HTML - Completed - S.L.A.T. Foundation [v1.4.0] [MilkyNail]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has very poor content, even version 0.9.5. The developer wants to make money, i have nothing against it. But seeing how little content there is in the "demo" version, i’m not sure that after payment there will be enough content there.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for version 9.5

    This game still feels a bit early despite the version number -- there's no denying that -- and yes some might be legitimately concerned that the client can pull pictures from an online repository without warning in past builds.

    However, that is looking past several positives. As for the above negatives:

    Re: game feels early in development
    The updates are coming rather regularly, which is saying something for MilkyNail. Assuming they don't completely refactor the whole game years into development (e.g. Young Maria), and they have the game designed from day 1 how they like so as to avoid falling afoul of Patreon's policies, then this game could be very promising.

    Re: game pulls pictures from an online connection and doesn't tell players
    As of the time of this review (v9.5), the player not only is informed that pictures are pulled from online, they are also given in-game links to go into settings and change it so that the game is in offline mode instead and looks to a local directory for art and animations. This addresses both concerns.

    Re: the grammar and writing are subpar
    This is true. There's no getting around this. MilkyNail desperately needs an editor to proofread and correct their writing. They've been a developer long enough that this can't be overlooked or excused any longer. The heart of it is good enough, but it lacks polish.

    As foreshadowed, there are some notable pros too, though!

    1. While the concept is familiar (sissification), the presentation and initial story are unique and refreshing. It can be a bit confusing precisely what's going on and why, but I suspect that's intentional as the player character themselves is in a rushed and confusing unfortunate sequence of events. It's a literary tool by some authors to limit exposition and put their readers into a similar out-of-kilter state.

    2. The UI. MilkyNail has made great strides in improving the user experience and ease of the UI that they typically employ. There are so very many HTML games on F95zone that have absolutely atrocious UI. I'm glad to see that S.L.A.T. Foundation is not one of them.

    Please note: there are plenty of reasons to be disappointed with MilkyNail's past games, but I believe that is skewing the reviews and perception of this game. Until MilkyNail truly stumbles, I suggest we all give S.L.A.T. Foundation a fair shake.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Oh man this one's pretty bad. Firstly I'd like to say that the pixel art is actually pretty good. Props to the artist there. But everything else is just bad. Gameplay is slow and monotonous, sex scenes happen in a very boring and tedious minigame and there are basically no characters to interact with. I like the premise of a cyberpunk sex slave making reform school for people. But there is zero meat on this games bones. Also the K-On dressup graphics have never looked good.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I have to agree with everyone else on this. It's a weak prototype with very little gameplay and even less art. It's a workable proof of concept at best but really it's just going to get abanndoned like his last 2 games. Which thankfully someone else picked up the peaces for Young Mara if I recall, so maybe that'll happen again here, but who knows.

    As is I cant recommend this for anyone, it's at best a minor time waster, with a few interesting ideas that just don't go anywhere.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    S.L.A.T. Foundation [v0.8.0]: Bare-minimum prototype, Terrible Experience, Anti-consumer practices
    Note: For anyone who's looking for 'gay' content that's not Femboy / Sissification, no need to bother with this game at all.

    Pros: Workable premise, decent art direction
    • Horrific gameplay:
      • It's super grindy (So they can sell you cheat versions),
      • The grind is done thru boring & poorly designed mini-games, that create no engagement only annoyance and time wasting
    • Sex scenes are terrible:
      • They are sequences that's procedural generated: Repetitive and Soulless
      • For a text-based game, the writing is 'bare minimum'
    • Super greedy and aggressive monetisation:
      • For a prototype with almost no content, the dev already laid out a well designed Monetisation structure:
        • For different paid tier, you'd be able to cheat different 'variables', based on the impact and the difficulty to grind
        • Means game is not designed to be 'enjoyable', but to be funnelled to their paid versions.
      • Thus the dev hv every motivation to make this game as 'inconvenient' as possible, so they can sell you the 'solutions'
      • The price tags are very high, at $5, $15, $24 per month