Unity - Completed - Scarlet Maiden [v1.3.3] [Otterside Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    worth playing as a game. the difficulty curve is great on normal mode. the pixel art is decent. the ero content is very forgettable; you're forced to be more focused on the gameplay than the ero scenes at times. ero content would have been much better if it was solely male on female + futa on female; the lesbian pixel art can get pretty confusing to look at. gameplay can get tedious. upgrading the various shops is pointless as you get very good gear early on in most levels and jackpot machines that kit you out in legendaries are abundant.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Is a game, yes it is not as sophisticated as a proper Indie like Hollow Knight, but honestly it is fun for what it is and competently build! The jump and run part of the 2d rogue light is fluid and feels well implemented, the sex scenes are well animated for the art style and even though I am not a fan of the thicc and overly large breasts, they work well!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Scarlet Maiden is an amazing mix of a roguelite and a platformer. The ame becomes progressively easier as you power up your character. The scenes are plentiful and detailed. Just a really high effort game, not much else to say!
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Although it is a roguelike, it still felt a too grindy. If you enjoy the typical roguelike grind, you may enjoy this. Art is great. OST was a below average. Would have liked the NPCs to have more content or side quests. There is a quest log, but you're only doing one quest at a time.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    It can be good game if it was 3 times less. But...
    There is any animations repeats 3 times. There is no different stage in animations etc And game too grindy
    Repetative, boring gameplay, annoying minigames, 2-3 sprite animations.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The art for the game is pretty good, though a lot of the h scenes are boring. The gameplay is decent though the first boss fight has so much aoe that learning the moveset has you dead before you get to a repeat. Also it feels like basic necessities, like more than one potion, are locked behind a lot of grinding.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is fine but its not really that great, the animations are fine and while the art might be good it doesn't really delve too deeply into H content to be worthwhile as an H game but its not good enough in its gameplay to be worth it outside the sex stuff so in the end its just nothing special.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Final version 1.3.0

    Unoriginal, but solid. Gameplay wise, it's typical of what you'd expect from a traditional roguelike game, with items of different types, buffs and stuns, varied enemy designs and AIs and whatnot. The pixel artstyle is very well crafted, and each level feels very lively to travel through. It was suprised to see how addicted I became to playing this game, despite the fact that I've already seen this same gameplay loop in other, more complex games.

    Which is the main issue I have with this game : It feels very safe, both in its gameplay and in its adult content. Overall, there isn't much to actually do in Scarlet Maiden ; what you do in the very first level of the dungeon will be the exact same thing in the last, with the combat being just braindead button mashing against very weak enemies, and the only really exciting moment being what the next level's aesthetic will look like.

    The adult content is also very lacking. Defeating the enemies just give you really simple sex animations that are over in a couple of seconds, with very few poses, all recycled between all different types of enemies. You'll be bored watching them after the third you encounter. The only unique sex animations are in the hub world after you complete some boring fetch quests for a NPC, and even then, it's just so tame and uninspired, like something only players who've never played a porn game before might enjoy.

    The story is barely worth mentioning as it's mostly a load of nothing and just here to give you an excuse for the MC to go through the dungeon. Again, very safe and uninspired.

    Overall, the game is just... Fine, I guess. It's not bad by any means, but it's not something I'll remember in a few months when so many other games try and dare to bring something new on the game. I'd say I'm more dissapointed than anything. The devs clearly knew they weren't gonna shake the adult game industry by any means, and so they decided to build a solid experience within their known limits. And while I respect a solid experience more than a game that falls flat on its face and fails to deliver anything, it's still heart wrenching to see their fear of taking risks spoiling their potential. This game had a lot of great ideas, a solid premice and a flawless, albeit tame execution, and I wish we'll something more from the devs in the future.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good pixel art, gameplay is fun, exploration is fun, everything is well made. You can see that a lot of care was put into this game. There are a lot of games here that don't come close to this one in terms of quality and have a higher rating, wich doesn't make much sense to me. Renpy games with wonky, reused 3d models will be 4.8 stars, but a good game with beautiful pixel art will get 4.1(at the time of this review).
    At this point, I believe it needs to be polished in terms of adult content. Some things could make it into a classic, such as better voicing, more pixel scenes variations and special animations for bosses.
    Congrats to the developer for making such a good game.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Scarlet Maiden is a rogueliTe that requires a lot of grinding to buy upgrades so you can explore the dungeon further. The gameplay is very simple and surprisingly good, with fine attacks, movement, dash, platforming. Very interesting. But not something that is worth much in games of this genre. All the genre related content is tiny pixel sprite animations. Very short, very superficial scenes without a gallery to enjoy. You get some 3 second animations in some rooms and sometimes you get a single scene with one defeated monster, nothing worthwhile. The game also has some weak scenes with reused animations if you find some collectibles. That is it. Besides the clothing there is not enough to tease or actually please. A massive waste of good art and animations. Personally I don't like roguelikes, specially the grind and inability to save on a run. This one is not different. Besides that, the lack of content and the very repetitive gameplay without any incentive to do it all over again without a doubt put this at below average. Also, I quit after the fourth time I was supposed to reach the underworld and simply got killed because the game literally said I wasn't powerful enough to go further. I don't know how that was considered a good idea.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It's... fine?

    The biggest problem with this game is that it's extremely basic in some aspects. It has some solid work put into platformer side of things. Graphics are all good, be it tiles, combat animations, lighting effects, particles, etc etc, these are really good. Controls can be rebound, so whatever issues there were before, they're solved.

    But everything else, like roguelite systems built on top of the platforming core, level design, or porn... It falls flat, it's not interesting. There is no class system, the perk tree is extremely boring, a couple % more damage here, a couple % damage reduction there, and never anything to facilitate a new emerging play style.

    And with porn, there's 50+ pixel animations, but they are extremely short, just a few frames each. That's just not enough in my opinion.

    It's not exactly poorly made, so I hesitate to rank it too harshly. However, I did not have much fun playing, and I did not find the porn sufficiently hot. So, I can't really rank it positively either.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Rogue like 2d platformer, with great control
    Hentai scene are various but short
    9 out 10 but will round up to 5 out of 5
    Main characther is pure female but will use strap on with other female
    art style is great, small but very cute
    Would reconmand to any 2nd platformer fan
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, fast, and full of interesting replayability. Though it's not done, and could use a few more updates to finish up some concepts and ideas, the core gameplay and art are amazing. Props to the dev and the whole endeavor as a whole.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review as of v1.2.2

    Rogue Legacy but with smut is probably the best way to describe this game. Unfortunately, a lack of content means you're probably better off waiting for the full release.

    Firstly, the positives. The pixel art is very, very good, from the enemies to the bosses to the NPCs. The female characters all have the same body type, but considering that's "thicker than a bowl of oatmeal" I'm more than fine with it. Enemy types are mostly barely-clad women with a couple of males, and I'm not ashamed to say I laughed at the enemy in the second zone that shoots blasts of cum from his cock. The sex animations are also great, and for once you don't have to choose between winning and seeing the great stuff. Chests are opened and buffs are recieved by Scarlet fucking whoever is there, from a fat cocked ogre giving melee damage to a naiad squirting a massive stream to give maximum mana.

    Unfortunately, though, there's a severe lack of content in this game. My save file reads 3 hours and 9 minutes, and I'm already completely done. All the merchants are at the max level, my skill tree is maxed out, I've unlocked all the available smut scenes at the abbey, and reached the end zone where a mysterious voice says it's not time to meet yet and kills you, sending you back to the start.

    Scarlet Maiden has a lot of potential, and what is there is great, but there's not much there. It's fine, but I highly recommend waiting until the game is complete to pick it up.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent lewd rogue-lite action platformer! This is a great example of why designing a fun game first and a sexy game second usually yields better results. A word of warning: despite the (at the time of the review) 1.2.2 version this is still EARLY ACCESS. That's a bit confusing, but honestly if I went to the Steam page instead of here I'd see it immediately so I won't hold it against the devs. In fact while the game is a little pricy, if you want to support the genre I recommend to at least consider buying it.

    The game looks well, plays smoothly, and has a charming style. Now, before I sing too many praises do keep in mind this is not lewd Dead Cells. It's still mechanically shallow and somewhat repetitive, but by the standard of porn games it might as well be a masterpiece. Yes, I'd want the upgrades and random bonuses to be more than stat increases. Yes, the balancing is very weird in places and the randomly generated rooms get repetitive quickly. I do recommend a controller as the keyboard controls are a little subpar. But those are complaints I'd have of many indie games. The gameplay loop is nice. The controls feel responsive. And the art is high-quality. Speaking of the art...

    The lewd part of the game does have a few issues here and there. All of the enemy sex scenes are reskins of the same 4 or so enemies and poses. The random power-ups and Misty dungeon quests are much better, but there's not a lot of them. The fact that you can't fuck bosses is a big letdown, but I assume this is planned for the eventual release. I like that this isn't another "lose to see the scenes" kind of game and it actually rewards you for playing well. The game does end after four bosses with an abrupt "it is not yet time" monologue, so wait if you want a fully finished product.

    I did consider giving this 4 stars, but ultimately I had a lot of fun and for once not just at the sexy parts. More devs like this would only be a good thing for the genre going forward. Give this a try and consider buying if you want to reward the work put into this.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a great game!

    It's certainly a game first that has a small amount of H content rather than existing for the sake of H content. The movement and mechanics feel fluid and the progression doesn't feel grindy (unless you're not into the rougelike style). The default controls are not ideal, but these can be remapped easily at the home screen.

    Suggestion for the dev - perhaps there could be a feature to purchase things like: body transformations, costumes and extra H-scenes at the home base. Alternatively, there could be progression of things, such as: boob/ass size, hair, etc. as you interact with the various NPCs throughout the dungeon. This progression could reflect the maidens increase in power.

    Keep up the good work!
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing gameplay along with smooth graphics. This game was a treat for the 3-4 hours it took to clear the first 3 bosses. However since it doesn't specifically say that it's the end of content, I thought I needed to max stuff out to go further, 2 hours down the drain. Magic is a bit too overpowered in this game, in case you're struggling, just get items with +100%~ magic damage (Frost or Fire) and get the revolving spell for that kind. Kills everything in seconds.

    In terms of H, there's basically none. Yes there's pixel animations for Scarlet, some small events and what not, but honestly it's so minimal that they might have benefitted by having no H content and making the game more accessible, since the game itself is great.

    Play it if you wanna play a platformer. Don't play for H, since there's basically none.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Sylia Stingray

    Review for V1.1.1

    I feel like a "V1" is a bit of a stretch for Scarlet Maiden at the moment because the game is far from being complete.

    The game is what one would consider a subgenre of Roguelike, a game where the player starts from the beginning each play, but with randomized maps and upgrades so the game is always fresh and addicting. However, whereas a Roguelike game has the player lose everything on death, this game allows you to carry over your upgrades, thus the "RogueLITE" subgenre.

    The erotic content in the game is everywhere. Pretty much every character, male and female wear little clothing and you will see big tits on just about every female enemy. There are also sprite based cutscenes which you can unlock by collecting certain items.

    However, as I've said at the beginning, this game feels far from complete. I started two nights ago and I've been playing for about 2 hours each session, and I've already done everything there is to do. There are 3 stages, each with 3 levels plus a boss fight. It will keep you busy for a while but after that point there isn't much to see.

    I rated it 4 stars but it could easily be 5 if the game didn't feel so short. It's definitely worth a play, and perhaps if the game doesn't end at 10 levels definitely worth the buy. It has a lot of potential.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is based on [v1.1.3] so obviously it will be limited to a unfinished content, and is by no means a final verdict.

    We are facing one of the best examples of porn game that don't forget or neglect the medium in which they are, videogames. Since playably it's a rogue-like quite solid, fun, challenging and deep enough for each run to be different.
    I have seen many say that in the aspect of porn or LEWDING this game fails, but I don't agree at all, this game knows how to balance fun, frustration, desire and lust, and as we progress, the sex scenes will make act of presence, but of course, we must earn them and they aren't given freely to us as other games do.

    The art direction and pixel art are beautiful, although in the let's play chibi miniatures the capacity to eye delight is limited, it's lust provoking enough, however, it would be sad without the final game there would be no animations with the highest definition and real size sprites, such as small animated loops at the end of each Misty scene. Although I must understand that if illustrating is difficult, animating is more, but it would make the experience even more solid.

    The game is still unfinished, and I don't know how much it will evolve, but if this Early Access seeks to be a solid and immovable base where only more worlds and bosses should be added, there are things that in my opinion should be improved. Such as:
    -Each monster should have a sex scene.
    -Each monster should have a different pose and not just be recolors of animations already used, there are games whose variety is totally superior in this aspect.
    -The big monsters alts should have a sex scene, and have an independent animation where their large size stands out compared to Scarlet, since the Ogress, which is the only giant that can be caught at the moment, is only a recolor and it is evident that its size is shrinked.
    -The sins economy feels somewhat broken, since with a few hours of play, going up to the maximum and buying the highest levels of all the objects is extremely easy, the obtaining of sins should be nerfed and the prices of potion refills should be seen reduced. Since facing the final game one already feels completely overpowered.
    -In the roguelike and procedural aspect, the rooms are like fixed lego pieces and always the same, there is not much variation between rooms when you know them all, although I know that this is incredibly difficult to develop, and perhaps for a porn game it would be an extra complexity that would not help.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    [v1.1.1] Had to press every key on my keyboard just to get her use potions at the start... The game says press 'Alpha1', they should change that. Also, I wish you could change the inputs but still an amazing game and you get used to the default setting after a while anyway.

    Challenging/endurance side scroller that needs a bit of strategy to advance. If you like solid platformers, this is for you. The game is unfinished though and i rarely give 5* to unfinished games but this one was excellent so far. I'm not a fan of lose to win games as well but Scarlet Maiden didn't bother me for some reason.

    The game works like a randomized tower which you can find in certain JRPG. Cute pixelart and animations in addition. Interesting events and loot system. The game isn't a solid porn game though... more of a fair and grinding platformer. So if you came here for the h-content, you'll be a bit disappointed.

    Thing that i really like about this game is you don't get hit or flung back to your death when you touch enemies which is one of the most used method in platformers and one of my most hatred thing in games. The controls in Scarlet Maiden feels really smoove. The fact that it operates like a randomized tower makes it entertaining and never to be expected.

    I can't wait for the full version. However, I would strongly recommend you guys to wait until the full game because it is quite lengthy and you will probably lose your progression next update.

    **I rated this game for its game engine not porn content.