VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Say It Again [v1.0.0] [Gaerax]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This was really good. Wish it could have been an ongoing series. Like some other reviews I read the art style made me hesitant but in the end it was a really good story about a couple people overcoming their trauma with aggressive femdom lesbian sex.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    After seeing the preview screenshots I was a little hesitant to play this game. I mean jesus, just look at those creepy face expressions. It's pure nightmare fuel. OP really needs to switch those screenshots with better ones. I can't imagine the number of people who immediately closed the tab after seeing those pics. That would explain the low popularity of this game.

    Either way I decided to just give the game a chance after getting influenced by the high rating and some reviews I read. And oh boy, this game fucking delivered. It actually managed to become one of my favorites here on this site. It's one of those short but sweet kinda games (took me about 2 ½ hours to finish).

    The story was just an ordinary slice of life genre kinda situation thing (well, at first anyway. It gets a little "spicy" later on but I don't wanna reveal too much).

    The characters (mainly just the 2 room mates) felt very real. Really liked how they interacted with each other and how naturally they progressed the story to the next level. For a very short game it didn't feel rushed or forced at all. Hats off to the author for writing a such a compelling little story. Just be aware that it can go to a "weird" direction sometimes. But no spoilerinos from me (you can probably roughly guess by checking the tags).

    The visuals and animations (a very decent amount for a game this length) were absolutley stunning. Again, don't let the preview pics fool you. True, at first it looks weird but you get used to it surprisingly quick.

    Also this is my first review on this site and I've played a good amount of these games. That should tell you how much I liked this game. I kept it short and simple since I'm trash at writing. I don't even know how to finish this review. Help.

    I love Lasagne.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a femme who only loves women, I especially like romantic lesbian stories.
    The plot is pretty crazy.:eek:
    I don't want to reveal too much.
    The protagonist takes on the aspects of her father through a bad incident in her youth.
    Her new roommate has been through a lot and hurt herself.
    To put it briefly, there are 2 different extreme psychological excesses that fit together so well that they can form a wonderful relationship.
    As a small negative point, the story is short and the first roommate who is bi doesn't have a threesome with the two women.:cry:
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6577935

    Say it Again can be defined as surprising and tricky. It's surprising cause they went to a very "complicated place", when you consider how short this is (kind of saw it coming, but not completely). It's tricky because there's noticeable quality here, and a lot of positives, but one of the main themes is completely removed from my empathy range. In short this is not the kind of thing I'm looking for. (Keyword here is I)

    The longer version: I'm gonna be extra blunt with this one:

    - Too short (1 hour and change) - You can't feed me something interesting, and then take it away with a quick resolution. The length of the title is a letdown. If you are gonna present an interesting scenario, then go all the way. Surface level is not gonna cut it for me.

    - Good humor - A lot of it rides in the "frame by frame", and it works very well. Not exactly subtle, but it asks for your attention, and had me chuckling.

    - Onomatopoeias - Some of the best use I have seen in a long time. Well done, helps with immersion.

    - Key concepts - Say it again is about this "sort of stuff": The things you like Vs the things you SHOULD like; The feeling of vulnerability opening up to someone; Tolerance and accepting different possibilities, life choices; Living your entire life not understanding yourself; Self acceptance as the first (and most difficult step) to happiness.

    The writer doesn't get preachy about any of this, this is all surmisable content. That's a strong positive. There's more such as natural vs artificial self, societal stigmas, lack of confidence or self-worth in tatters, but nothing strays too far from the same emotional field (finding yourself while surpassing barriers). It sounds great, but there's not enough running time to go anywhere meaningful.

    - Visuals - The characters look like Muppets, the animations are very good though.

    - No audio - Visual novels are better with some nice tracks. I couldn't care less about double standards***, and concessions of any kind on my part are rare. No audio equals lower score. Budget, staff, and production difficulties are foreign concepts to me, when reviewing any entertainment.

    - Adult content works - Completely personal (yet again), but the whole sub/dom "sort of roleplay, but with real anger", with roots on repressed feelings/traumas is a turn-on. I liked the shower scene especially, and I can rationalize the appeal behind the kitchen scene (it's primal, brutal and animalistic, in simple terms). Watching the dynamics of this relationship, was entertaining.

    - Shizue - Somewhat relatable character, but having trouble figuring out how to love someone, is a winning concept, no matter how you slice it. It's a "broken puppy", given the reins of a sexual relationship. In the words of the "legendary" TH, It just works...

    - "I hurt myself today, to see if I could feel" theme - It doesn't work for me. Yes, I do have some things, that do the trick and make me emotional, I'm not heartless!!! Self-harm (or suicide attempts), would get me saying things that don't belong on the internet, and some topics are better off being avoided. Not my cup of tea is gonna have to suffice for this one.

    What can I say? This is not for me. A 7/10 seems about right. If what I described sounds interesting, go for it, there's obvious quality here. This is a textbook example of a product I would not consume. I feel disappointed, can't get much clearer than that.

    *** Actually, I'm overly demanding and critical when I genuinely like something. That's the only exception.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute heartwarming and holesome [get it ;)]

    Plot: A lesbian focused AVN where Shizue comes in term with being gay once she meets her new flatmate. It's a comical heartwarming tale that doesn't shy away from exploring dark topics and leaves you wanting for more even though the ending is very fulfilling.

    Pros: short and sweet, Music is decent (i played with mod), writing is marvelous, it's very comical at times and very hot as well, renders are unique and touching (literally), and it feels very natural even tho there's a lot of lewds.

    Cons: NONE. Yes, it's small but it ends on such a good note that even tho I want to see more, I'm perfectly content with what is presented.

    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely pick it up now. Don't get put off by renders, they are actually really good and feel very lively. I'm a proud hand-holding, pat-giving, hug seeking fucko and I approve this game for other fuckos like me out there (There are DOZENS OF US! DOZENS....)

    Play it already!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be my first review after playing VNs on f95zone for years, but after just having finished the game I just felt like I had to share my thoughts on it.
    Same as many here, I was a little apprehensive about starting it from seeing the preview pics, which are definitely in a different style than I was used to.
    But please do give it a try, because immediately you'll be hit with how real the characters feel, how naturally things escalate without feeling drawn out and with how invested you'll be with the story.
    So in short:
    The art is different, but fits the characters.
    The animations are surprisingly amazing and smooth.
    The story is heartwarming, well written, incredibly sexy, but unfortunately short and making me wish for a LOT more.
    Hope to see more of Gaerax's work soon because I'm a fan!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I was surprised at how much this game grew on me while playing!
    I really liked how realistic the relationship between them felt and how it slowly build up. I wished it would be longer but that's totally fine. You did a really good job with it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I shouldn't like this game. First off, there's no male protagonist. I have no issue with lesbian content but not really into it as the only storyline. Also, the modelling of the characters is a bit... I don't want to sound mean but just not up to the standard I'm used to seeing.

    That said, I gave the game 5 stars because it's bloody amazing! The characters and story are top notch. Sweet and loveable, but also dark and deep. It deals with real life issues in a really sensitive way. I was gutted when it ended as it's not very long. Absolutely loved it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Exceptional! Oscar grade story. Simple but beautiful sensual and memorable visuals. vivid but not gross. deep and humane characters. this one is the very best in 2021. Wish to see more games in the future.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Normally I ignore the majority kinetic novels because I like to have choices in a visual novel but this one is a keeper. It is a very convincing lesbian VN with relatable characters that constantly put a smirk on your face.

    I noticed that many reviewers find the art style controversial but I don't agree with that. It's beautiful. Especially the body posing and facial animations are the best I have seen in any VN. Add to this the quality of the writing and the result is the best rated kinetic VN on f95. And rightly so.

    It bothers me that the developer abandoned NSFW games on patreon though. I totally would have supported the next project. But it is what it is.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're reading reviews in order to figure out why something that has 3D models like... this, has such a high score, I'll tell you that the story and pacing more than makes up for the quality of the models.

    If models are all you're interested in, don't bother, but if you're curious about the story, give it a go because it's worth it. Also, strangely enough, even though the models look like something like someone who is learning 3D modeling created during schooling, the animated parts look almost EXTREMELY realistic. It's hard to explain, but some of the animated parts almost look rotoscoped... it gave me whiplash the first time I saw it.

    The relationship dynamic is interesting, the S&M parts are some of the best I've seen... although there is one thing they do in the shower that I'm not a huge fan of (but it's not enough to make me stop watching). All in all, it's like a modern art painting, looks all weird but worth a lot... if that makes sense.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm only at chapter 4 but I applaud this novel!
    I don't think I've ever read a story which got me this involved with the characters.
    The scenes are hot as fuck and even included fisting!
    My only regret is that I didn't find this VN sooner!
    However characters looked odd at first but they grew on me.

    Rated: 5/5
    Based on: Completed
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    What a nice surprise!

    I actually stumbled across this game, had some time on my hands and was looking for completed games. This one popped up, but it was for me like: weird graphics, lesbian only, kinetic novel.... should I even try it or not? I did and - I'm glad I did!

    My short conclusion: great story, characters with soul. And even the renders: a bit creepy at first, but after a short while I really loved them. The animations are also top notch. Yes, it's a bit short. But if it was stretched out more, the gameplay would have been longer, but maybe not as intense as it is now. Also the lack of choices - I kind of didn't miss that. The story is great as it is, adding them in would have distracted from the story rather than helped it for me.

    So everything is perfect? Almost. Maybe a tiny bit too short (would have liked more content with Vanessa). Also, there's no audio. But there is a solution for that.

    All in all, a great little game that I really enjoyed. One of the few games here that I remember for the story.

    A suggestion: as said, the game itself has no sound. If you're not completely against it, I recommend KoGa3's mod, again a great music addon for a game by him. Five stars for that, too.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    My first gut reaction seeing this was how weird the art style was. Not bad necessarily, but still weird. That had me questioning the quality of the game and if it was worth playing, but my love for lesbians overrode everything else so I had to at least give it a try, and that was absolutely the right decision.

    I quickly realized this was a straight up visual novel, with no choices or anything to do but read, which isn't exactly my favorite thing in a game, but by the time I realized it I was already emotionally invested in these beautiful, wonderful, fucked up girls. The writing drew me in. It's real. It's not some badly translated trash (I say that lovingly. I love the trash too) about fucking as much as possible or corrupting people. There's real feeling and emotion in there. Some of it extremely dark, scary, sad, and psychological but that's life. This game doesn't shy away from that, and it makes the sweeter parts shine that much brighter.

    I can tell a lot of love went into this project. There may have been a lack of music and sound, an undeniably unusual art style, and some will put it down for being a visual novel rather than a "game", but what it did have more than made up for that in my opinion. It seemed short but maybe it just felt that way because I couldn't stop. I played through it in one sitting. Could it have been longer? Maybe, but if it had dragged on too long without anything more to say this might be a different review.

    I've played a lot of games through this site and haven't yet left a single review. Say what you will about that, but I did feel compelled to review this one immediately after playing. That should say something. This game is a straight up fucking triumph. I'll absolutely be on the lookout for more from you in the future, Gaerax.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars immediately! Played it in one go (Chapter 1 to 4) and Chap 1 & 2 are really, really good. Characters are real ( a little too much => Chap 3 & 4) and you get attached to them. Little "downside" is characters trauma. It's very good for character development and all but, for some, it can be a little too disturbing for fapping. Overall a very good game, short yes, but intense.

    Will stay in my mind. Thank you :)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the one that puts a decent amount of realism in the characters and the relationship, so much so that it is possible that this has elements of non-fiction. Some of it does invade the sex scenes a bit (strap on scene) which should be a rightful turn off for many people. Otherwise, the way that the relationship goes and the sexual acts performed does not require a large degree of suspension of disbelief.

    The looping animations are excellent and some of the POV shots are extremely hot.

    Definitely a top recommend for lesbian/female protagonist games.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I give two stars for the writing on this one. The story itself was a little too simple for me, that's why the lower rating. It's a short game and I feel like that hurts it in a lot of ways.

    Visuals are not my thing at all, the characters look unnatural, and maybe that's the point, but unless you're into that, this won't do much for you.

    It's a short game, so if you have time go ahead and play it, but if you've there is other stuff only your list, save this for later.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Undoubtedly, the best thing about this VN is the quality writing. The characters have an actual depth, a consistent development and act in (mostly) realistic ways.
    I also don't mind the artistic choice for models. It is easy to get used to while making for a more unique experience.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are looking for a short, cute and kinda wholesome, kinda creepy experience, then this is for you.

    You will meet 2 cute characters that struggling with their personal problems, and you will see how it expressed externally in their sexual relationship.
    Although the models look a bit quirky, there is some charm to it compared to the copy pasted DAZ/HS models in almost every other game. When you add a nice animation to it, it gets elevated and more forgivable.

    Overall, there is something wholesome to this game while the last scene of the game borders on the creepy and disturbed side which left me partly shocked, but we live in a creepy and disturbed world, so I guess its cool. (the game ends on a good note if you wondered)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I chose this game, because of the tags. I didn't expect 100% lesbian game so that is the first fully lesbian game I ever played.
    I have to say that I am very pleasantly surprised.
    I never really used to care about the story in porn games just FF to the lewd scenes yet it was different with this game. The story is erotic as fuck yet sweet - it was a pleasure to read it.
    The only criticism I have is that the story around the BFF is left unfinished.

    The models are cute as a button with big expressive eyes and gorgeous bodies. The lewd scenes are red hot. The animations are smooth.

    Despite that it wasn't what I expected I had lots of fun with this game.
    Great job all around!