RPGM - Completed - Ruruka and the Great Sorcerer's Erotic Trap Dungeon! ~In Search of the Ancient Great Treasure~ [v1.0] [Sazameki Street]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A cute, mindless, and short, straight to the fun game. The premise is a roguelike puzzle "action" rpg in rpgmake, but the gameplay is quite easy and just an excuse to put the protagonist in weird situation. Don't worry about game overs and have fun!
    Likes: Xhin
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Not bad imo, but nothing extraordinary. The game is primarily a CG viewer with some added context and small flares for a "better" experience. I enjoyed my 2 hours with it but I can see some people hating it

    Standard RPGMaker 'everything': menus, tiles, sprites, music, sound effects, etc. The game is self contained and brief so I don't mind it all that much. Dev put in as much as effort as necessary without feeling like it's missing something

    Your goal is to reach the bottom of a dungeon while you avoid enemies, traps, terrain, and managing a lust meter that increases as you interact with the world. Gameplay loop is something like this: You start a "run" -> collect treasure->Avoid enemies-> Look for key items on each level that makes traversal easier->Go to the next level -> Return to town when your lust is about to max -> Go to the brothel and whore the MC twice (for money and increased lust tolerance) -> Start a "run" -> Repeat until you finish the game.
    There are no battles and levels have a couple of simple puzzles that you need to do to reach the end.

    Small amounts of voice acting (for moans and such) and "sex" slapping effects, they help the porn a lot. Music and other effects are present but totally forgettable.

    Visual Art
    This is by far the best thing about the game, everything is consistent in terms of anatomical proportions with a good amount of eroticism. If this is not to your taste or are not convinced by the previews just skip the game entirely, this is the one pillar holding everything together.

    The dev for a change actually did a manual English translation that reads well for the most part, I didn't notice anything too egregious or MTLish about it which is a good thing. Unfortunately writing is a whole bunch of nothing, it just does the bare minimum to establish the context needed for what's happening on the screen.

    Almost every scene has two variations, a regular one and one where your lust is over 50%, scenes play out whenever you touch an enemy or interact with the environment in some way, they are brief with 2-3 lines of dialogue each, and you go on your way seeing several of these disjointed snippets as you make your way down to the dungeon. Once you reach max lust you get a "special" scene for each area and then are forced to go back to town. There's no set up or consequence to anything and sex just happens.

    Honestly the game is closer to a 2.5 star rating, I gave it a 3 because I didn't hate the time I spent with it. You may be better off getting a full save or even looking up the CG set on sad panda, that will get you a similar experience.