VN - Ren'Py - Savior [v0.16c] [Purple Fellas]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a lot to like about this game. The renders are good and the underlying story is compelling. The girls are all hot and each of them are unique with solid stories of their own.

    There are some problems with it; the MC is a Gary Sue and that gets a little tiring. Always saying and doing the right thing... His "mistakes" are just due to the fact he does not understand his powers, but otherwise he always says and does the right thing.

    There could be more choices as well. It is more of VN then anything. The decisions you make for the MC really do not change the overall story, except as it relates to the LIs but dialogue choices are limited.

    As I mentioned, however, the underlying story is pretty good and it keeps you guessing. Plus, the content is pretty good. There is teasing mixed with "full contact" and the interactions are well done, if not entirely believable. As the MC learns more about his powers, it seems like there may be a lot more choices moving forward, at least as it pertains to good and corruption. There is a scene the with the brother of the maid that could be considered almost evil but the player can control if it gets bad at all.

    There are some other smaller issues, like Aubrey. Her character shows up early then kind of gets in the way and it almost seems like the dev was not sure what to do with her. Regardless, she is a great character.

    Anyway, this will be a love/hate kind of a game for most people, but it's solid work from a talented developer. It's not in my top ten, but it's worth a download.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Good: The graphics and female character models are very pretty, with some nice animations, and most of the characters are likeable.

    Bad: While there seems to be a persistent antagonist, the rest of the story seems to have a lot of events that don't really tie together or go anywhere, and big swerves that seem to render earlier parts of the story utterly moot.

    While there are a lot of positive moments I've had playing this game, the whole is definitely less than the sum of its parts.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game exceeded my expectations. It's built up a lot of intrigue and characters at this point, so I'm very interested to see where the story goes. The art and animations are top tier. The choices made between corrupt decisions and regular ones lend to extra play-throughs--though it's uncertain how that will play out in future releases.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Incohesive meandering storyline with no worthwhile emotions or really attractive or relatable characters. 3 stars mainly for a good technical quality VN, nice attempt at choices, no bullshit like commutes or grind. The dialogue is not totally cringe like many other stories, but yet isn't interesting either.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a game that takes fake incest to a whole new level. Important to note that there's absolutely nothing wrong with making an adult game that has no incest. The story is set up in a way that the main characters are a family. However, the story then reveals that no one is blood related at all and it tells you this multiple times to drive home the fact that this isn't an incest game, but yet everyone treats each other as family. It's a half-assed premise for a game; either do incest or don't do it all.

    Although the story has an interesting premise of someone with genetic super powers, the writing itself isn't very good. One of the women in the game keeps calling you her brave knight which made me wonder if this game took place during medieval times; no, it does not. The writing can be pretty cringe at a lot of moments in time. If there's anything this game does right, it's that the models are nice to look at it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    Brilliant game with a deep story and characters you grow to love.

    • Excellent renders
    • Excellent character models
    • Excellent and unique story
    • Excellent writing
    • Excellent character personalities
    • Excellent character development (overall)
    • Good and sexy lewd/sex scenes
    • Excellent mix of story and sex scenes
    • Excellent animations
    • A likable MC (rare)
    • A good amount of content

    • More choices are needed. I understand that this is a visual novel but there were too many times in the game where choices were badly needed. There were too many times where I would have done something different than where the story took me. Several cringe moments for me.
    • The story focused on certain characters a lot more than others while other characters (even main ones) are sidelined. The same characters are focused on in the alternate reality. Come on dev, at least focus on different characters in the alternate reality instead of the same ones!
    • Plenty of English problems throughout the game. This seems to be common with nearly every game I play on this site. I rarely come across a game with near perfect English. Why? Is it really that hard to recruit a proofreader that is a native English speaker?
    • Breasts sometimes aren't affected by gravity and stick straight out (unrealistic). It is especially noticeable when the girl is laying flat or near flat.

    I put this game off for a long time to ensure that there was plenty of content to play through. I don't like playing brand new games for this reason. The wait was well worth it!

    The game is brilliant in nearly every aspect! The game is a near masterpiece! The renders and character models are excellent but the best part of the game is the brilliant writing. The story is well done also and not your typical visual novel here on this site.

    The game inspires deep emotion. I found myself very emotional during several parts of the game. This is extremely rare and is a testament to the brilliant writing of the game and the deep emotional connection to some of the characters.

    The game has a good mix of story and lewd content.

    I'm hoping the author will allow a deeper relationship to develop with Olivia and Allison in future content.

    I highly recommend this game and encourage others to give it a try!
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    Pros :
    1. Amazing looking models;
    2. Hot sex scenes;
    3. Well-paced story progression;
    4. A very interesting story with a good plot.

    1. Sometimes it feels like characters have multiple personalities;
    2. Dialogues are off sometimes.
    3. Slow and lackluster updates.

    The sorry progression and update speed are a disappointment at the moment. I will update the ratings depending on the dev's future updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very much a comparison of the game and it is a series of games that are much better than the movie, with better graphics and animation to develop it, to pretend to live that character is too much.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Game has clear boundary issues between characters. in the first 15 minutes your bi sister convinces your girlfriend to get changed with her to see her naked and then grabs her tits randomly so she can cop a feel. no possible way to stop this from happening or skip this scene. sister is not only manipulative but a molester as well and the entire scenario is depicted as completely ok
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly this game far exceed my expecations. The animations are top notch and the writing is really good! I only noticed one typo the whole way through. I am really looking forward to more content for this game and whatever else the developer decides to do in the future
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Male Protagonist face is hidden which I love but I believe they didnt want to showed the face because its the same Male Protagonist from College Kings but actually taller than the girls different hair color.

    Dialogue doesn't make sense most of the time. There is repeated conversation when there shouldn't be at all. I just skip those when they pop up.

    Some Spelling and Grammar needs to be fixed.

    Good or Evil choices could be better.

    MC has powers, read minds (only what the creator want you to see) and can force the anyone to do anything besides making them tell the truth.

    MC could force everyone to tell the truth and be honest about everything. Would have gotten all of his questions answered and all the pussy he wants in the world.

    review for v0.8c
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    intelligent story, good graphics , only issue is the same for every story updates are slow. but whats there is good solid story. characters aren't yet getting to where they need to be but like all things in there own time I guess
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a solid game. It may not be the best but it's definitely not the worst either, not by a long shot. The art and models are superb and the story, while mediocre at times, does have a certain charm to it especially as new developments continue to occur.

    But that being said, it's not a game for everyone. You may love it or contrarily, absolutely hate it. So just give it a shot yourself and figure out how you feel about the game. Even if you end up hating the story, at least the models can keep you occupied then, right?
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    The art is terrific. In fact, it was the art that prompted me to download this and try it out. But the story doesn't grab me at all and the humor falls flat for me. The art is a 5 but the story is a 2. For me that makes my final verdict a 3.
  15. 2.00 star(s)



    The girls are very well rendered


    Lack of good choices, it is disappointing
    Player can hold skip for most part of the game, there isn't important dialogue.
    Lack of good close-up in sex scenes, or good angle, this part sems to be made in lazy way.

    Not even forfap this game is good
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    if can ignore some starting decisions and like weak to strong mc then its a great find.
    good renders
    good models
    great effort by the Purple fellas. nice thought of plotline idea, a bit average delivery
    funny dialogues
    interesting if you are into mellow mc and ok with being too humble an collapsing at most important times

    Complete waste of time if looking for an MC who is- Alpha, Normal, Adaptable, one who takes charge, cunning.
    Many disappointing choices which make no sense with rest of his character presentation, especially the evil choices dont align with him. but you nee d Evil choices for moving forward and scenes.
    Good choices are spineless and EMPTY.
    In a fantasy world where he has been given the alpha gene, its disappointing how the story unfolds, forced plot.
    Many infuriating choices which we need to do to get points. for example, 1 forgiving Allison without breaking few of her bones and being cold for atleast few weeks or move on. 2 should have confronted his mom ages ago if he wanted to really find his dad as she is his only clue. 3 being a dog for SIG. when they are clearing using him and his family. 4 the kidnapping incident, pathetically weak and useless. 5 100 percent written by a kid
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.7b

    The art and character models are very good... It also has a decent story... But the characters themselves are dumb and shit... The same generic character types from a 1000 different games... Also the dialogue is really dumb... Feels like it's written by a 12 year old who just started watching porn... While the game requires you to make choices and keeps record of the rude and amicable choices for all characters, it does not seem as though they actually have any affect... The game will force on you all the characters it wants, whatever choices you make... Also the characters change the feelings they have for each other at a flip out a coin without any decent explanations.

    Although it is a visual treat its not even good as a fap game cause there's a lot of story between the sex scenes.

    If you can keep your mind closed or are not bugged by poorly written characters then it actually has a fairly decent story and is playable.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Great premise, decent writing and visually the game is pretty stunning. But honestly the enjoyment of the game is completely decided by whether you like one of the MC's sisters (Daisy) or not. She's forced on you and sadly, in my opinion, she's absolutely the worst written character of them all. Her whole personality is based around sex and she comes with kinks which you might not enjoy (mainly lesbian content and sharing). I'm completely baffled as to why the Devs, who seem to let you make a bunch of meaningful choices everywhere else in the game, completely removes your agency when it comes to Daisy.

    If you like her as much as the Devs seem to then this game is probably a 5/5 for you because it's a very well done and beautiful VN. But extremely disappointing for those of us who don't find Daisy appealing.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I'd actually forgotten I reviewed this but I have to change my rating and expand on my thoughts. I'm half tempted to go down to 2 Stars, but we'll see where I go with this. One of the reasons I forgot I made a review is it's boring. And not in an over-written, unnecessary details way, but an "all the relationships happen the same" type of way. Technically, Amber is different, but she was the demo version of the game, now it's all about how you have feelings for your NOTfamily. I have to say that because they try to avoid the censors with that and to illustrate that it bugs me that everyone seems to need incest content to enjoy anything...

    The story is very simple, but interesting enough for me to actually be curious how it ends. (Even though we all know it's probably never going to end to milk patreon money) Anyway, when MC was a kid, his NOTFather, was kidnapped by an alternate universe. Naturally, MC doesn't accept that he's gone and grows up with the goal, to find out how to save his father. Eventually a secret government agency kidnaps him and tells him, not only is he a test tube baby not related to his family, but he has a "Supergene" that gives him and his sisters super powers. MC is of course able to use every power and is super strong and smart and the best person ever. Do you see how boring that is? Gary-Stu if I've ever heard it. Back to the story, after learning all of that, "The Company" from the other world contact him and try to recruit him right after. But MC isn't buying anything after learning about the lies.

    The MC joined the police to investigate his father's disappearance and the whole time his partner was a spy sent to watch him. So he felt betrayed. But you see exactly two interactions with Allison as his partner before her character becomes a background character even until the end of this update(v0.10). So it's ineffective as a story point. After all of that, MC gets kidnapped AGAIN, only its the otherworld "Company" that does it to find out his power. I think. They don't get into it because he is immediately rescued. By Allison no less. Because she fell for the MC while spying on him. At the same time, MC's NOTSister, Daisy, is kidnapped and put under mind control to find out the MC's powers. She is ordered to try to seduce you as well not only because it might help MC's power but because the person that is still faceless liked to watch.

    So Daisy is brainwashed for one chapter, because the only story beats that transfer version to version is that all the girls fall for MC right away. And she sort of learns that MC has mind control powers because of a blowjob. Then later that day, MC and her are out drinking and his mind powers mess with her head so she falls off the balcony and learns she can fly. Then MC can suddenly control his powers and erases the mind control on her. After that MC is transported to the other universe. And as to why, I'm not 100% sure. But he teleports there and meets the alternate version of Vanessa, Olivia, and Daisy. (NOTMom, and NOTSisters)

    In the other world you learn that all men are either dead or captured for no discernable reason. The Company made an artificial continent to fight off the death of the planet. And everyone lives under extreme martial law. Other world Olivia is a rebel leader trying to fight the company, and Vanessa and Daisy are just farmers living day to day. Outside of that, you don't learn why or hown they're attacking MC's universe and the only other main story information you get is the MC training his ability in a machine with Vanessa, but nothing happens with that.

    The rest of the game is MC having all the women fall for him. Amber, MC rescues as a cop and she loves him instantly. Daisy is the rebellious teen that falls for him after he saves her from mind control. Vanessa is lonely and likes the attention, she kisses him then pulls away but he kisses her back and she falls for him. Maeve, the maid that is in the story just to have a character wear a maids outfit. She has a scummy brother that he saves her from, she kisses her savior, pulls away, then he kisses her back. ARE WE SEEING A PATTERN? Currently, lastly, there's Olivia (in the main universe) she's shy and MC just says "i'll always be there for you" after abandoning the family for a decade and she falls for him. They go on a date, she kisses him, pulls back, and he kisses her back end of story. He also has feelings for the NOTFamily in the other universe but he leaves too early to get laid so he's trying to get back for that.

    Like I said, the story is semi-interesting so I wanna know what happens. But every girl's love story is the same, and they even set up the new girl Ruri to have the same thing happen. Even though there's still a couple women in the story MC hasn't had fall for him yet, the scope creep is coming. And I wanna say in the beginning they used the emotion CG's and used the big pictures for important moments. I prefer that, not only because it saves on size, but it's easier on the creators. I don't need a giant uncompressed image to show one of the characters moving slightly. But whatever. And the biggest issue is the grammar issues. They get exponentially worse every update. I'm not even exaggerating. The first part is stiff but only minor issues and by this last update, Matthew and Ruri sound like robots using google translate. And the stiffness of the dialog gets worse as well. A contraction or two wouldn't hurt anyone. And the "I LOVE the Harry Potter(trademark)(copyright) Franchise" stuff is so ham-fisted in too. It's the only personable thing written into this. Everything else is either "you're beautiful" or "Don't mistreat others, that's mean." I just don't like the M'Lady dialog.

    It's animated well, and the main story is interesting enough, but the size is padded with uncompressed images and stiff dialogue that makes it hard to read. On top of the good and evil meter that will mean they will have to split the paths and render out even more stuff for a good and evil ending. It's clearly written for patreon polls outside of an initial story direction, which means no one will ever know how the story ends. Knowing the majority on this site "PRETTY GIRLS ME 5 STAR" so if all you care about is attractive models you'll like this. If you're like me and need to romance your dick with an enticing story, it will suffice but it's not perfect.

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  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I was interested with the premise of the game.
    The renders are really nice.
    However I quit because it is yet another game that forces a sexual relationship with a character, despite you seemingly been given a choice (through points) to ignore that character. And of course it is, as usual, the bisexual and always rude (or as some devs think quirky) one.