RPGM - Completed - Ryorin Academy - The Targetted Disciplinary Officer Aoi Nanami [v1.1] [Poison]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is one of poison's earliest games (developer/artist). H scenes are 10/10 (well drawn, serves the niche kink, etc). Gameplay is bad.. Every chapter your level/stats gets reset. The only way to get stronger is to "farm"/ kill rats with a 1 minute deadline/ or until you die. You can allocate stats. The only worthwhile stats are power/attack and defense. Other stats are traps/ useless. All boss fights are gimicky fights that you will 95% chance to lose if you don't get the items required for that boss fight/ have enough healing. In the good side, there are technically multiple branches of the story depending if you lose against the boss of the chapter or not. The good ending does not even require virginity. It is based on a points system (how many boss fights you won).

    Train guys will fck you if you try to catch them on chapter one end (kind of unintuitive since most H games you get the H scene if you don't react while getting harassed on the train). Download the save if you just want the scenes, the gameplay is mediocre and the story is: Disciplinary officer goes and does her job. Whether she fails or not is up to you. If you want to get the Happy ending, or the "Happy ending".
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    For a small game it does a lot with a little, it reminds me of some of the other school corruption games. Though this one has the sex scenes coming from losing battles. The art is not bad, not great and not much variety per scene, but its still there.

    Gameplay is not hard, and if you are NOT paying attention you will lose where you are supposed to go and what you need to do, overall its a walk around and do events kind of game. I did provide a walkthrough in a later post, so if you get stuck use that. The combat can be tough depending on how much money you have saved up, and the first couple require you to have a special item equipped so you don't lost immediately.

    Losing levels, and unequipping items, each day is annoying but since the game really only has 7 days you play its not that bad. Having to fight rats each time to level up is a strange mechanic, and you WILL need to do it to make the fights more even. Honestly, cheat the save to add money or items since the game is so short you don't need to worry about unbalancing it.

    Not a bad little game to play, and kill a few hours.

    Art is not bad + Small game providing a lot + fleshed out MC at least with a story = 3
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    My main gripe for games like this is that there is absolutely NO NEED for maps to be this big and for directions to be so vague. Occasionally the game text will explicitly tell you "go to classroom 3-b" or something like that; and that's fine, because even though you have no idea what the layout of the school is (because it's a fictional school that you've never been in before) at least there should be some pattern to find that classroom, and thankfully you can figure out that pattern quickly enough to only make it slightly irritating.

    But then you get prompts like "well I guess I can't help but look everywhere for them" or "he was bullied by people who are in a higher grade than him" which is the most absolutely bullshit prompt for a storyline - it tells you nothing about where you should go and serves only to pad out the gameplay time to force you to run around the map trying to read the author's mind. If you don't have anything of value to add to the dialogue, then just skip that portion of the game or story, it's not fun to spend 5-10 minutes running around oversized maps to find the next railroaded section of the story; which brings me to my next point:

    This is barely a game. Honestly it could have just been a visual novel, the only real gameplay involved in this are the combats which can hardly be considered fun gameplay. You either will destroy the enemy or they will destroy you (depending on if you find the powerup required for the fight). And how do you find the powerup? You guessed it: more running around large maps searching for an unknown item. At any given moment the only things that you can do during a chapter is: try to find the next step of the story, kill rats (which you can only do once per chapter) to gain levels, or run around the map trying to find a bonus item that will make the fight for the chapter possible to win. And you might be thinking "well that's three options, that's decent", and I guess if that's all you're looking for, great... but the rat combat basically boils down to mashing the confirm key until you die because there's no strategy involved in the combat (she has the option to attack, do a slightly stronger attack that costs energy, do a different slightly stronger attack that costs energy, or defend).

    Now there are some good parts to the game; the art is decent, there don't seem to be any bugs, and the translation is way better than the average MTL. However, I will point out again that the good aspects of the game simply make it a visual novel with extra steps. If you cut out the bad parts of the game, it is a decent visual novel; if you leave the bad parts in, it's a clunky and time consuming game for mediocre payoff.

    Cut out the fluff and this game could be a 3.5 or 4 out of 5. As it stands I felt i was being generous with the 2 simply because I didn't encounter any bugs and the art wasn't bad
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've previously played through the Japanese version of this game multiple times to unlock all the endings. Using ancient terrible translators to at least understand something in this game.
    I will describe some points you should know:
    Lots of text
    A lot of running back and forth, especially if you don’t read the text
    Nice art, gallery consists of 4 pages
    The battles are standard for the JRPG genre
    The battles themselves are few, but they are difficult. To defeat each boss, there is something hidden in the world map that will make the battle with a specific boss easier.
    And also, every day, the heroine’s level is reset to zero. To level up, you need to go to the training room and beat rats there, depending on how many of them you kill in a limited period of time, you will get a level. Next in the game menu you can upgrade the characteristics to your taste. The problem with combat is that every chapter you will again need to run around and kill rats in order to level up. But since there are few chapters themselves (7-9, I don’t remember exactly), it won’t be that difficult.

    Well, how does the gameplay itself go?
    The main character is appointed as a member of the committee, and her task is to maintain order in the school. The plot is divided into chapters, one day for each chapter. The heroine receives news that one of the students is misbehaving somewhere, and she investigates the matter and then punishes him. If she fails, then she is punished. Then a new day comes, and whether she wins or not, a new bully appears for her to deal with. Therefore, if she could not defeat the enemy, then he will remain in the new chapter, and now you will have to deal with both the old and the new enemy. But at the same time, if she loses 3 times to the same opponent, then the game will end and the ending associated with it will come. When all the days/chapters end, the end of the game will also come, and the ending is influenced by some events that happened or did not happen to the heroine.

    That's all.