Collection - Video - Ruria Raw collection [2021-06-29] [Ruria]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Under request of Ruria, I am reviewing this collection.

    Visuals, 3/5: Mixed Bag.
    The models and characters are pleasantly detailed and it's clear a lot of effort went into them. Close ups, you can see skin spots and blemishes and the likes, and afar, they look like actual fleshy people, not like dolls with utterly perfect skin (for the most part). In that kind of sense, it's pretty good. If you like realistic models, this would be fine, however...

    The creator is already aware of the certain uncanny valley (addressed in 0003_6110x4096), and like what I originally thought; yes, it's very much like "Alita: Battle Angel" in that sense (at least like the movie). It's not so much as gross for me personally, just discomforting. Also, some characters look like they're in a constant state of... Oil? Lube? Basically, way too shiny. Yes, sweat and saliva will reflect light but, if you look at Mercy_FuCK_03, when it zooms to her sucking off the guy, his dick is WAY too shiny. Like it's some sort of plastic covered in oil.

    Also, in certain videos such as 2B_Above, it looks like she's supposed to be holding something, but isn't. If you look in the mirror, you can tell what I mean. Also during the handjob ones, the hands are just robotic. It's like they transition from one point to the other, and cycle perfectly. While it might be fine for thrusting in pussy or ass or something, I tend to feel as though hands are not quite the same. Just might be me though.

    The best looking character would have to be Tifa. Her face isn't weird (again, to me personally). RuRu has that uncanny valley, as well CoCo but to a lesser extent. 2B (without the mask) looks strange, especially in the stills, like in 2B_02 with her hair and eyes. Also with 2B_Leg, her knee just sort of... Yeah. I know it's possible for some people but... Maybe contortion-ism isn't my thing. The models are detailed, but some just are like they're plastic with oil drippings, and others just look plain strange.

    I care VERY VERY DEEPLY about the face of my characters, especially when it comes to sexy ones. So let me tell you that;
    RuRu's big eyes are something that can (mostly) only be good on anime characters. Because they're not realistic. RuRu is almost realistic, but with giant golf ball eyes. Which is why I like Tifa the most; her face. It's realistic in proportion.
    More about faces; certain facial expressions can look kinda... scuffed. CoCo_SE comes to mind. To be honest, I can't quite tell what's so weird about it; it just feels sort of stiff?

    Also, for the "HD_RR_Adventures_01" It's trying to be a comic. And while good enough for a chuckle, the text boxes are that plain ol' black and white boxes with text. But at least they're nowhere near as bad as a certain, "AA" comics. The AA with colgate lookin' ass hair.
    No but seriously, the "comic" part of the images could use work. I couldn't tell you how to sure-fire improve it, but one way might be to just do it like the "interview" (0001 stuff).

    Too fucking long, didn't read shit:
    Their skin and BODY proportions are good, no tits literally half their body size, and no child fucking (so basically, no extremes); but when it comes to faces, they're scuffed; either eyes make it feel like you're looking at a doll (somewhat) or their faces are... Stiff(?) in certain videos. The creator is aware of it to an extent, which is good. Might be too late to change the OC though.

    Audio, 5/5: Good.
    Trying to keep it short, but;
    It's fine. What sounds need to be there are there. The dialogue is fine. I can't reasonably say there's any major flaws. Maybe there is but I missed it. But I'm more focused on the visuals so...

    Overall, 3/5: Needs Work
    Overall, it's okay. Most characters fall into the uncanny valley, with eyes too big for a human-like head (and body). There are no extreme kinks such as guro, scat, and to a lesser extent, NTR and watersports (yes I'd consider them somewhat extreme). There IS some futa/shemale.
    The detailing is great, and the audio department is fine. But for most, I'm 70% sure people won't be able to bust a nut because of how eerie some of the characters are.
    For the creator, I'm sorry; but you do need to re-work your OC's eyes. I don't mind her body proportions. But think of like, Sonic before the rework in the most recent Sonic movie; before, he had more realistic eyes on a very fictional body/head. Then, he had more cartoonish eyes on a cartoonish body, which, while still a bit strange considering it's live-action, is LEAGUES better than previous. So just do the opposite. Or something.

    Sorry for the long ass review.