Seeking Sandbox game with custom scene/posing tools/editor


Sep 11, 2017
I want to find a game (or relatively newbie-friendly tool, even) that lets you make your own custom scenes, poses, character customizations, etc. Needs to at least have a fair bit of furry content (or the ability to mod it in without too much difficulty), and would be extra nice if it had the ability to include other decidedly non-human entities like tentacles, slimes, alien creatures, etc. A couple examples I already know of to give a better idea what I'm looking for:
  • I already know about K17/Klub 17, but it's pretty dated these days and has issues, plus the community tends to vanish and go through a period of turmoil every few years. Plus it's hard to get much *good* furry/non-human content into the game, last I checked.
  • Wild Life has a wonderful editor that I overall like, including the ability to script events, but so far you can't make your own poses, as far as I can tell.
  • Yiffalicious had some promise, but I haven't kept up with it lately; last I saw, the options for custom poses were more limited, plus all the characters seemed to be a bit, well... oversized.
To be clear, I'm really not interested in something that's just human x human stuff. (And for the record, I basically count elves, anime "catgirls", dwarves, and frankly even orcs and goblins, and all other such fantasy humanoids as basically humans for this purpose) Nor do I want to be railroaded into any existing lore/plot/story etc., I just want to be able to make my own custom scenarios with relatively easy-to-learn tools, where I don't have to go creating my own 3d models from the ground up. On a related note, though, I'm also just curious to know what games out there, even text-based, offer thorough built-in editors/scene makers/etc. in general, because it seems to be a pretty rare feature.

PS: no vr-only games. Sadly, I don't have access to that kind of stuff yet.
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Dec 9, 2021
You are going to be hard pressed to find something that fits everything you are looking for without learning DAZ.

There are mods for Skyrim including the Furry Age you may give you the most you are looking for but I personally found it a pain to install.

I have seen pics of people pulling off some cool scenes in Second Life though requires working/paying other creators.

Speaking of Yiffalicious, that team is working on a new engine title FurryVNE (Furry Visual Novel Engine) but it still seems to be in development with no real news or play data outside their mid level Patron.


Sep 11, 2017
You are going to be hard pressed to find something that fits everything you are looking for without learning DAZ.
I've heard of DAZ but isn't it kind of limited? IIRC there are mainly only human models available, right?

There are mods for Skyrim including the Furry Age you may give you the most you are looking for but I personally found it a pain to install.
Unfortunately, to this day I still don't have Skryim. And I'm pretty sure there's no mod that lets you easily create your own poses, unless I'm mistaken? Don't get me wrong, I may still someday get and play the game just for its own sake, but I don't think it's relevant here.

I have seen pics of people pulling off some cool scenes in Second Life though requires working/paying other creators.
Oh man, Second Life... that takes me back, heh. I haven't touched that thing in over a decade. But yeah, money. And there again, I seem to recall the method of creating your own poses was a bit tedious and confusing, although this is going off of really outdated info/experience.

Speaking of Yiffalicious, that team is working on a new engine title FurryVNE (Furry Visual Novel Engine) but it still seems to be in development with no real news or play data outside their mid level Patron.
Yeah I'd heard about that. Heck, I still get emails from their Patreon which I was subscribed to for like a year (back when it was still Yiffalicious), despite eventually dropping it when I got tired of the lack of certain features, the slow updates, and almost all the characters being kinda... overstuffed, if you know what I mean. That or overly-muscular. No judgement to those that like that, but not for me.


Active Member
Oct 29, 2019
Koikatsu has tons of mods to make your own custom characters as well as its "Studio" program to make your own custom scenes using scene "maps" to place them in numerous people have made. There are also tons of characters of almost any variety you can think of that people have made via "character cards." Its anime style, so if you're looking for "realistic" (lol) graphics, this won't be it.... but its a great sandbox type game to have a wide variety of characters.

One thing I will say however, given you're looking for furry stuff. I know furry types tend to make their characters extremely exaggerated in proprtions. You'll break the animations (not a CTD, it'll just make the animations broken/not work correctly) if you make their thighs/breasts/waist/etc too large, or make their characters too large. (The game really doesn't like rendering big waifus).

I'm not into furry stuff but figured I'd point you in that direction. There's too much stuff with the game/mods that I couldn't even explain (as I'm just an "enjoyer"). There's no real "lore" at all, very sandoxy with a barebones "story" with a few characters, otherwise just some dating mechanics (which with mods you can cheat anyhow). All base characters are human, but again, you can DL/edit/make your own.

Lastly, don't bother if you have a potato PC, or at least don't use too many characters at the same time. I've got a really high end PC and it likes to give my CPU/RAM a good benchmark test at times. I find that Koikatsu Sunshine its "sequel" is less significantly resource intensive btw with even less of any sort of story tbh.


Sep 11, 2017
Koikatsu has tons of mods to make your own custom characters as well as its "Studio" program to make your own custom scenes using scene "maps" to place them in numerous people have made. There are also tons of characters of almost any variety you can think of that people have made via "character cards." Its anime style, so if you're looking for "realistic" (lol) graphics, this won't be it.... but its a great sandbox type game to have a wide variety of characters.
Definitely not too worried about "realistic" lol, but also not interested in a bunch of boring human x human stuff. Need to at least have some furries in the mix (no, catgirls and other "human with animal ears" etc. don't count). Even better would be the ability to add in completely non-humanoid entities. Monsters, tentacles, etc.

One thing I will say however, given you're looking for furry stuff. I know furry types tend to make their characters extremely exaggerated in proprtions. You'll break the animations (not a CTD, it'll just make the animations broken/not work correctly) if you make their thighs/breasts/waist/etc too large, or make their characters too large. (The game really doesn't like rendering big waifus).
Yeah no I'm definitely not into that oversized shit. I find it offputting. Only some furries are into that, and I'm definitely not one of them, lol. Hell, I don't even care for slightly larger than average tits.

I'm not into furry stuff but figured I'd point you in that direction. There's too much stuff with the game/mods that I couldn't even explain (as I'm just an "enjoyer"). There's no real "lore" at all, very sandoxy with a barebones "story" with a few characters, otherwise just some dating mechanics (which with mods you can cheat anyhow). All base characters are human, but again, you can DL/edit/make your own.

Lastly, don't bother if you have a potato PC, or at least don't use too many characters at the same time. I've got a really high end PC and it likes to give my CPU/RAM a good benchmark test at times. I find that Koikatsu Sunshine its "sequel" is less significantly resource intensive btw with even less of any sort of story tbh.
I'll look into it and I appreciate the feedback, but it sounds like it's mostly just an anime waifu sim type thing so I won't hold my breath about it, heh. Thanks anyway though!