Ren'Py - Royale Harem [v0.15] [Slushyanimals]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    There's clearly a lot of content still to go, and there's a fair bit of bugginess to work out (e.g conversations not respecting/ignoring transformations or repeating, missing art for certain transformations. especially when it comes to previous transformations) but this game has a LOT of potential.

    Only real gripe from me is that progress with certain characters pretty much require you to deliberately lose and then allow them to transform you, but this means you end up pretty short on influence - and you need to deliberately lose with some characters to access transformations with them at all at this stage - looking foward to the game opening up a bit more and shooting for a full on harem ending
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    To quickly sum up whats good: the arts good, the writings fine, and the idea and setting is pretty unique and interesting. However, none of that matters if you are forced through a bunch of bullshit that doesn't interest you in the slightest. So, you can either make 10000 saves because you never know when you're going to get fucked over with some dumb shit, or you can constantly switch back and forth to the walkthrough to figure out if what you're doing is actually going to be enjoyable for you to play through, or if it's going to ruin your entire experience. This sums up the entire game. If you're gonna include a bunch of random fetishes and changes, make it optional OR include a walkthrough in the game that lets you navigate around it. Otherwise, you ruin the entire experience and any potential the game might have because of forced stuff that is completely repulsive to certain people. Therefore, if you are some kind of avid fan of forced content without knowing wtf is going to happen, then maybe you will like it. Otherwise, completely avoid this game like the plague and spend your time elsewhere, you will certainly get far more value from it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the artstyle and the story behind it aswell with the transformations and such but it should be more open than it is at the moment to let the Player explore more in their own pace but overall it's a good game and a pleasantly well writen one in my opinion.
    You can choose your own path in a way , you can be the one above them all and dominant them and transform and corrupt them or let the dominate you and submit to them ,it's your Choice.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Battle Furry Royale

    The game takes you (Lewis) an ocelot blacksmith from his home to a faraway island where you must deal with three royal families. A surprise awaits you as you must compete with these groups for influence to keep your self intact Or do you?
    Do you step up to dominated those around you to become a king? Or did you always want to be a sub and let everyone step over you? Perhaps your not feeling right in your skin or someone else didn't like you the way your are. Time to find out in the furry trnasofrmation game

    If your not a fan of transformation by choice or not you may not like this game. Also if your not into Furries you'll obviously not like this game. But if you have an inkling towards either or at least a fancy curiousness you should check this game out.

    Sound - Only a couple of tracks so far. They are simple melodies that set the mood. Hopefully more tracks or sound effects will be added in the final product.

    Graphics - Excellent artistic theme. All the works go together nothing stands out as odd in a world of cat, dogs, and reptiles. A great variety of animal types and what can be transformed into. The art really sells the game. That's what got me to look at it in the first place.

    Writing - If the art brings you in then the writing gets you to stay. A vertiable potent prose comes forht on the screen as we read the description of characters thoughts, the scenes in the are, and the good visulization of the transformations. All the characters have their own distinct voices and personalities.

    Gameplay - A time managment game that gives you only so many tunr during phases (Mingles) This gives the chance for multiple playthroughs. A new path and experience for every new decision taken. Its simple enough with how many turns you get, how you can spend them, the use of influence and who you can interact with. The choices are basic visual novel style.

    Main Character - you play as a nice and timid ocelot blackmsith. Though quickly you can stand up for yourself or stand down. So because of the choices in the game it's hard to keep constancy because your next decision with drastically alter someone's life. Its the nature of the beast in a game like this. Take that as you will.
    Love Interests - 11 a variety of men and women to choose from. Do you go for the giant Dragon Matriarch or the pint sized dog king. Also since this a transformation game these characters genders can be modified either by your choice or by those of other characters. So keep that in mind while you play. For me the stand out characters by this current build are Magnificence the dragon matriarch, Rhianna the dog warrior princess, and Reese the dragon prince (Mainly the transformed version of him)

    Overall the game is ambitious will all the LI's and the TFs they can go through. Hopefully they pull this all together. If they can then this game can can become a classic in the genre.
    Even at this stage I consider this an excellent work and it can only get better.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, for what it says on the tin, it succeeds. It's certainly a patch job in many areas and very incomplete, but IF the developer continues the same level of quality, it will surely succeed and likely be one of the best furry games on this site.

    The visuals show a high competency, and the artist's ability to match the visuals of the character with their personalities is well done. While there is essentially zero sexual content in the AVN at time of writing [v0.5], there is a clear display of competency that I hope leads into a successful sexual display.

    Each character has a different personality and clear identifiable traits, making them all unique even without the drastically different visuals. Not only that, but they all have definable goals, meaning that the concept of a royal struggle is actually present.

    The choices made have *some* semblance of mattering. At the moment there are only really a few specific instances where you have a clear type of route you can do. As someone who wants to play the power fantasy of royal intrigue to become "king among kings", it's decent. The story/concept automatically helps elivate it, giving you a clear goal and finding enjoyment in figuring out how you'll achieve it. However, the focus on intrigue obviously means that interaction is important. With only five interactions being able to be made at any one period, it leans often there's little you can actually do besides just figuring out what's important for the story, and then picking your favourite character to talk to. You aren't really given enough time to explore diffferent characters' motivations despite the fact they often very openly lay them out after one or two interactions to compensate for the lack of actions available. I suppose this may be about increasing the level of replayability, however IMO I think that's something that should be a focus when there's a significant reason to do so, such as the actual endings you would expect, and at the moment it feels more like you get 2 different branches and you can change how many notches each has.

    However, there are still some parts that show the lack of...polish, I should say. For example, there are many choices where they're present to be selected, but don't actually have choices. There's also visuals that are mostly sketches. There are other choices that, at the time, feel largely irrelevant. There is no REAL reason to romance Rhianna, and there is no benefit to having her entranced by you, nor is there to romancing her naturally. You can have an alliance with Tessa and talk to her as much as you want, but it seemingly has zero effect on her desire to win or not.
    Another is having Akari being given more feminine clothes by Magnifience. Even if you spend your influence to have her wear them, Elami doesn't seem to actually respond to it, and instead will still ask you for more influence, making your option largely meaningless. If it cost less influence to have her be 'ladylike' or her outfit from Magnificence would supersede that of Elami's, then it would be valid, but it isn't.

    Another example is the transformations on display. To my knowledge there are 4 characters (+1 for the MC) that can be transformed. Some transformations are more well-done than others. The gender-swap transformations are generally done well, however there are some that seem to have less finesse, and it's generally the ones that are the polar opposite of the character's originals. Tessa's transformation to a soldier makes her almost look like a man, lacking the more feminine strength of Rhianna, Gethra, or the first version of Akari. Akari post "lady training" is just a cheap immitation of Belle from Beauty & the Beast, lacking any of the original beaty and grace from Elami or Gethra. Hell, they even change her bloody face shape to match Belle! The stout/fatten/thickening transformations are...mediocre imo. Akari looks much better than Magnificence The artist is clearly struggling with the transformations, so I'm curious why they were included in the first place. Although, they can always be altered during development.

    Ultimately, it's currently nothing more than a proof of concept. However, the concept is good. There are some cracks, but they can easily be fixed. So long as they're fixed early, there's no reason this game can't shine as it deserves.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent furry, transformation, and writing in general game!

    The characters look nice and are interesting, the possibility of romance with them or trying to get their approval is fun. The transformations are interesting and of course hot. My only problem with the game right now is it's not out!

    Congrats on the creator with the game and I can't wait for the final game!

    Also Renae is the best character and I want a full romance line with her NOW!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Its fun and the themes of transformation and furry are right up my alley. Its so hard to find a good furry game where i like the art but this is really well drawn and I like the characters so full marks from me for the 0.4 version
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a very unique premise that I am really enjoying! So far there isn't a ton in the game, but what is being laid down is a good foundation for what could turn out to be a very deep game. The LI's are interesting and appealing, and the ability to swap their genders means a lot of options. I really can't wait for this game to expand as I am loving it so far.