Unity - Completed - Round and Round Molester Train [Final] [Dispair]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I reckon this is one of the best molester games out there.

    • The slow corruption of the heroine, and the portrayal of said corruption is genuinely superb. As you touch her, and play around with her body, the systems do a pretty good work of illustrating the development of her sensitivity and mental vulnerability.
    • The art is amazing. The reactions, the micro-expressions, and the subtleness of her arousal building up was really impressive.
    • The soundwork was pretty cool too. The voiceovers are good quality, though they do loop if you're not actively moving through the dialogues.
    All of that said, there were some points were the game's communication with the player seemed rather weak:
    • The game has this weird 5-day cycle, that makes it seem like you have to corrupt her within the span of 5 days. I found this really confusing, because the rate of corruption does not allow you at all to reach the depths of corruption within only 5 days. But once I realised that progression was shared between cycles, I stopped worrying about the time limit, and started finally enjoying myself.
    • The game's a bit obscure when communicating that an action is not producing the expected pleasure. The language is a bit subtle until you reach a point where it outright tells you that she's not developed enough to feel pleasure from that action.
    But regardless, when you look past those initial issues, this game turns into a pretty solid experience, that had me going for hours and hours and hours, until my johnson was pretty much sore.