[R>Artist 2D] Share [RPG Maker MV] In need of help of a Artist


New Member
Jun 22, 2024
Project Name: Forbidden Bonds

You play as Sheila who recently married into a prestigious family, but discovers her husband is sterile. Feeling isolated and unfulfilled, she finds solace in unexpected places—specifically, an affair with her father-in-law, a retired army Colonel.

Me and another dev and writer.

Employment Type:
Profit share - Currently the project is unreleased and doesn't make any money but on release you would receive a share of the profits.

Work commitment:
That would be up to you, definitely nothing too demanding as I too only work on the game during my free time.

Preferred method of contact:
Send a message in this thread, Add me on Discord: unicorngirlie96 or DM me and i'll reply when I get a chance.

Job Description:
2D Artist, Anime preferred.

Additional comments:
If you have any questions please feel free to post them below or message me directly.
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