Fair enough. I cant do any comparisons by myself between 40xx Nv cards other than look at stats.
As my previous card was from amd, i am mostly using c4d and it has somewhat support for amd card. but it really suck.
I mean really really suck. A bit faster than cpu rendering but still blehh.
Going from my prev amd card to this 4070 Ti Super was like switching from a old Lada to a space ship with ftl drive.
When it comes to rendering and gaming Vram is indeed King it has basically always been that way.
And number of Shader cores etc.
Cuda is mosly usefull where you can do a lot parallel calculations.
That is lights/shadows so forth. but can also be procedural things. mat/text.
imagine a finite mandelbot at 1k.. it only takes a few parameters. "little data" but can be parallelized like crazy cos of the symmetry if it. so a ton of parallel calculations.
but in games. they often trick the player by using baked lightmaps/shadow maps and not rely on real time calulations.
othen they just have 1-3 lights that can cast shadows. and that is often done in the shader by simple means as raymaching.
So few games uses Cuda and|or RT cores to its fully potensial.
So he should think about if he will be doing other things aswell like mentioned. AI, CV, Other modeling tools/rendering engines etc in the future..
Or is he only going to be doing Rendering with Daz.
If he is to only focus on Daz rendering not not mess around so much other things.
The a 4060 Ti might be the best "Bang for the buck"
I am happy with my card. it was expensive tho.
Dont just rush and buy a card.
Anyway.. I am never going back to Cpu rendering OR a AMD card