WILL have a BLAST of a game on your hands. Your fans both western and eastern have been asking for ages, but it seems that this company isnt interesting in making good games, they just want to jack themselves off.

    There is nothing wrong with experimenting with gameplay mechanics, but when you've been failing this hard several games in a row, maybe its time to smell the roses and go back to your roots and do what you actually got right the first time.

    This game is utter garbage, and I find the interactivity and relationship building between NPCs even more shallow than the system implemented in Koikatsu 2. Enough said.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Utter rubbish.

    Only reason for 1 stars is better graphics than Honey Select 2. I would give it 0 if I could.

    Basically the same as the game(s) before it. Same animations and positions. VERY GPU intensive - On a RTX 3080 it uses 100% GPU this is badly optimised and coded by illusion. Gameplay is as others describe...woefully boring. Illusion have thrown away a chance at creating a good game and instead released some sort of sims/life type game.

    On a final note its all very vanilla stuff (spanking from HS2 is included/the same). Its a game so why not let us do things we dont in real life?

    The repack is great as always.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Congratulations Illusion, for creating the Art House Film of Eroges

    Everything is so obtuse and cinematic that its practically unplayable
    Seriously just go play AI Girl or Honey Select, since this game uses the same sex engine.

    Note - Repack itself is fine... The game is awful.

    You create several NPCs who go about their NPCs lives. It's like playing The Sims, but you don't really control anyone. You can give very basic and limited commands around, then watch as they perform it painfully slowly. You're not allowed to do anything while the pathetically slow animation plays.

    "Relationships" are pretty much limited to people in the same zone. The NPCs can't interact with people from different zones, even if they happen to be standing in the same area. Note, there is no "hero" or "player character", its all just NPCs. Interactions insanely clunky, there are only a few awkward options to select as far as communication.

    Game also features an awful energy system, the NPCs will constantly find themselves either needing to sleep or just skip to the next day. Also, an even clunkier currency system that each NPC has $ to spend on food and such. Really just more minor animations with no relevant effect.

    For anyone thinking they enjoy "NPC Watching" games like Rimworld, Oxygen NI, or Sims... This game is several million magnitudes worse than those.