This review is based on [v1.1.3] so obviously it will be limited to a unfinished content, and is by no means a final verdict.
We are facing one of the best examples of porn game that don't forget or neglect the medium in which they are, videogames. Since playably it's a rogue-like quite solid, fun, challenging and deep enough for each run to be different.
I have seen many say that in the aspect of porn or LEWDING this game fails, but I don't agree at all, this game knows how to balance fun, frustration, desire and lust, and as we progress, the sex scenes will make act of presence, but of course, we must earn them and they aren't given freely to us as other games do.
The art direction and pixel art are beautiful, although in the let's play chibi miniatures the capacity to eye delight is limited, it's lust provoking enough, however, it would be sad without the final game there would be no animations with the highest definition and real size sprites, such as small animated loops at the end of each Misty scene. Although I must understand that if illustrating is difficult, animating is more, but it would make the experience even more solid.
The game is still unfinished, and I don't know how much it will evolve, but if this Early Access seeks to be a solid and immovable base where only more worlds and bosses should be added, there are things that in my opinion should be improved. Such as:
-Each monster should have a sex scene.
-Each monster should have a different pose and not just be recolors of animations already used, there are games whose variety is totally superior in this aspect.
-The big monsters alts should have a sex scene, and have an independent animation where their large size stands out compared to Scarlet, since the Ogress, which is the only giant that can be caught at the moment, is only a recolor and it is evident that its size is shrinked.
-The sins economy feels somewhat broken, since with a few hours of play, going up to the maximum and buying the highest levels of all the objects is extremely easy, the obtaining of sins should be nerfed and the prices of potion refills should be seen reduced. Since facing the final game one already feels completely overpowered.
-In the roguelike and procedural aspect, the rooms are like fixed lego pieces and always the same, there is not much variation between rooms when you know them all, although I know that this is incredibly difficult to develop, and perhaps for a porn game it would be an extra complexity that would not help.