Mod - RPGM - Roundscape Adorevia: Gallery Mod [V28b] [redknight00]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Badically if Roundscape is a god of hentai games then this is the hermes to that god. It adds such a well designed gallery layout and basically makes the gaming expierence so much better. Its been a real game changer when it comes to playing the game and generally inhances an already great game. The current change to the gallery layout did take me awhile to adjust to but overall I have found its sleek design even better. 5/5
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    STS Is stupid This mod does not in anyway break the game if you follow the instructions. This mod is awesome I only wish all the characters were in it, but that will come in time. I appreciate the work the modder has put in.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Breaks the game, will not start the game. Followed instructions to the letter. I still feel like I'm doing something wrong but I can only follow what is written under installation instructions. Perhaps they need to be updated?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great modder, can't believe he wrote such a detailed guide for this game... I struggled to even get out of the first prologue scenario if it wasn't for his guide. This game can feel really empty if you don't know what to do to trigger certain events, also really grindy if you put the wrong points into the wrong skills which only comes every 5 levels. Thank you for the great work Sir Redknight00 <3 !
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an essential mod, makes it way more easier to see the scenes, not needing to go back to the castle every single time. It even has some scenes that weren't in the normal gallery, so that makes it even better, can't play the game without it, great job with it.