Ren'Py - Scarlet Law [v0.3.17] [JYP Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is in my top ten favorites, and closer to the top. Why? Nice graphics, interesting memorable characters, a clear game world, an interesting plot. The only negative thing is that there is too much grind in the game. You constantly have to save up for new contracts, plus the tax grows as the harem expands, so about half of the game time you have to earn money. In general, it is a pretty decent game. My favorite character is Azula.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The MC is insufferable. He's weak, indecisive, emotionless and obviously a complete and utter pushover. He's certainly not a character worth investing your time in or even to root for. What kind of harem game has an MC who's scared shitless of sex?

    Add to that, a series of completely cliched LIs who are neither particularly original in terms of either character development, nor design, with the sandbox element, normally perfectly fine in such games, a total failure here because it means more work for lacklustre content

    What could have been a very well-thought-out harem game ends up being an absolute failure, with an MC who has no idea how to drive takin the wheel and a bunch of LIs determined to help him crash

    Honestly, there's only so much you can take of the MC reacting with "..." to quite literally anything he's told, from someone showing him an ounce of interest, to finding out his family will be sold off, before even you want to slap the crap outta him
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    love this game. The humor is great and i love the art style too and only wish there were far more updates more often for this game. you will sit down to play this game and before you realise it the time has flown by from the joy you will get from playing this game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Renders are good
    Game is grindy
    I tried to change with relation to lower the grind with console but i ended up breaking the game and having no new story quest
    Game update also suddenly ends with no story quest
    No this was the end of the update You just have no new quest anymore
    no bugs

    Story was interesting at the start but it just ended up in a confusing story later
    Suddenly mc ended up buying every girl he meets there scarlet contract
    I wish the game was only with the mom the sister and your highschool friend serena
    These three where the only interesting characters in the game
    i put voice volume on max but only heard music

    Content is not bad but i wish it was less grindy
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    + music & girls

    - pathetic wimp idiotic mc, one of the worst in this genre
    - boring & short sex scenes - and too much talking, just fuck the girl already:mad:
    - story is also not so good

    I can't stand this pathetic mc, avn only for people who don't mind playing as brainless rock
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    The story starts out pretty good with a good potential where MC has to save hes familie before they become sexslaves due to an old law, so the base is set for what could have been a good story.

    But it simply just fails to deliver, it changes very fast to MC being what you could call a demigod and is for some weird reason now forced to create a harem which includes hes mother and sister as sex slaves now that he owns them, there arent any kind of corruption like it might sound its very very vanilla, and 0 choices withh them being sex slaves for MC, which annoys me the most really since thats what was trying to stop them from becoming...
    He also becomes a knight for a princess? its like game dont have a clue where its going and tries to mix up diffrent type of storys make it feel a bit messy.

    MC is very cringy and gets annoying to listen to MC and hes thoughts, constantly claiming he want no harem and dont want a sexual relationship with hes mother or sister and so on, but yet fully accepts when the mother comes into hes bedroom and gives him a handjob, its very poorly written and again no choices to tell the mother to get the fuck out of hes yeah hes really the master of no one, and MC feels more like a slave then anyone else in the game.

    And yes LIs are forced on you and there is no choices in this game when it comes to relationships at all, your forced to follow the questlines to progress the story, its a bit idiotic you dont get a choice to who you want to fuck since it would simply just be putting in a "no" button and skip the h-scene, it wouldent even hurt the story and MC being Mr.nice and still buys people to make them sex slaves is just a huge fail, it simply wont work with a submissive MC, he most defently should have been a dom for the game to make any sense, but i guess he did get hes ass kicked by a girl as well so yeah.

    MC is way to childish barely like a 12 year old, some is an attempt to be fun i think like writting a love letter to then trow out and shit like that, but MC truely feel like a pure child, he also has absoltly no backbone and i do mean none, here you have a dude whos supposed to be the "Master" of the house the owner of the girls yet he cant get anyone to listen to him, like when MCs goddess moves into your house you can kinda say no? but then the mother forces you to accept...and then tell MC that hes the master of the house??? but clearly nobody could care less about that fact, so yeah MC is really a submissive kid and a slave to all around him, you cant even get revenge on the people that kicked your ass and robbed you, MC will forgive and make them lovers to, and if you try a nun ends up killing you....showing how she really yeah game is awefull truely.

    Some story aspects makes no sense, a girl in debt at risk of losing her house and be forced to move in with MC and even losing the house wont help with her debt so she will also have to be enslaved by MC since doing that would make he one very simple question....why the fuck wait untill she loses her house, do it right away and she will be free of debt and able to keep her house.....its really really weird writting that dont take note of any details.... it almost feel like the story and dialogs is aimed at the 6-10 year olds.

    And for the virgin fans theres absolutly nothing to come for, no deflowering no blood and barely any pain just pleasure like any standard boring sex scene.

    Sandbox/Choicees 2/5
    Its just a grind is simple and boring, go pick up flowers sell and repeat, i guess it suits the MC to be a flower picking type...ffs..
    As for choices there arent really any, you follow a set route to enslave LIs and thats about it, oh and then theres the idiotic fake choices where no matter what you pick its the same outcome, so pointless to even give you a choice.... i am almost sure that 100% of all choices in this game is fake since everytime i pick no it will turn into a yes....its absolutly idiotic and game really should have a kinetic tag.

    Girls 3/5
    They look ok for the character style so nothing special just average.

    Animations 2/5
    They are pretty poor, almost looks censored in some scenes so ya not great.

    Music 2/5
    Its a bit boring background music like riding an elevator, better then silent still.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Before I get into this, I just need to say one thing: I wrote an entire ten paragraph review of this game about two hours into it. I'll admit, I was a bit hard on the game. In truth, what I had seen didn't really constitute the amount of vitriol that the game created within me. So, in the interest of being fair and thorough, I spent another four hours completing the rest of the content currently available in the game. In truth, I was wrong, I had judged it too quickly.

    Well, I guess, I was technically right. My mistake had nothing to due with my perspective, but instead, its magnitude.

    Let's get through this as quickly as I can now. You looked at the first post, you know what this game is. You play as "Guy". All women can be forcibly made into slaves at any time, Guy must buy these women consensually to save them from invisible ugly bastards you will never see, starting with his mother and sister. Who is Guy? I would love to tell you, but the developer couldn't be assed to give him a third personality trait beyond "loser" or "pervert". If you're a fan of copy and paste humor based around this incredibly rare and original combination of character traits, you're in luck! That's about 60% of the writing! Why only 60%? Well because apparently the developer started to suddenly remember that characters aren't characters when they're just skin-deep combinations of anime tropes slapped together and decided to start writing incredibly long and drawn out backstories for the four newest characters. This wouldn't be a problem (it would actually be praiseworthy) if it weren't for the fact that the four hours of inane bullshit that preceded this change will have already conditioned you as a player to not give a shit by that point. Hell, if you're like me and don't take five full seconds to read seven words, you probably already started skipping most of the dialogue already, given that the developer programmed in a pause that prevents the player from progressing dialogue at their own pace unless you override it with Ren'Py's built-in skip system. And before you read this and think I'm some sort of child with no attention span, understand that I've taken my time with books and games that display a level of thought and care put into the writing. I just don't have patience for reading yet another empty conversation the developer thinks passes for an event, but really is just filler to put you back into the cash/relationship grind for as long as possible to attempt to trick you into thinking you're playing a real game.

    I'm getting ahead of myself. Truly, anyone can open up this site, click on a game, and say "game is bad". People who like the game will ignore the review, people who hate the game will "like" the review. What do you, potential time waster/patreon supporter, need to know before deciding if this is worth your time?

    Let's jump back a bit to the characters I briefly mentioned. Protagonist Guy has zero redeeming qualities. You may think that him working hard to purchase the slave contracts of all of these women means he's kind, motivated, or resourceful. The truth is, none of this would happen unless someone told him specifically what to do. I don't mean once at the beginning, I mean literally every single fucking time he meets a girl and learns of a potential solution to their problem is related to this whole "Scarlet Contract" system, the girl needs to be basically begging him to do this thing he's already done ten times. So how about the girls themselves? I mean, really, that's what you're here for. It's a harem game! Yeah, no, they are all complete shit. Well, some of the ones near the end seem like they might've been less shit, but fuck if I'm bothering with fifty paragraphs of backstory the developer suddenly decided the world needed. For starters, Estelle, the little sister, the girl on the banners, the main menu, even the tik tok account the developer made to advertise the game? Yeah, there's almost nothing there. The developer has so little confidence in the game they've made that they seemingly think the moment they do something other than the most generic 200% anime tsundere character, the patreon will drain and the good times will all be over. At the end of the current content, she is still making the same hilarious jokes about "waiting until marriage", calling Guy a virgin (despite watching him fuck at least two of the girls right in front of her), and having the greatest catchphrase known to mankind where she just calls him the same three insults. The game apparently rebooted two years ago and this is the furthest this happens. But hey, if you're just here for sex, don't you worry, Silvia, the mom, has got you covered! Apparently she was just looking for an excuse to seduce Guy because she blows him the moment he walks across town and has a single conversation. I thought I accidentally sequence broke the game the first time Guy had sex, but it turns out there's just an event where they unceremoniously fuck in the kitchen. The kicker is that it only triggers if you lie to her by throwing the sister under the bus for something you were supposed to do, and the game acknowledges that she's completely aware Guy is lying.

    I'm not done with characters. Selena, the girl-next-door/childhood friend has apparently been salivating about Guy for half a decade, despite having not seen him for several years due to him being such a loser that he literally never leaves the house. This girl has gone through some moderately crappy things in her life, including the death of her last relative and the subsequent mountain of debt she is being crushed under, all while living next door. Guy walks out the front door for the first time in forever, blows her off so he can go buy his mother and sister, then comes back asking for a job. Selena somehow loves him so much that she hires him, pays him a wage that nets him more than $5000 in a few weeks, shortly before begging him to buy her own contract with money she is paying him for working at her own store. I'm getting tired of recounting this, so here's some other summaries: Makoto begs Guy to purchase and fuck her within a few hours of knowing him, mostly spent with him berating her for being shit at her job. Celestia is a fox girl who appears from nowhere, attempts to purchase room and board with explosives disguised as a children's toy meant to be gifted to a foe as a means of disposing of them. Guy later is shocked at the prospect that she would murder someone. Altina is a nun who appears early in the game as an accomplice to Guy being mugged, vanishes for several hours, then reemerges as a character who is apparently central to the plot and inexplicably prevents progress with any other girl past a certain point until dealt with. Actually, that's a great place to change topics.

    There's nothing inherently wrong with harem games. It's a solid way to provide a cast of characters your potential playerbase can get into, with each girl appealing to a different subset of players. Many signatures on this forum have banners featuring specific characters from games that players like. The winning formula for these is relatively simple. You segregate your content between either individual characters or closely related characters, and the overall plot. Generally speaking, you want to avoid making these things tangle unnecessarily so that players can find the content they want and avoid what they aren't interested in. If your story absolutely demands that events be locked off due to needing another character to be in a certain status, tell the player how to get to that content so they can get it done and continue on with their experience, while doing your best to make this overlapping content as low-impact as possible.

    Scarlet Law's approach to this is to tangle up every character's plotline into every other character's plot, hide events for characters in events labeled for other characters, and have times when you cannot progress with any characters until you've finished progressing all of them to a certain point. In short, the absolute worst way you can go about this. Take Estelle for instance. If you're like me, you came to this page because you saw her on the banner in the "Latest Updates" section. My initial thoughts after about ten minutes were, "hey, this writing's kinda shit, but this chick's kinda cute, let's see how far I can get." This, potential player, is the trap. After two events with Estelle (during which nothing happened and which required some light grinding for relationship points), the game no longer presented clues for her next event. I did a little bit of research, as I knew the game had rebooted at some point and I wasn't certain if this was all there was. I ended up finding the in-game gallery and confirmed I had yet to unlock 4/6 events (with a conveniently placed ad for the developer's patreon, which offers to immediately unlock all scenes for $10/month). This was, naturally, offputting, but my ability to survive bullshit is inordinarily high and I had no plans for a few hours, so I soldiered on. Perhaps this other girl who was kinda cute would unlock the continuation I was looking for. No dice. I continued until the last two characters remaining were ones I wasn't particularly interested in. A bunch of random bullshit sped up using the skip button later, and more characters and events had been unlocked, but still no continuation of Estelle. As the number of girls rose, the amount of content for the earlier girls dropped significantly. Suddenly, an event being listed for a character didn't even mean the character would be involved. Most of the events became structured in such a way that they would intentionally end in such a way that you would need to sleep until the next day and advance to a certain time slot, despite the writing indicating the events were supposed to happen on the same day. Finally, the game completely broke down in structure with the introduction of Rita. She's not a particularly bad character from what little I saw, but that's also what was most confusing. The game suddenly decided that the overarching plot and backstory of the world needed to be delivered to me in giant dumps, but it was done under the label of being a "Rita" event. Imagine a game where you have to raise relationship points with a girl in order to unlock events in which she is not even mentioned. Progressing through Rita's story was actually the way to unlock a completely unrelated pair of girls, one of which would eventually circle back to involving Rita. And here's the most ridiculous part: You raise relationship points in these grindfest sandbox games by doing repetitive events with the girls that imply you're hanging out and getting closer, but Rita's entire character is that she (completely understandably) hates the protagonist.

    I don't know what else there's left to say. I guess I should mention the ever-increasing grind for money that makes grinding relationship points take even longer, the fact that the game doesn't really account for new girls living with you in any meaningful way, the basic rollback feature that exists in every Ren'Py game that the developer intentionally tried to disable for seemingly no other reason than to make the game a little more annoying, the fact that, even ignoring the character writing, the overall setting and plot makes absolutely no sense if you think about it for more than thirty seconds. The summary is that there's really nothing here worth wasting the time for. You can find plenty of other games that do some or all of what this game does dramatically better. This game plays like it was made to stretch out very little content for as long as possible in order to milk money out of folks supporting the developer.

    Best of luck on your continued search for something to kill time with.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    could have been a decent game with a little pacing or corruption. the "landlady" jumps to sex immediately when you get the contract. ruined any sense of eroticism that was added by the slave system. it doesnt help that the scenes are boring as well
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    conscientious objector

    It's better than I expected based on 3 star rating. All the writing is pretty good and the characters are fun to interact with. It's not the best ever but it's better than the average game on this site
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Scarlet Law [v0.3.8]

    Great Artstyle
    Many different Characters

    Too much GRIND
    Terrible pacing
    Relationships between the MC and some Characters doesn´t make sense. (You had sex with Estelle but she doesn´t want you to sleep in her bed for example)
    Sex Scenes are dull and few and far between
    Story doesn´t keep you interested

    Scarlet Law is a beautiful looking game but that´s about it.
    I stopped after playing many hours. After adopting Celestine and purchasing Atty to be exact. This game is so boring and such a drag to be honest.
    All you do is farm affection for the girls, farm flowers and work for Serena to make money. It´s basically rinse and repeat and it feels like the game never ends. I just can´t give this game more than 2*.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    The plot thickens!
    This if full of good story telling! I spent a couple days wrangling my way through the multifaceted story, and am now awaiting the next update. Def recommend for anyone to try this out.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't usually bother rating the games I play, but at the time I'm writing this the average rating was 2.9 and I've played games rated near 4 that were so much worse than this. It's entertaining and the grind isn't bad. Doing everything that's available each time of day earns more money than necessary, so much can be avoided to get to the next event if you don't like the grind. Might not be the greatest game ever for certain, but I'll likely never understand how people could rate this at 2 and some of the other absolutely awful games at 4 or more.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    • Too much incest (like) content (for me personally, your milage may vary)
    • Found two bugs in a regular playthough, without explicitly looking for them
    • Not all scenes are in the gallery
    • Clever, hurorous, 4th wall breaking dialogs.
    • A stroy that starts with a somewhat weird premise, but did grow on me
    • Well executed sex scenes
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    EDIT AS OF 3.8

    I almost forgot how bad the writing is in this game. Having an interest in only 2 members of the roster I was quite disgusted by The scene in the park with Silvia. It was not funny or even attractive. I couldn't continue, my brain wanted to rationalize it somehow and I could not.

    Why? This is a disappointing turn out. I have nothing against any of the kinks in this update. But the awkward failed attempt at humor, mixed with discussing dear old missing dad and then the supreme idiocy in one of the MC's parent's favorite make out spots is one hell of a mood breaker.

    I don't remember the original game but I played this at version 0.3.5.

    The early animations are pretty..bad but they do get better the further you go and the models sometimes look good, at least couple of the girls seem to have had their models edited between updates at least once. Over all the visuals range from reasonably polished to kinda bad.

    The story seems to have interesting key points, I think the plot is intriguing but it feels like it runs counter to the game mechanics. You get the impression early on that you have allied yourself with someone who has the goal to end slavery. It's a surprise that the "slave" tag is not on the list of tags for a game this old. Anyways, you just continually get further and further into being an "owner" The writing has this strange sort of mishandled feel to it. Getting a huge infodump of a girl's tragic past which is quickly followed by a sex scene with awkward slap stick humor jammed in kinda just makes it hard to get invested in this game as a porn game or just a story.

    So the story will actually rope you into stupid gags for laughs then get serious and it doesn't work for me. The characters don't really have archetypes they adhere to so much as they're pigeonholed into them by glaring tropes and then they're written to quite frequently act out of character.

    The MC and his roommate are equally terrible people for several reason. She breaks into his room to peruse his porn stash only to shout irritating cliches at him for being a pervert and he acts like a square until the slightest hint of an opportunity to perv arises then he cranks it to 11.

    For another example. The backstory info dump/sex scene in the latest update is totally killed by him talking in the exact same manner the villian from said info dump did. And the heroine is ok with this!

    The audio isn't actually bad, and the mechanics are interesting for a game like this. It's just the the meat of the game has this sort episodic feel in the worst way, the constant 4th wall breaks to shill the dev's other game and even this one...nothing makes me want to ignore supporting something like having a character mention they may get content if the patrons vote for it...
    I'm all for supporting talented devs I actually do support a couple, but knowing that there was development time spent on snarky attempts at pushing the patreon when the game is this lukewarm just kills any desire to support them.

    The game has all the right components It's just that They were assembled poorly. I genuinely want to know how it plays out, but if the roadmap = random I guess I'll have to pass.

    Great ideas, just poorly executed. Again I have no clue what the original was like.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Know the developer personally. Great guy. Was also my first game. Overall, really great experience. Especially for a guy who somehow makes updates every month and it's always good Quality. Can be empty sometimes.. but I'd say give it a try if you ever want a game that's more simple but somehow really good.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Less content every patch.
    Bad animation.
    Bad story.
    Slow updates.
    Updates lack any real content.

    Since the rework the game has not made any real meaningful progress, there is not much content at all. I can't recommend anyone to waste their time on this shit.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I know From The Eclipse came out later but it executes this storyline much better and with more impact. The story here doesn't make much sense at times from what they say such as with Makoto who for some reason you can't marry but are perfectly willing to own instead and is willing to give up her freedom instead of just trying to convince the MC to marry. Also once they're in the harem it feels like nothing happens for ages, honestly seems pointless apart from getting to literally sleep with them. The worst aspect is how much of pushover the MC is, there's no decisions that feel impactful (and might not even exist) such as with Estelle who you just let bully you.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2553135

    I did not play the game before the remake, so I do not know anything about that, but here is my review:

    Graphics are fine
    Story is alright

    LIs are meh
    MC is a gigantic wimp. He needs to grow a backbone. Right now he is just pushed around by everyone.

    Do not play the game because of below:
    The most annoying thing about this game (it could get 1 star just for this alone if any other game did this) is that every nearly SINGLE dialogue there is a pause where you cannot advance the dialogue. WHY? I do not need to spend 5 seconds reading 1 sentence or looking at one frame. There is a horrendous way to artificially prolong the game.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    pre rework: the game was probably a good 3.5/5
    The graphics were okay, the LIs were cute, and the pacing of the story was overall actually pretty decent.

    Post rework/0.3.0
    Graphics: I actually have found that the quality has overall stayed the same, but I do think he's gotten more lazy as there's more clipping now than there was before.

    Story: The story is now just actually full on cringe, and it doesn't even take itself seriously anymore. The borderline mentally handicapped MC pre-rework was okay, but now, the story is completely and totally derailed, it's abysmal.

    Characters: all the characters seem to be full on fucking stupid, and that's the nicest way I can say that without being banned most likely. Every single character is a joke. It's asinine.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Overrated incest AVN. Not consistent with it's own story. Supposedly the law says you have to sleep with the one you buy the first night, but yet it doesn't happen with some of them. Characters are unique, but shallow. I don't mind cartoonish characters as they have their charm. There isn't much to the story at all and that is where it fails the most as it can only be dragged on and on.