Unity - Completed - SaiIn Rhythm [Final] [GTai, GentleDriver]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Lets do this quickly ey

    Art: Great

    Live2D: Very good

    Voices: Something slightly off but i cant place it

    Music: Slaps

    Visual effects: Incredible

    Sound effects: Atrocious

    Rhytm: nowhere to be found.

    Design choices. VERY questionable.

    Content: Limited

    The game looks fantastic but feels very off as your presses sound like a hardtack hitting the floor. It's a sound that really doesn't belong to the music. Doesn't help that the game also RANDOMIZES the button sequence so you can't even practice you moves.

    Doesnt help that the game doesn't have any indicator of when you should press to be in time with the music so your beat presses are all over the game.

    If you can do it in one swoop the whole experience will probably take you an hour or less. Reading all scenes is included in that time, i skipped the text entirely.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    alright so this game has 4 sex scenes, 3 stages, and no gallery mode. the final stage is kind of fun and challenging to an extent, and the first + last sex scenes are alright, but to me it was really like...

    "Wait, that's it? That's the whole game?"

    honestly i don't even think it's all that worth anyone's time just due to how little content there is, but if you really like the screenshots shown, then i guess maybe give it a shot???

    i'm giving it 3 stars because honestly the gameplay isn't bad and half of the sex scenes i enjoyed, and the other two aren't bad either, just kinda boring i guess?