I originally reviewed this at version v0.1.8 Experimental, but now that it's at v0.4, I figured I should update my review.
The biggest change is that there are actually things to do now, there are functional quests and there are 5 levels. You have to complete the objectives to get XP, which is used to unlock lewder actions and new stages, which in turn allows you to complete more quests. I think it works decently well as a gameplay loop, but the implementation has some problems. First, progression is sometimes really strict in terms of how many quests you need to complete to unlock the next level. Later, when the side quests become completable, this isn't an issue, but early on when you're very limited as to what you can do, it can be annoying. The other problem with the quest structure is that the actual quests aren't compelling. Some of them function as tutorials, making sure you understand the mechanics of the game. Some of them require you to explore the level, serving as an introduction to the space. But, a lot of them are just pointless, risk-free, and not even titillating. Many require you to be exposed for a period of time, but all you have to do for most of these is find a spot that doesn't get any foot traffic. Many require you to "exhibit", which just means tap a mouse button. This exposes you for as long as you hold the button, and then immediately covers you. Once you're covered, there is no risk at all. No NPCs care that you exposed yourself unless their bar completely fills up. A lot of the exploration quests and a couple of the tutorial quests serve no purpose, as the area isn't used again or the mechanic is useless. Even the quests that require you to get a certain distance from your clothes aren't very good. You can basically just run past everyone, and you'll have no issues.
I think the dev needs to focus on adding danger and risk. Make people chase after you if they see you. Make the player learn the routes of people like it's a stealth game. Make it so streaming doesn't prevent you from acting, and requires you to put yourself in danger to get rewarded. Add a 'wanted level' mechanic that increases rewards to incentivize staying in a level after completing a quest, while also increasing the alertness of all the NPCs. Add some soft failure mechanics; why do you lose immediately when a normal NPC's bar fills up, but not an employee? Mess with the player's plans. Remove places with no foot traffic. Make it so people, not just dogs, can steal clothes that were left on the ground.
Also, a lot of the technical complaints I had have been addressed. High resolutions and high FPS monitors are now supported. Keys are now rebindable. Pausing doesn't break menus. Automatic ragdolling was completely removed. Movement feels less sluggish.
Stamina is really short before you get levels, and walking is so slow that it hurts. The game starts at max volume and the units don't make much sense. Have it start in the middle; up the max to compensate if you need to. I feel like the phone should have mouse interaction. It's a touch screen; it just makes sense. There's no mouse sensitivity option. It feels acceptable the way it is, but I'd rather the camera have no momentum/smoothing at all. "Press space for skip animation" (on loss) doesn't work. The camera does weird shit when you crouch or go prone, especially if you switch from one to another. First person still doesn't let you mouse look. You can interact with things at the same time as confirming a phone navigation. You can walk around while in a dialogue. Canceling should be universalized. Currently there's: click on the 'x', hit 'escape', hit 'p', and hit 'k'. NPCs walk into walls sometimes. People and dogs float an inch above the ground. The game crashed on three separate occasions all on level loading: when I entered a convenience store, when I entered the first level, and when I entered a book store. There are invisible walls in the first level. Since there's no map, it would be nice if there were more English signs. You have to refresh the stage for purchased clothing to appear in the wardrobe. Ambient sounds repeat too quickly. "Summer swimwear" doesn't count as a swimsuit. You can't walk up an escalator to make it faster. I don't know what the lightning bolt bar is, or what the purpose of the embarrassment bar is.
The earlier version felt like a tech demo. This version feels like it technically is a game. It's just not worth playing yet.