RPGM - Abandoned - Rpg Maker Test of Battle system! [Abandoned] [Ero-Moses]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a fun experience even if it is only a test of concepts and mechanics. The story is a fast summary of konosuba until Beldia's fight... kinda.

    You won't find any other character than Aqua and Luna (the receptionist guild girl ), however, the only interactive scenes that many look forward for is only with Aqua.

    The game boss fight is where many may have trouble since the parry can be hard to nail and it needs to be repeated consecutively to beat it, quick tip: try to lower your fps if it gets too hard for you.

    To be fair this game was put together in one month so you get a pretty good game for the time expended, maybe 20 or so minutes of experience, 9/10 in my book, will play again and keep good notes on the dev.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Pixel art used without permission, original pixel artist almost certainly issued a cease and desist and this is why the game went from having porn to "NO SEXUAL CONTENT" in less than 24 hours after posting.

    Dev proceeds to chastise users for not being good enough at the game to beat the boss, then in the same breath acknowledges that the game isn't optimized for modern CPUs and therefore the quicktime events are exceedingly difficult.

    Then dev has the audacity to compare his game mechanics to Elden Ring and Sekiro as if name dropping some of the greats will elevate the low effort on display here.

    Skip entirely, this is not worth the download let alone your time.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Why is this game here ?
    It doesn't have any sex or something that would be sexual ?
    Plus, the baby-mode ("easy mode" would have be better ...) isn't easy, at least "normal mode" but definitly not easy mode.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Overall I find the art to be lovely. I am an absolute lover of all things pixel art but the gameplay itself is bland and not that fun at all. Even with most games the art makes the infuriating mechanics worth it but this is just overall not fun to play. Not worth the download.
    Likes: vt57
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible "boss" fight which doesn't award anything.
    Porn version removed for a non porn version.
    Tons of unfinished stuff and teasing in the UI.
    Basically, the game is an unplayable add which 95% of the people will not be able to finish.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The pixel art is pretty great, good audio quality, the H-content is pretty spot on. Sadly the rest of the game doesn't exactly hold up, and isn't anywhere near worth the effort. I can see what the dev was going for, and when it was just the normal turn based combat with no gimmicks to it I was really enjoying it. Then it added an action bar you have to time to hit in the green or yellow. Ok, green is maybe 3 pixels in width but yellow is doable most of the time, even if the timer is 1/3 of the way up the bar by the time it shows up. Get 3 sex scenes, and then fight the first major boss. Phase 1 is tough, but doable. Then comes phase 2, where you have to hit the timer in a green section midway in the bar (larger, but the whole timer bit starts 1/3 of the way up becomes a real problem here), and then hit the normal attack timer successfuly after that. This adds a little bit of poise break to the boss (yes... exactly like sekiro). This then repeats until the poise breaks. If you fail the timing at any point or run out of health, the poise practically resets. Cue 40 minutes of this, adding the fact you need to hit a QTE after which isn't super obvious it's a QTE until its too late and then redo it, and then repeat the whole process a SECOND time... all for the reward of....wait for it.... a teaser for his next project and asking for support on Patreon... 3 H animations in the entire game.... and you get them all before a brutal boss (if you play the not 'baby mode' the dev made but Ifound out about it too late to care anyway).

    There's the foundation for a good game in there, but the lack of content (the version I played had 4 other girls on the side bar leading me to believe there was more after the boss, not sure if it was changed in the other version though), cheap difficulty for difficulty's sake, and the reward for clearing the game being something that should just be an open post on his patreon page really kinda sour the experience
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    While admitting most Konosuba games are rare and a dime to see, this one had checked my list personally. Good qte combat, pixel art that had been pretty good for a simple game. and overall as a test game for future project i think it serves as a good learning ground to Ero's future games. most people complained about it being too fast, which I can agree, no ability to replay the scenes was also an oversight. i do hope to see more from the dev and more combat styles in games like this, as the one handed ability to play does make it more fun...
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    You might have seen the ratings already which look pretty bad for a game with actual good art and kind of interesting gameplay. maybe you wonder why is that.

    Fret not i got you covered.

    The story starts of pretty normally with Kazuma dying but instead of choosing Aqua to come with him he chose the power of Hypnosis
    He tries to hypnotizes Aqua which does not work unfortunately and after that he is send to the world we all know and love.

    From there you can interact with the guild lady and the quest board and that's the only thing you can really interact with.
    On the quest board you you can choose your mission and you will be brought to the side of combat immediately.

    It’s kind of like fire emblem but not in the sense of it being a tactical strategy game it’s more of how the UI is designed.
    Fights are pretty simple and not really challenging first you roll a dice to determine the turn oder and afterwards you have to hit space bar at the right time to damage the enemy. After your turn the enemy gets to attack but most of them will miss there attacks.
    I think you have unlimited Hp so you cant really lose and after each fight you would normally get a sex scene with Aqua. You are also rewarded with Exp for killing an enemy and with some kind of currency after the end of each quest which does not come into play at all.

    There are 5 quests in total and 3 of them if i remember correctly contained sex scenes.

    The game is relatively easy until you hit the second phase of the 5th fight. This encounter will tests your patience because its incredibly difficult.
    The same mechanics that you have already learned in prior fights apply but it’s really fast and difficult to manage even with a good reaction time and the worst thing is that you have to hit that like 8 consecutive times with a crit to even have the chance to wildle down the bosses hp bar.
    If you get hit a small amount of your progress is reset and if you get hit 6 times like 60% of your progress will reset.
    You could try using external software to slow the game down or you could suffer through this ordeal which will not be rewarded in any way or form only with an ad campaign for other games.

    To make matters worse even if you decided to play the game now maybe because a high difficult is more of a challenge to you, or because you like Konosuba the Developer decided to removed all H-content from the newer (patched) versions so you get only the ad at the end if you beat it and no rewards whatsoever in between. Also the game is a lot easier,

    The pixel art looks nice and is well done and the sex scenes are animated quite well but the game is lying to you from the start you will never be able to hypnotize any other character except Aqua even if Kazuma says so.
    The developer already said it’s only for testing purposes, but please don’t lead us on with things that are not in the game.

    The animation (if you play the older version) and gameplay is good even if it is short and very unfair in the end but the ending section and the questionable decisions that were made leave a bitter aftertaste in my mouth so I will rate accordingly.

    The porn scenes can still be found in the version were the boss fight is not patched and still unbearable difficult, which might be more of a hardware problem (monitor with high refresh rate etc.) than an actual intention of the dev which showed little to no concern for players that asked for patches and responded to criticism in a poor manner. You can read the whole discussion in the forum if you are interested.

    What stared as a project to learn different mechanics of game design and a little bit of marketing transformed into rolling ball of fire which was hopefully a learning experience about need and desire of humans and how to address, market and to interact with them.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Lets start with the good. The pixel graphics are great and the animation is fluid.

    That's where the good ends.

    On to the bad.

    1. The uploaded game has no porn. If you are looking for sex scenes you have to search the comments for a different upload where it actually has sex.
    2. The unskippable entry cutscene is a pain in the ass. I can probably say that >90% of the people interested in this game already have seen konosuba, we know what happens, let us skip.
    3. The combat is just a shittier dark souls. If you didn't want to try hard playing a porn game to nut, skip this. The combat is frustrating and the ending sex scene isn't even that rewarding (it is nicely animated though).
    4. The ending boss fight is an absolute pain in the dick. Not worth the frustration. Seems unbeatable unless you are a fan of dark souls games where timing is everything. Also the sync for timing is off anyway.

    Overall great concept and absolutely atrocious execution. Waste of disc space.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I only rated this as 4 for many reasons

    The pixel models are great for rpgm
    The combat is nice and it felt like Fire Emblemish
    It's voiced
    The animation is good but I know it's from another person but it fits the
    game well

    The adventure is lacking so much it's just like Summer Memories game
    I played where you click
    The battle is hard and annoying

    Needs real rpg mechanic

  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and Sweet for a side game

    Around 15-20 minutes of playtime depending on your skill with wonderfully animated pixel art sex scenes from Alex Sim0n404 starring Aqua.The intro was faithful however I think we could've used more dialogue from Kazuma in h scenes and Aqua since it makes them feel a bit bare bones and a better transition to them as well.The action combat is fun and more unique than most rpgm games although it is a bit weird how its automated at the beginning.Beldia's boss fight and Sekiro inspired design was fun and challenging but I can how it can seem like a difficulty spike for some players.This shouldn't be an issue however with the existence of infinite potions which made the fight despite its difficulty extremely forgiving.Overall a good experience.I enjoy games without grind.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This has good animation... and thats all... the minigames sux balls are terrible to play (unless you have an old af computer who play this on slowdown). Repetitive and get boring fast... could be a lot better if the animator team up with a real developer.

    Do not recomend, dont waste your time.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Good setup but way too hard. Spent about 30 minutes on beldia where the second phase had a huge difficulty spike that made the game literally too hard to even continue playing. love konosuba and the pixel art looked good but god damn I tried to play this to the end but couldn't.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    holy shit, this game is ACTUALLY terrible

    i did my best to play through as much as i could, but at some point (the first real boss), the game just becomes this annoying timing minigame where you have to constantly hit the spacebar at the right time--except even when you do you take a bit of damage, and when you go to 0 you gotta drink a potion, and when you drink a potion the boss recovers health, and also any time you fail the timing the boss recovers health, and ALSO you have to time your hit to deal any real damage, and BY THE WAY REMEMBER HOW THIS IS A SIMPLE PORN GAME?????

    the artstyles are also so all over the place i would not be surprised if it is stolen--there's sometimes really badly pixelated art from the show, sometimes pretty quality spritework, sometimes pretty bad spritework, and it's just overall a mess. the scenes i got to see before i quit this game were honestly pretty mediocre, to the point that i'm pretty sure i've seen many games with insanely small pixel art sizes make better ones

    if this game was baby easy, it could be enjoyable; however, with the timing things for bosses like Beldia, it just becomes so aggravating that the fact this game is bad is extremely noticable.

    i'm going to probably try and beat the game, to see if i can revise my review here in case i change my mind; however, i would not count on this review changing.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Feels more like a demo than a full game. It is a demo, so my bad for skipping the overview section of the game and going by the title tags. I suppose there isn't any requirement for demos to be flagged as such in the title. I'd add an additional 0.5 stars if I could, but my review still stands as it's really not worth checking out at the moment. At least now it has some potential, but I'm not really getting my hopes up.

    Not really any sort of writing as it's 90% just stripped from the actual Konosuba show.

    (Note: dev has since mentioned they've made an update to the combat mechanics I complain about here, so this may no longer be accurate. If I test again, I'll update.) While the mechanics are fairly novel for RPGM, the dev randomly switches from you do nothing in combat to rather annoying "stop the bar in the green zone" style of attacks plus no bouncing, so you've got one shot to hit the green zone or you fail. In comments dev mentions it's because lol dark soulz, but honestly, it's a konosuba (already a light-hearted parody/comedy anime) porn game, and a small one with no real plot or story at that. If we wanted Dark Souls difficulty we'd go play Dark Souls. Just a stupid decision on the devs whim.

    Art is fine. (Others have pointed out some concerns over the dubious rights to using the art, so that's a concern for any future updates to the game)

    Overall, would be interested in playing should the dev bother to turn it into something more than a demo, otherwise, not worth anyone's time as is aside from offering dev input on how to proceed from here.