Others - Completed - Run Away From Monsters [Final] [Pixelart]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is good if you want to break your keyboard... Trying to mash out of an enemy grasp is virtually impossible in this game. I don't know how you're meant to finish the first level but the game glitch every time i pass the purple portal (it's like your character goes in the background or some sht). The hurtboxes are horrible as well. Every time her sword takes contact with spikes, she takes damage... And enemies don't take damage from spikes, how fair is that? I've played some side scrollers who had low quality design but at least their gameplay and story were there. I automatically gave them a good review. But this game (Run away from monsters) ... Everything feels unfinished and it is a supposedly completed game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Ah... this game gives me alot of frustration. I just started to play the game and fell out of bounds to the left of a start location, and it even don't kill you (that's the best part of a game I think).
    Graphics is normal. but animations are bad and bulky, fighting is unpleasant.
    If monsters rapes you. you have almost no chance to get off them, because random mashing buttons won't work, atleast up-down k-l mashing do something, but not always, looks like game doesn't want to register all of that mashing, so raping is long and painfull death to you (even if you break off, they might instantly rape you again, and you may pray for a God for luck, so you can break off again).
    I can't even finish first level, because japanese demon-creator won't let you go through a portal. Hating portals ?
    PS: after monsters death, THEY CAN STILL RAPE YOU A LITTLE BIT, WHY ?!
    Can't recommend it.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    So let's get the obvious out of the way first—the "escape" mechanic is ridiculously inconsistent, and the game doesn't tell you how to accomplish it. That leaves you mashing any and every button on your keyboard in the vain hope that the stars align and you miraculously escape to continue playing. It would be one thing if the game actually divulged most of its mechanics in some way to the player, like small icons over the action or signposts in the background, but the game demands you just instinctively know these things from the beginning.

    The controls are... awful, to say the least. No game should have this much stutter and lag, especially one with such a small file size. Compounded onto that, apparently the game's controls are more heavily weighted to go left instead of right; that is to say, if you're holding left and right at the same time and perform an attack, if you let go of 'D', your character will immediately face left, wasting your attack.

    Speaking of attacks, using your javelin attack (the 'L' key) seems infinitely safer, albeit far more time-consuming to try and get through since it's tied to your mana bar, and your mana replenishes one point roughly every five seconds. All enemies seem to have the same five hit points, so there's no reason to needlessly endanger yourself if at all possible... I say that the attack is "safer" not only because it puts you out of range of the enemy (mind you, it can only attack as far as the edge of the screen, so you must partially see the enemy to attack them), but because in the earliest parts of the level, there are spikes and other hazards near some of the smaller enemies... and if you hit those spikes with your sword—which is considered part of your character's hurtbox, for some asinine reason—you take damage and the attack is canceled. You can mitigate this, however, though it is mildly complicated: if you jump in the air and manage to land an attack on an enemy, your character will momentarily hover, which can be useful for avoiding spikes on the ground when attacking.

    I won't mention the graphics or the sound quality; what you see is what you get, and the only song in the game is just a one-minute loop, give or take... please don't waste your time on this mess. It's not worth the used hard drive space.