VN - Others - Completed - SaDistic BlooD [Final v1.0] [Black Cyc]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Listen, if you see the tags and think 'maybe this isn't for me' ITS NOT FOR YOU. Like unless you see the tags and are 100% onboard please skip this. This is VERY graphic and long bad ends. If you enjoy that go nuts but its not for everyone and if you think you're on the fence do not try it. This is the kind of stuff that will keep you up at night.

    The main story/good end is a nice twist and wholesome but this is focused on the bad ends which are very very bad...ends
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The story isn't anything special, but the scenes were all very enjoyable especially as a fan of guro and ryona!
    It's not very long, I wish the characters were expanded upon more though.
    Character designs were pretty cute.
    All in all, pretty decent for a fun short game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    Very cool game and well made. Not to long and not to short but really hard stuff. The girls aka vampires are extremly cute, its really hard to see the bad endings with them so try to reach the god endings. I recommend a walkthrough, but I forgot where i found it so you have to search. When you make the wrong decision your 2 vampire girls get killed in the most horrible torture, I have had nightmares 2 days and I like cruel stuff but this was to much for me! Overall a rare game and I like my 2 vampires and the god ending.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is Blood C level....

    And oh boy, if you’re coming in expecting a purely dark yuri visual novel with vampires, you are not going to have a fun time here. Absolutely not.

    To its credit, if you survive long enough, the yuri scenes are long af. And mapping out each choice is actually hard because its a tangled web . any wrong choice can hit you like 6 choices later.

    it really feels like a "choose your own adventure" but with a "pick from our many, many selection of bad ends."

    TL;DR Bad endings reveal the story more, has brutal af scenes and hints the mistakes. The true ending ..., if you got the first time, well shit you missed/lucked out and were really playing 5 head.

    Short visual novel, prob long if you get tilted or not resistant to guro(or like it) or a OCD gamer
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Publius Clodius Pulcher

    ✓ Artwork is great, beautiful character design.
    ✓ Appeals to a niche fan-base of gentlemen with sophisticated tastes (guro, ryona).

    ✗ Only three female characters.
    ✗ Insufficient sex scenes.
    ✗ Story is forgettable.

    PS: I would recommend instead Euphoria or Maggot Baits, but this is an enjoyable title and it's free.