
Active Member
Sep 28, 2018
Two questions, the first and major one is, how do I change my team? I did the paladin quest and succubus got mad, in the end I got no reward from the guy because I thought it would at least make her slightly happy but I can't seem to find a way to add her back in the party... I refuse to believe doing this quest locks her out of the party forever... right? She is still in the castle but, I've looked around and don't see a way to add her back.

The second is, is there any way to see things like debuffs? "Noble Stab" leaves "Noble Cut" but what is it? A bleed? Stuff like Poison and burn I can tell but some debuffs/buffs just don't seem clear to me.
That quest locks the Succubus out of your party permanently. She shouldn't even be in the castle afterwards. But this only happens if she is actually in your party when you do the quest. In the menu go to formation simply swap her out (click on her picture on the top, then either on another teammate on the list to the left or "remove") and only swap her back in when you are done.

The most info i know how to get about debuffs is to simply use them in a random combat and check what the icon says. But that can still be vague. A ton of statuses and buffs have been added to the game and as far as i know, nobody bothered to write a full list.
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