Big review coming. You've been warned!
I'm a big fan of this circle and I still believe the first game to be a 10/10 - my opinion from years ago of playing it on release hasn't changed. The ambience, art, vibes and overall story in the original is unmatched imo - hence why to this day we still get bad Scars Of summer rip-offs every now and then. The game had a big impact and yes, while polarizing (with some people hating it) it is still influential to the genre. On that game, you had exploration and corruption - it felt as if the progression of events in general just had better pacing, and every route had it's endings and consequences (even the good one!).
After is, basically, an addition. You'll get a deeper look into what happened after most endings - or a deeper look into how Ryoka's fall into depravity happened. But, this time, it's done through a more linear way - you pick a route at the menu (after a soul crushing reminder of an opening to remind Keita that this girl that is the love of his life is about to be lost forever lol), and follow the days snooping around, trying to call her or understand what's going on as you spend one more excruciating week in the house. In most routes, Ryoka has already given in - she's had sex multiple times, is pregnant or things have already come to a point of no return. I love, once again, the ambience, music, scenarios - you really get used to the city and interacting with things feels meaningful. The game by default forces you to play one route at a time, in a different - but not unpleasant - gameplay structure from the first. It's sad because I'm seeing a lot of people say this doesn't qualify as NTR/BSS - when it quite literally defines it. You're watching consequences in 99% of the routes and scenes. In most routes, actually, in the menu, you can see she still loves Keita - only completely falling as everything progresses. If you see this game as a "chapter 2" to Sos1 it becomes easier to understand - the corruption won't start slow.
Once again, I love the NTR-writing. The endings progress naturally and nothing feels too out of place. She starts a family with the Vagrant in his ending, a classic thing where she was just completely stolen, with Keita coming back months later to see her pregnant and living happily. Then she marries Daisuke in his ending, completely conquered by the muscular weirdo - and Keita receives a fucking invitation to attend the fucking ceremony (which if you choose to go is SO sad). She becomes a baby factory in Oyama's hands - now married and bound forever to the dirtiest old man in the village, never being able to leave. Yasui is what you'd expect - Ryoka is forced into even more depravity and by the end has been fucked by pretty much the whole city (and her sister goes along with it), becoming a full blown whore. Just completely fucked up and tragic if you compare to how she is at the start of the story.
I wasn't a big fan of Masaru's or Nobuo's routes in this. They were cruel, yes - still twisting the knife in about her being stolen - but they felt more like cgs that should have been in SoS1 than their own thing. But I sure do love the Final ending - Keita finally getting married to her and blah blah blah. That last cg of her with their baby in the hospital was sweet.
And even though I was excited for the addition of another character - I think everyone agrees that his route was underwhelming. Yes, her getting dirty with this unknown weirdo and fucking him for money is cool, but... she's already done most of that, even in 1. I think that attention could have went in more scenes with the other guys, or even scenes with Keita? Idk. I don't hate them because I like the art and the sex itself, just didn't felt as good as the other ones.
Art is still top-notch. Very few characters in hgames are as charming as Ryoka is imo. The scenes are hot, there's different angles, expressions and details (even hickies/marks on her body you can spot), sprite sex, shadow/hidden scenes and lots of interactions involving perspective and the cellphone. And for the men, there's as much variety here as possible. Gyaruo, muscular, ugly bastard, fat UB, weirdo, playboys, shotas, normal-looking ass guys, you name it.
Saki was a surprise in this - she had a lot of scenes and teasing stuff all around. You can basically watch her fall along with Ryoka - doubling down in the pain of losing both of them (at the same time, in some routes). Though, again, I'd say I would be okay with like 50% of her content being directed towards Ryoka instead, but that's just me.
I like the game for what it is - an addition. It is linear, direct and delivers on what it set out to be. But it certainly doesn't top SoS1. Sadly I think people are misjudging the game and the creator - while being disappointed with their own expectations - which were fucking astronomical. I didn't see people being THIS negative even with actual lackluster releases (Ochikano, that last nuko majin game, etc etc).
Overall a good game - though far from the way stronger and more well-rounded NTR experience the original was. But then, again - the idea wasn't to make a sequel, a Scars of Summer 2 or a different story. See it as an expansion to this universe's content - adding to the great experience SoS1 was.
Give it a chance and support the dev if you enjoyed it - he went through some real shit to get this done.