VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sassy Girl [v1.0.0] [Hematite]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great VN, quite slept on.

    Fantastic art, very hot, and the girls are all mostly likeable.

    The sexual encounters are quite long and very creative, it's not just your standard fuckfest that is in a lot of these games.

    I enjoyed this one quite a bit.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    When this game started I thought it was awesome. A mistery story, what will happen, nice renders, a top tier Li Milf. Now this game, for me, we all express our opinion here, it's the first game everyone should ignore.

    From the forced scenes to the "I'm your mother but I'm sick story.." this game became a must ignore for people that want to keep their sanity intact. What a waste of top tier models and a story that could become something.

    I wish there was a zero stars grade...
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    STORY 9.5/10 First Half 4/10 The Second Half The Story of this game started off strong for me and was up there with some of my favorite games. I not sure how much story is left about I guessing about mid way it takes an unexcepted twist that am not a fan of. It has me questing if I want to continue play it to its end.

    Character Models 9/10 I really liked the looks and personality of the characters. A few of them lose points with me in the second half of the game making it hard to like them.

    My biggest criticism of the game is the twist introduce in the mid part of the game it really off-putting in my opinion. It really disappointed me.

    Overall I would give the first half 9.5 of 10 After the midway Twist I would give it a 4.5 of 10
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Story 9/10 great story with great progression
    It also has themes like mental health so great

    Art 10/10 great art can't wait for the story to

    Choices 10/10 a lot of choices that can stop
    Certain paths

    Kinks 10/10 kinks like maledom and pregnancy

    Content 10/10;a lot of content and it is
    approaching conclusion

    Great game can't wait for ending
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It is rare to find a game where the rape tag actually means something for once. Also the renders are very good and pleasant to look at. Kudos to the dev. Storyline is okay and passable enough. Hopefully other girls get more content.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Sassy Girl V0.4.17

    Last time I went in on Sassy Girl because story content wasn't making that much sense. In new updates and a response by the dev, we have since learned that being 'absurd' is a main requirement. If you go into this thinking you'll have a rollercoaster ride that doesn't always make sense, you will be fine.

    Sassy Girl takes quite some time setting up characters. You have an absurd daydream about your therapist as the start of an adventure where Peter involves himself with many women around him. You’re a teen who’s father passed away and a benevolent mysterious man comes to give you money. In return, you must prove the infidelity of his wife. He gets you a job at her female ran gossip newspaper and from there on, you will have to find out what her life is like.

    Now while this synopsis sounds serious, the game does it's absolute best to throw you curveballs. As soon as mental disorders start coming around the story, you will be questioning what is real in this game. Are you going insane? Maybe, but not just you. As you progress, the story of the game slowly slips down the slope and all details matter less as you try to answer questions about your own life.

    This game tends to get quite edgy with more than a few kinks directly forced upon your path, so make sure you study the tags. While not everything tends to make sense in the grand scheme, scenes work on a basic level. With 0.4.17 we finally get Peter's view on things which basically tells us this is his power fantasy story.

    It looks great. Most of the women look great and that's a strong part of the game. Environments are recognizable. MC looks like a total chump, but that fits the story so it’s nothing crazy there. Sex scenes aren’t that intimate, more so sexually or predatory charged. Often ends quite soon or with little vigor. Little animation and sound design, but I personally don’t care for those.

    There aren’t that many intimate scenes per person, but what is there does look good and mostly believable. You will find that eventually all of the women have their vices and it's up to you to figure out what buttons to press in order to get them to open.

    Just VN choices. It's basically two routes - either you forcefully take advantage of everything or you don't, holding off to maintain a bit of mental sanity. There are a few optional choices here and there - most notably pregnancy, exhibitionism and infidelity.

    Sassy Girl is a game that likes being dark, absurd and edgy. People seem conflicted about it, but the new updates improve the overall story experience. If you’re into family-oriented or violent coercion stories, this is the game for you. If you’re looking for anything logic-oriented or a coherent slow burn, this might not be your cup of tea. You'll realize just how much people want things to happen even though they may say they don't.


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  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'd like to kudos the Dev for this game. I downloaded this game without seeing the incest tag, I just glanced it had animations and the banner had big milkers and that was enough for me to check it out. It's very rare for me to actually not guess the plot and the next events but this one completely caught me off guard which only made it much better when I got to that point in the story. It may have been a complete accident and I could be just seeing this with rose tinted glasses but it made it infinitely much better for me in the end. I give this 5/5, which is also a rare thing I do I might add.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous models, good variety of body types, good balance between fapability and engaging storyline; What more can you ask for? One of the best games on this site. I can wait to see what's next in the story!
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    This is a really great game. The story is interesting, and the model is beautiful.

    The model is beautiful, and the environment is also good. For me, 9/10.

    The animation is also good. For me, 9/10.

    It's an interesting story. I love to impregnate and fuck pregnant women it really hot. For me, 10/10.

    The characters are beautiful and have very interesting personalities. For me, 9/10.

    Overall, 9.5/10 for me.

    Sassy Girl is a fun game to play, in my opinion. I really recommend it. Janine is so sexy. I really love her.
  10. 4.00 star(s)



    I got to impregnate and fuck a pregnant redhead. :cool:

    With that being said, this is definitely an interesting story that borders on realism, yet requires a decent bit of "suspension of disbelief". No mother walks in on her son sodomizing her daughter and is like "Ya, this is fine".

    Most of the models are attractive, a few aren't. You get a mix of fat bottomed girls and skinny ones.

    The story to me seems fairly original. I feel like it could be re-written to be a bit more natural, but honestly the dev could do that after they have finished the game and are doing a remake.

    I will play future updates. Watching the MC's decent into madness along with his mother and seeing where all these delusional girls are willing to go could make for an interesting read while sipping my morning coffee.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The game started off strong had a ton of potential in the earlier chapters it had all the elements to tell a great story and had some decent visuals and characters to back it up, there where some romantic moments that I enjoyed and everything seemed to go in the right direction so what went wrong?

    You might ask then why the low rating? well its simple for some reason half way through the story everything that made the first chapters great disappears and it becomes a dumpster fire very quickly and by that I mean that the writing gets worse sentences start making less sense, characters turn in to complete psychos yelling and screaming at each other all the friendliness and romance is completely gone.

    The MC starts off as a normal dude pretty likeable in the beginning but that doesnt last forever because he is a total douchebag pervert in the latest updates he honestly gives me the creeps and its something you often see in the latest updates where characters act completely out of character from when you initially meet them in the early chapters.

    It honestly almost feels like two different devs worked on the game because I refuse to believe that the same person who made the pretty solid start of the game is the same making the latest chapters that are very subpar.

    The last two updates are indeed so bad that the MC rapes women and they even thank him for it nothing makes sense in the story anymore another thing that I thought was pretty dumb of the story that made no sense was the boss turning out to be the MC mom I felt like that was just shoved in the story for no reason other than for incest.

    Overall I do not recommend this AVN you're better off spending your time playing something better because from my experience of playing this game its like going from playing something nice with so much potential to seeing the game slowly descend in to madness and seeing everything get destroyed with each new update until there is nothing good left.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Sassy girls more like dumb bimbo sex doll. All of the women in this game are unlikeable sluts who talks like they wouldn't do anything with other men yet they they act like thirsty whore. There are not many sex scenes and plot, characters writing stupid. Renders and characters models are average. Ngl, wastes my time playing this one. If you like whorish women then this game for you cause it's really hard to like any of these characters.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Sassy Girl [v0.4.8]

    I played Dev's previous works and I enjoyed. I enjoyed this one too quality wise this one improved lot. I'm glad this one male protagonist game only. There is also a character cross over in this game from his previous work Darkness revenge.

    Biggest plus point of the game is renders and pretty girls. At the start story was very much interesting and characters felt like well written. A nice harem game but suddenly game took a bizzare turn story got more twists and it got more kinkier. But I go with flow and enjoyed it. Surely this is a turn off for many. Seems like we get an ending like in the movie American Psycho ( everything is happening in MC's head) but it's players choice though. This is just an assumption of mine will wait and see

    Overall I enjoyed the game. Looking forward to next updates keep up the good work dev
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Story: 1/5 Story went from being interesting to making you physically cringe. There seemed to be an interesting premise where you live with your boss, and is different from other women lets say without spoiling. Few updates later, you forcefully fuck her daughter, and it suddenly turns out your boss is your mother, and fine with the rape. I don't know if the dev got paid to add this part in or what, but it should've just been an extra non-canon scene instead. Ruined an interesting plot.
    Art: 4/5 Decent
    Models:3/5 Good, nothing too special, but good.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The story on this one took a nosedive. The 'landlady' walking in on the mc raping her daughter and then thanking him (and later the daughter too) was when I mentally checked out. Writing was mostly alright. Sometimes, the 'landlady' would go bipolar out of nowhere and reset any progress the mc was making, because the plot needed her to. There are also many incidents where the mc just decides he is Sherlock Holmes and deduces everything, because he has a psych degree? It's a little annoying because he will go from stupid teenager to brilliant strategist and it's just taking the piss. Also the game has choices, but it's more the illusion of choice as there is a right answer and every other answer will net you less content, so choose wisely!

    Renders are nice animation could use some work, if you are looking for something to turn your brain off for this might be it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, what can I say, this game ticks quite the good points in my book:

    1) Compelling, flawed, believable characters: their personalities feel distinct, writing believable and even relatable, they are all quirky in more ways than one and outright over the top at times, but that's what makes a person interesting and intriguing to begin with.
    The characters grow, there is some sweet character development and the MC might just surprise you.

    2) Interesting storyline: Whilst at times predictable, its very nice to see how many small details slowly grow leading to bigger twists and interesting outcomes, which although somewhat linear, don't detract from that sense of discovery and progression, other than feeling well fast paced and organic.

    3) Tasteful Aesthetic: Well the girls are all beautiful, ranging from shapely petite to generously voluptuous.
    The shots and framing are well made, lighting although not always perfect, its very well placed in some scenes, moody and evocative alongside fitting music.

    4) Music: Did I say music? Despite in my opinion not on the same level of Summer's Gone where feels are concerned, is a decent and on point fit to many of the scenes, really complementing the mood most of the time and managing to stick in your head with the associated scene.

    5) The meaty twist: is a very welcomed surprise, which I won't spoil, but if you know you know.
    Although rather predictable, I think its very well presented and justified compared to most other games attempting to dip into the fetish, I really commend the developer for fleshing it out in such hot and tasteful way.

    Very much recommend playing through it, there is nothing I would change of this game and encourage the developer to keep going as they are.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Hematite is doing a good job with this VN. Characters are dynamic, and the plot is decent enough.

    Characters are solid. Each one is just developed enough for lots of growth down the line.

    Story is decent. I won't spoil anything. Lets just say its an ok plot.

    Renders are good. It's always a plus when devs don't have black missing scene screens.

    MC is passive to an extent. Always waits for a bit before actually stopping people from walking over him. It comes off as more believable.


    Decent enough plot that revolves around deceit and revenge. Not 100% sure if this is actually a harem VN or not. You do have the option to romance several women. Possibly the tag hasn't been included.
    Good characters, good humor, and a decent plot make this VN worth the time to go through. Hematite is doing a good job with it.
    I can't give any reviews of the length of time for releases because I just came across it today.
    Either way I recommend it. As of now, there is a decent amount of novel here to enjoy, and several choices to go back and explore.
    Keep up the good work and hopefully it continues to get better with each update.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    just played 0.4.4 version.
    Original plot. Nice reneders. Amazing mommy that what love the most. Don't know why, but she becamehotter and hotter with each update.
    I love the way you made your story and ypur choice system seems to work well.
    wish you good luck with your game
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I would've given this game a better review earlier on, but from like [0.3.3] onwards, the more forgivable errors have just gotten objectively worse.

    The writing that was previously just clunky has simply gotten atrocious. The use of the points system previously seemed to have some sense of purpose, and now it just seems totally meaningless and forgotten. The writing is so bad at this point that you aren't even sure what your choices will DO, because the dev just has absolutely no clue how to write. If English is their second language, they desperately need a translator/editor. If not, then wtf.

    The story used to have some sense of interest when it was insinuated that the MC would work to revive Sassy Girl, but instead it's moved onto this absolutely moronic incest plotline that is so unnecessary and so meaningless. I am fine with incest as a kink on this site - generally it's generic and not very impactful, but that's fine - but HERE, it totally distracts from anything that could actually be interesting and is this ridiculous out-of-left-field attempt for shock.

    The visuals are really the only thing that have maintained some semblance of quality. It's the only reason I'm giving 3 stars.

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  20. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this game is a solid four stars, but some of the criticism is valid. I think the twist was something a little surprising, but it is set up fairly well and the game is good all around, I like the characters and the premise is fine, the MC is an idiot but he's not over the top about it, and sometimes he is smart, it can cause whiplash, which leads me to my main criticism. The dialogue in this game is so over the top and off-putting, but the scenes and models make up for the weird dialogue.

    I'd say this game is worth playing, it doesn't set any standards and I can't say it's one of my favorite games, but I think if the author fixed some of the over-the-top dialogue and had them speak like normal people, I would be a bigger fan.