Others - Completed - Room [v2.0.5] [SORAREVO]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Well its was a fun game for me now, The game is like a visual novel with multible options But sopmething that the game doesnt tell you is that survive and craft you can do it later the first thin you must grind its the conversations that if you loose them you need to lod or new game it it has some ending but i get bored from it and just did 3 endings 2 bad engindings and the true love. Now this H game only has 7 animated sex scenes some with the yune and two from kono. It has nice animations but the desings and all its MEH not so good The VA its fine but meh.
    Now i recomned it to play it it kinda fun but no so fappable bcs you must grind a lot util you got the first sex scene ( not counting the bad endings that you can have some quick sex animated scenes).
    nice game Meh wank, 5,5/10 (sorry for my bad english)
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    good gameplay, amazing h scene and the story is pretty nice

    certain endings/routes can get a little repetitive to achieve so be advised

    a solid 4/5 for me, just wish the side girl ending had more to it than just a single h scene and a game over
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed this game very much! Among my absolute top favourites. Brainwashing, Blackmail & Corruption games are almost always rare gems and the quality is impeccable. It is kinda grindy/timeconsuming tho, especially the beginning, setting everything up and making a start.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v2.0.5

    Only played through the PURE LOVE ROUTE and a little bit of blackmail route due to people's recommendation and the overall feeling that for a voyeurism/brainwashing game, they somehow made the normal lovey dovey route the best.

    First, the game has replayability due to a high amount of endings BUT doing the entire first part of the game to get to the point where you can see the lewd stuff again is an absolute drag and imo doing more than 2 runs of this game is too tedious.

    Pure love route was actually kinda nice, the payoff is basically 4 animated sex scenes in a row with some different options to interact with them, not the craziest best animation out there but still enjoyable and fappable + sound effects and voicing help.

    Gameplay is tedious prior to entering any route, you just repeat a cycle of leveling your scouting and crafting and just placing camera in her apartment. The camera section of the game is decent but a bit too linear, I like the idea of discovering more about her through spying in her apartment tho.

    Audio: Key moments are voiced so its nice, the OST loops a lot but you skip through sections so fast it won't have time to annoy you. Voicing is actually decent.

    Based on Pure Love Route I'd give this a 7.5/10 rounded up to 4 stars
    If I played the other routes, the rating might have gone down. Unless you're in it PURELY for the peeping and brainwashing/non-consent, I recommend just going for Pure Love route.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I... agree to much with what was said by user tipoima
    >needs an entire guide just to get the "eager slave" kind of ending
    >the guide doesn't even work, and the game gives absolutely no hints on how to possibly progress
    >severe censorship
    >time wasting mechanics
    >scenes aren't even that good
    >story is basic
    >"brainwashing" part of the title? a fucking lie
    It's like a fucked up and buggy visual novel.


    It is very true. The story doesn't progress as much as you would expect, because even though the first few hours are really enjoyable, then it feels repetitive. The corruption and "brainwashing" is very disappointing to be honest.

    It could have been way better
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Good Game tho the First 2 runs at least 8hours. Gameplay wise you only need 1 hand. Unless you trying 100% them you probably mapping everythimg on a note pad maybe it will take you over 12 Hours.

    Getting everything is a grind but I'll say the camera and pure love route is worth the grind don't bother much on different scene because mustly is just variatio. Getting the bride was was so grindy and need mapping top get it because Affection and Dominationlevels.

    One more I wish there's a free mode where you can do it over and over again.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    >needs an entire guide just to get the "eager slave" kind of ending
    >the guide doesn't even work, and the game gives absolutely no hints on how to possibly progress
    >severe censorship
    >time wasting mechanics
    >scenes aren't even that good
    >story is basic
    >"brainwashing" part of the title? a fucking lie
    It's like a fucked up and buggy visual novel.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    There's a decent story here hampered by a really annoying and time consuming "weekly schedule" system where you have to plan out a week of time, where most of it is just watching experience bars tick up.

    This game is very close to a visual novel if not for the investigative sequences where you enter the heroine's home. This section of the game is genuinely well done - There's even information you can garner from exploring that gives you more dialogue options with the heroine. There's a lot of thought put into this section.

    Unfortunately the game actively discourages engaging with this part until you've increased the levels on your crafting and survey skills so you can place more cameras - and improving these just puts you in the waiting room for most of the game.

    Music is repetitive but easy to listen to. Voice actor is decent enough but there's an awkward level of lines that are not voiced at all.

    H-content is fairly decent as almost every scene is animated and has interaction in the form of selecting different options, plus one alternative camera view. However it will take some amount of time to reach any h-scene as there is a fair amount of buildup in progressing the story.

    There's a lot of endings on top of the two paths you can go towards to romance the heroine but it is truly a grind. Personally I'd recommend seeing if you can stomach the "gameplay" for an hour or two before you decide on whether to continue.
    Likes: Tom42
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I think there's a lack of content for the game with different paths. Would have been better to focus on one thing at a time, and yes, the romance path looks better though.
    Also, her friend looks more interesting to me, i dunno, perhaps she's always on guard and has a wary personality and it was more satisfying to change her step by step.
    But overall the game does very well as a Sim
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, we waited about 6 months for a translation, so finally I got my hands on it. Does this game hold up to all the wait?

    You play as random amoral perverted loser no. 8, who has happily inherited an entire apartment block from your dead parents. In comes Yume, a nice, unbelievably innocent and naive girl of 22 years of age. She rents a room in your block and so you decide, creepy pervert as you are, to turn this girl into your personal cumsock.

    Gameplay is basically just a simple VN experience. The only difference being that you can trespass into Yume's room to get blackmail material i.e. install cameras to spy into her home. Once you get enough materials (4 as a matter of fact but the total being 5), you can then take full advantage of Yume's poor common sense and slowly corrupt her into being your love slave.

    H gameplay is fairly barebones. Poses are decided for you, the only choice you have is essentially clicking on what to do (kissing, groping etc.) and then you insert your PP, ram her silly, and then cum out or in. All this is animated by the way, and with VA, but nothing extraordinary.

    Aesthetically insignificant. I've never liked 3d anime art, and this game is not changing my opinion any time soon. Only thing I'd comment on is that despite the character models being clearly in 3d there's really no animation aside from the H and even then its unimpressive. Might as well have it done in live2d, or just 2d, would have made for better aesthetics.

    There are multiple endings, but it really boils down to whether you want the purelove ending or the more sinister corruption ending, and its fairly obvious which the devs clearly paid more attention to. To get the purelove ending (which Im pretty sure would be the 'best' ending) you need to essentially not play the game. No cameras, no spying on her knickers, you progress the story by basically skipping very nearly 75% of the total 7 months of in-game time, and you spend the rest of the 25% clicking 'walk' trying to trigger event CGs. The so called dialogue choices are fairly mundane, you'll need to have experienced a lobotomy to not know what to pick.

    Still, its very likely the purelove ending thats really worth playing this game at all. The emotional progression is both believable and surprisingly relatable. The girl (and her best friend) slowly falls in love with you not by any per-ordained fate but because you're simply there for her, (and believe me, its not contrived, the game makes it so youre constantly walking around the districts trying to find her) in both good and bad times. And for what its worth its still 7 in-game months of friendship before love, instead of the usual weeklong wooing before sex.

    So all in all, a decent VN that takes about 1-3 hours per ending. Take my advice and play through the purelove ending and forget the corruption. Its more worth your while, and you dont get the suspicious need to call up a counselor. A good recommend, and if you have the cash its fully deserving of your monetary support.

    Oh, and I suppose I might as well say it. There's no NTR in this game. So the world remains safe for the foreseeable future.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: It's good, not amazing, you won't be playing the game for the corruption aspect. If you want to play the Pure Love route, it's worth it.

    The story's fairly simple on the "main" Corruption route: you peep on the girl, get blackmail videos, break the girl, get one of 3 endings that are EXTREMELY underwhelming, and can be read in less than a minute.

    Gameplay is the classic "Break her with pleasure" gimmick where you do arbitrary stuff that pleases her (or not), and your ending is based on it.
    Before the sex part, you need to scout her house, get cameras then install them, and sometimes go to Akihabara to get some specific items to be able to install the cameras.

    The H-scenes themselves are alright, the voice acting is often repeated, which makes it really dull after 4-5 scenes, but the VA really did a good job and absolutely carries the scenes. The character models really look outlandish in contrast to the extremely realistic background, but it looks okay.
    The settings in the scenes are pretty lewd though, it's fairly generic in the realm of hentai (example: fucking while she's on the phone), but I've rarely seen games doing that, so it's pretty good.

    Everything I've reviewed so far is about the Corruption route though, and the opposite is the Pure Love route, and makes the game truly worth playing.

    Instead of peeping on her to get blackmailing material to break her, you'll still peep on her, but rather to get close to her. Her best friend is extremely (and rightly ) suspicious of you, and you'll spend your entire time trying to get close to both of them, and get their approval.
    In the proccess, her best friend
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    To get the route, you'll need to spend a lot of time having short conversations with them, with absolutely 0 repeating events. And there's A LOT of events to go through, which makes going through the route really interesting. Since all the events are linear, you can clearly see both girls warming up to you, starting to rely on you, and there's a great mix of having a slow, gradual build-up while still feeling a degree of constant progression in your relationship.

    For a game where they explicitly warn you that the Pure Love route is an afterthought, it felt like the most interesting route to me, and gives the self-insert character a level of depth and complexity that is completely unexistant otherwise by having his love interest be the main motivator to redeem himself. There's no outlandish drama, just two people falling in love with eachother, one of which who used to be massive creep, and that in itself makes the experience worthwhile.