Seeking RPGM/Wolf Editor Games With Little to no Other Characters? (Explanation in Thread)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2018
Weird request I know.

I don't like playing RPGM style games that involve a ton of character-character interaction. My absolute favourite games involve walking around a dungeon alone, or escape room style or something to that effect. I don't enjoy the large towns/townspeople that seem to be very popular in most RPGM-style games. I don't like going town to town, exploring all the houses for quirky dialogue and completing 20 different side quests to get all the optional H-scenes etc. I don't want to rip on other people's tastes since I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority here but it is what it is.

Some example of games that really had this "solo" appeal to me include:

- Exor-sister Yui (Puzzle game with some turn-based combat, walking around a dungeon alone)
- The Maze of Inma and Shokushu (Escape the room type game)
- Interspecies Sex Labyrinth and the Lewd Busty Witch (Solo dungeon the entire game)

As you might have noticed, I mostly like the tentacles/rape/bondage/corruption type games.

Would anybody be able to recommend to me games like these ones (i.e. rape/tentacles/corruption/bondage games in which you largely play solo/isolated as opposed to walking around busy towns and cities).



Active Member
May 31, 2018
Not many of them get translated, but you're looking for erotrap dungeon style games--it's kind of a little mini genre. Fox Muffler had a game like that, and... I think Acerola had one, too, both of which are on this forum. I don't remember the names for the life of me, though. There're a number of untranslated ones on DLSite, but I don't know an easy way to tell you how to search for them since I don't know of a tag or keyword that would be useful to you.


New Member
Jun 17, 2020
Try the Blacksouls trilogy

Red Riding Woods has a more dungeon-y aspect to it and pretty linear in its progress.
Blacksouls I and II are semi-open world. Though they feature large cities, most of them are crawling with monsters. The NPC sex scenes are also very straight forward. You can unlock pretty much all scenes with either currency or a boss battle.