RPGMaker questions

Which RPGM is in your opinion the best choice for accessibility?

  • MV

    Votes: 10 66.7%
  • VX ACE

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • XP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2003

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other?

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters


Dec 8, 2017
I recently acquired RPGMaker MV because I heard it was considered the most user friendly, as well as having that plugin support which seems handy, and wanted to try my hand at using it to actually make a game, but looking at it, it seems like it would take ages just to familiarize myself with some of the basic functions, so while I casually watch a tutorial series on youtube I thought I'd also come here and ask for any tips anyone would like to give on game development using RPGMaker tools. Thanks in advance for any help anyone gives me! Also apologies to the moderators if this is in the wrong section, but I didn't see any appropriate forum for asking such questions in my search through all the categories.

Papa Ernie

Dec 4, 2016
I recently acquired RPGMaker MV because I heard it was considered the most user friendly, as well as having that plugin support which seems handy, and wanted to try my hand at using it to actually make a game, but looking at it, it seems like it would take ages just to familiarize myself with some of the basic functions, so while I casually watch a tutorial series on youtube I thought I'd also come here and ask for any tips anyone would like to give on game development using RPGMaker tools. Thanks in advance for any help anyone gives me! Also apologies to the moderators if this is in the wrong section, but I didn't see any appropriate forum for asking such questions in my search through all the categories.
@TCMS @muttdoggy

I think you would have better luck posting your thread here:

Good luck!


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Out of curiosity, what kind of game do you want to create? In my experience most developers who use RPGM shouldn't be. Very few of them are out to make an old school rpg. So depending on what you're looking to make I might actually point you elsewhere.


Dec 8, 2017
Well, I kind of just wanted to make an RPG to kind of get used to the development process before delving into anything I actually cared about, if that makes sense. Something where I could dabble with mechanics and get used to the idea of making a game, less the goal being a finished product and more a learning tool? Probably sounds pretty wishy washy or ill-advised, but I've always loved RPGs so I thought it'd be a good place to start.


Lord of Passion
Game Developer
Dec 28, 2017
Well, I kind of just wanted to make an RPG to kind of get used to the development process before delving into anything I actually cared about, if that makes sense. Something where I could dabble with mechanics and get used to the idea of making a game, less the goal being a finished product and more a learning tool? Probably sounds pretty wishy washy or ill-advised, but I've always loved RPGs so I thought it'd be a good place to start.
If it's done right RPGM can be a good tool, for instance, the game Vis Major makes use of the system and it doesn't feel out of place, the game acutally makes use of it's rpg format. However, a really great game that is a pain in the ass to play is My Girlfriends Amnesia, which is more of a VN that uses the RPGM format, likely because they were told it was simplest as well. But no, if you're going to actually make an RPG then yeah go for it.


Oct 17, 2017
True that RPGM is, as far as I know the easiest to use and learn in terms of making RPG. Right out of the box you get everything that is needed to get you rolling, with a few exceptions, if you want something outside the scope of the classic Final Fantasy battle mechanics you'll have to search around.

Below are just broad overview, and isn't directed towards RPGM, as I haven't touched the engine in a long time to give any solid advice.

  • Like any software out there, you will have to learn how the interface works. Familiarize your self with that first. A screw driver isn't going to work properly if the person using it doesn't know how to operate it.
  • Even if your just dabbling in the software, it's still good to know where you want to take your game, that way you can see what set of skills you need to accomplish your game.
  • Understand your limits, and stay within it.
  • Push through the frustration. (Trust me, I've spent long days being frustrated at the software's I've been learning)
  • Commit some time into learning the software and be consistent about it.
  • Something to ask yourself, do I lack any skills that would be required to finish my game? Am I willing to hire someone to fill in what I lack, am I willing to learn that set of skills?
  • Most important, enjoy what you do, what you make and learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.


Dec 8, 2017
So, I have a bunch of little ideas for how I want my game to flow in terms of actual gameplay to erotic content ratio. Generally, the main way to earn scenes would be from combat, with perhaps some bonus inter-party scenes in towns. If you win, you would have the choice of killing the enemy outright, or getting a scene where the protagonist is dominant. If you lose, you would gain a scene where the protagonist is submissive, then either game over or just return to town with a penalty, I haven't decided that yet. I don't want dying to be entirely free of consequence...Though most people I guess would just reload in that case, which is also a punishment of lost progress, I suppose, if I don't allow free saving. I do like something I've seen a couple times where you recruit characters from the opposing forces to complete your party, so I'll probably do something with that...I just don't want to get too ambitious and lose face by bailing on the project, is I guess my biggest concern right now.

@Egglock Thanks for the advice! I didn't want to just make another post thanking someone without adding anything of my own to the conversation, so I did that. Heh.


Oct 17, 2017
I'd say not solely from combat, I've played some, where I had to "intentionally" lose just to unlock scenes. Boy was that annoying. Especially when the character is high level with a lot of hp, and one of the scene ties to a low level monster. Not the funnest of times. As far as losing, I'd say find an alternative to the classic "Game over" screen and getting sent back to the title screen. I'm all for getting some form of penalty for losing. As far as saving goes, as long as the save points are spread in a good fashion it can work. No one wants to repeat the same process for messing up, breaks the flow of the game in my opinion. Regardless of what direction you take your game, best of luck to you.

I'm no guru concerning RPGM, but I'll share whatever knowledge I've acquired in terms of game development.


Dec 8, 2017
A lot of games with similar scenes include a skill whereby you can just K.O. yourself to get it over with, which I wouldn't mind having the character earn later, but most give it up at the start, which kinda defeats the purpose of the scenes being unlocked in my opinion. If you're going to make it that easy to fulfill the requirements just unlock it in the menu for beating it and move on. Yeah, I do kinda get that a standard game over screen can get tedious/annoying, so I'd be open to alternatives to that. Maybe just have it quickly flash on screen and then send you straight to the Load Game menu to save time? As far as game flow is concerned, in RPGs at least, to me, it feels like learning and fighting for progress is part of the intended effect usually, though I might be biased since quite a few of my top-ten games are classified by most as "difficult games."

Unrelatedly, but in that case, wouldn't it be easier to just make a new game, find that monster and lose to it then, rather than trying to find a way to die to it when you're end-game tier?


Oct 17, 2017
I was never given an option to K.O myself lol. Hence why I said that. Then again maybe I didn't go far enough to receive that skill? But a K.O options sounds good. Not saying to make it easy to acquire scenes, just design it so it flows with the players level, so they don't have to backtrack to unlock those scenes? Restart huh? that never crossed my mind when I play RPG games.

As far as game over goes, maybe something along the lines, of being defeated, and getting sent to a hospital? player loses anything they looted during the process? Though this would require some coding, so if you want the easiest route, the game over -> load screen would probably be the easiest. Again nothing too major to lose any sleep over.

Game flow? I don't think I mention anything about game flow? It was more towards the save system you plan to implement. I was just saying, if the player doesn't have the option to save whenever they want, just make sure the save points aren't so spread apart. As it can cause some annoyance if they die and have to redo everything up to the point where they died at.