RPGM - Completed - Saint Sasha and the Scarlet Demon's Stone [v1.05] [studio little-fish]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good experience, gorgeous main character. Reminds me of Ambrosia and other games of that studio, of course Ambrosia being the best since the MC is blonde, like this one.
    If you like Ambrosia and submissive blondes try this one.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Played for almost 9 hours. To tell this in short. This game is NOT WORTH PLAYING AT ALL. WHY?

    -Protagonist is 14 years old ( believe me it makes you feel bad instead)
    -Tons of bugs that makes the game hard to traverse
    -Some gallery scenes are still locked even if you had seen it. (some translations also are wrong ex: cowgirl but it's a fellatio)
    -Tries to be like Enishia but fails miserably in all aspects
    -Bad story pacing with no mechanics on what you can do every week.
    - Small map
    -Bad Artwork and overused CGs
    - No voicelines, only moans
    - Unfulfilling Ending which makes it look like the dev just make fun of you for playing for too long.
    - No Battlefuck, enemy just grabs the protagonist and that's it.

    I think this is one of the worst games i've ever played. Can't even tell why I wasted 9 hours of my life.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Saint Sasha and the Scarlet Demon's Stone 1.05, MTL Translation by DazedAnon

    I tried to like this game. I really did. It has everything I could possibly like but this version (1.05) of the game is simply unplayable. The game is infested with bugs from those which don't impact the gameplay too much (like after seeing the dance event, your character portrait will be stuck with the dancer clothing) to game breaking bugs (such as the Goblin Leader quest not spawning any goblins or when you watch the bath event and her ass gets stuck on your face).

    The game is clearly inspired by Shimobashira Workshop games and it's setting is nothing new. A nun needs to repay a debt and from that her corruption story starts, but what frustrates me the most is that most of those stories have plain protagonist that don't have much personality nor reactions to what's happening to her, and this game is also guilty of that.

    The Good:
    • The translation is good enough.
    • The main character is gorgeous. No exaggerated proportions.
    • The artstyle is above average.
    • As I said before, the premise is OK and the main story is also OK.

    The Bad:
    • The character portrait is just a wast of space, the heroine only has one facial expression and from what I saw only one variation (nun clothes and dancer clothes).
    • The story is all over the place, no real sense of progression.
    • Most scenarios are boring, nothing new or that I haven't seen anywhere else.

    The Ugly:
    • The game is infested with bugs, some of them are tame while others destroy your progression.
    • The crafting system/ harvesting feels like an afterthought, it's been a while since I saw a game with such a bad implementation.
    • The main heroine is like wooden board. No traits that differentiates her from other female protagonists and her reactions during H-Scenes are boring.

    For those sins and many more. I can't recommend this game, just download a full gallery save and be done with it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    in term of hentai it does pretty good job for another "Nun paying debt" but for the game play it very bare bone , lack of gameplay contest with a very basic RPGM gameplay that can be made within a month
    just downloads the save file , there nothing to play here
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Barebones, extremely lazy hrpg that is clearly copying Enishia from Shimobashira, but with only about 15% of the dev effort and content. A scene will often be a single CG and 4 or 5 lines of dialogue, and no npcs will comment on anything lewd related to the protag unless it's event related. You can click on literally every npc and none of them say anything. As a result the world feels dead and like nothing effects anything. The standing images also don't reflect lewd events she just stares creepily at you while getting groped like a dead fish with yandere eyes. The one saving grace I like which is a personal preference is the art is kinda good and reminds me of Branded Azel or Knight of Erin's art. Also corruption games with bestiality scenes in them are excellent because the filthier the fmc becomes the better. Overall I recommend skipping or waiting for a full gallery save because it oozes laziness and even the reviews on dlsite reflect this.