Finished the game.
It's meant to be hybrid of a extra story + sequel. Imo, it delivers on that front.
The game was confirmed to pick up either in the middle of some routes or after some routes. So, it should've been expected that she'd already be a slut from the get go. That's why the corruption progression isn't as good (and non-existent in some cases) as the base game.
I do understand that this approach will disappoint many though. Imo, a better approach might've been to add the CGs to the base game and expanding its length accordingly but I'm not sure if such DLC add-ons are even possible in RPGMV.
The corruption depiction could've used more work. For example, during high corruption when she's wearing leopard bra, it'd have been better to have more NPCs even ones not relevant to routes comment on her. Like, villagers could make even more lewd comments in the Yasui route about how they're seeing her nipples through her shirt. They don't have to bang her, just an acknowledgement would've been good as it'd show the world reacting to the FMC corruption. Also, a significant lack of clothing corruption is disappointing. Yasui and Nobuo routes turned Ryoka into a bitch in heat. She should've revealed more cleavage, shortened her skirt and stopped wearing a bra (not even the leopard one). Also, no body writing or used condoms in post sex character model is disappointing.
- Cellphone. Specifically, the SNS isn't used as interestingly as the base game.
- Scene Hunt. I like that he bothered adding pixel sprite variations for some scenes. Like, if you stumbled upon Ryoka getting fucked, if you time skip, you'll see her getting fucked in a different position.
- Route selection. I wasn't sold on this one in the demo, and was a little disappointed with it making into the final product. Would've preferred if your actions in the Prologue impacted the routes you'd end up on. Would've given people more freedom to play the routes that they wanted.
CG quality:
The CG is good. I feel like, we'd have gotten better scenes if he didn't decide to start practicing animation mid-way through development. Animations while decent weren't needed.
Also, there seems to be a quality difference between scenes designed early in development and scenes designed recently. For example, the gangbang in Nobuo route was designed way early in the dev cycle. I know this because I remember seeing its concept in a very early update. That's why it looks so good. Compare that to Yasui route gangbangs, you'll notice the Yasui ones pale in comparison. This might've been avoided if he didn't increase development complexity by adding animations.
Scene variety:
It's decent but I can't help but wonder that it could've been better. For example, Yasui fucks Ryoka in only one fucking outfit and in only one or two fucking locations. The basketball outfit isn't utilized as much. Neither is the white top that gets transparent when she's sweaty. I mean the basketball outfit is in the previews despite being used only once. That's disappointing.
- Yasui. My favorite route in the base game and again my favorite one in this game. He corrupted her just like how I expected him to. Broke her innocence and turned her into a cum dump. I would've preferred at least 1 or 2 additional stray NPC scenes though. For example, the basketball nerd could've fucked her after she stops wearing a bra during basketball practice. This way, we'd have gotten an additional scene in that outfit and would've gotten another stray NPC scene to prove her slutinesss. The guys that gangbang Ryoka in the car, I'd have preferred another set of CG for her with them post-corruption before the Saki-Ryoka event with them.
As mentioned earlier, this route had potential for clothes corruption. Ryoka's school outfit could've gotten skimpier. Shorter skirt, slight cleavage and no bra at high corruption levels would've been hot.
The route ending was weird. I know QOS is making its rounds in the hentai community but I don't think Castella understands what's hot about QOS. Seeing a little spade tip peaking through the cleavage of the character model of an innocent character while the rest of the spade hidden is one of the highlights of QOS NTR designs. Then, the FMC slowly gets more corrupt as time passes and her outfit becomes skimpier making QOS more visible signifying the end of her corruption. Case in point, it should've been a separate mini-route.
- Oyama. I feel like it didn't contribute much to the base game. I wasn't the biggest fan.
- Tajiri. I liked the extensions to his route. Would've preferred an orgy with Saki and Ryoka with homeless. But that's just me.
- Diasuke. I liked it. Nothing much to say.
- Masaru. It was hilarious because the game sort of implies that Keita got cucked by someone with a smaller penis than him. But, I can't comment too much on the route since my experience was soured by the route end not playing.
- Nobuo. My second favorite route. Loved what he did with this. Would've preferred the brats by the river to have also had a go at her. But, I liked it. The corruption levels did rise to quickly on this one which isn't great imo. As mentioned earlier in this long ass post, would've preferred more clothes corruption. Like having Ryoka stop wearing a bra for all outfits and running around the village in a sweaty white t-shirt revealing her boobs.
- Kurosaki. What an actual piece of shit route. The route needs you to beat previous ones to be unlocked. It creates a hype for itself that way only to fail spectacularly. The route has no mention besides the normal end of the base game. So, unlike other routes, there was no reason to skip the corruption phase.
Also, Kurosaki is such a non-character. Sekiguchi being the sole focus would've been more interesting. He dated and fucked girls on a whim. It'd have been better if the route had either not existed or was a full on "Office slut" Ryoka route where Sekiguchi sort of fills in Yasui's role. Practically, he should've axed it completely.
- Good end. Kinda weak imo. Would've preferred to actually play this one than just see some unskippable events.
Saki stuff:
I've never been a fan of her character. But seems like those who liked her in the base game would enjoy this as she has a lot of CGs.