RPGM - Completed - Scars of Summer [v1.03] [Shinachiku-Castella/Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    High recommended for NTR lovers. Amazing Art work and sound effects.
    It could have been better in terms of length of the game as it feels completed too quickly. Highly needed more characters and if there is a sequel, a thumbs up on it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 -> Nothing to say, I love the drawings, the rest is typical RPGM graphic.

    4/5 -> Pretty simple story but it misses that last step to have the perfect story. Still good tho, can't complain.

    4.5/5 -> No grinding, which is good, but pretty easy. Once you understand the mechanism you can finish a full route and still have lot of time left, which is not optimal. But again, nothing bad to note. Good note, you can play the game more than once due to different routes to explore.

    5/5 -> Just two girls, but the main one is just gorgeous and well drawn, amazing boobs. Sometimes I just play the game again to see her scenes.

    18.5/20 -> Good game, one of my favourite of the NTR genre, very advised to everyone.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game fucking rules. The slow progression from her loving you to loving the men that are having their way with her is incredible. Even the UI elements help further drive home the NTR state of mind, with an interface showing you surrounded by hearts representing all her love and affection, only to have those hearts slowly migrate out to the various men she's fucking behind your back, until she's no longer even interested in you.

    Each of the potential suiters represent a different NTR trope, so you can kinda pick your favorite on your first playthrough, of which I'd personally recommend Masaru, (the onsen worker) as he was the MC & girl's childhood friend and perpetual 3rd wheel. That route feels the most immersive imo since it has a somewhat natura; development and makes the most sense in the context of the world (a girl developing feelings for her other childhood friend when the MC is a bit more plausible than her being mind fucked by blackmail or village rituals etc). However all the routes are really enjoyable so you can't go wrong.

    If you like NTR, I cannot recommend this game enough. And yeah, the NTR is skippable, but like... why tho?
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I was expecting quite a bit from this game seeing as how it is a highly rated NTR game (4.5 stars with 40 votes and 31 pages of comments at the time of me writing this). With that said, I do believe it let me down.

    Hentai: The main girl and her sister not only have excellent designs but they both have H-scenes, a massive tick in the game's favor. The hentai itself ranges from very well made to not very good, no real standard of quality. I'm a bit disappointed that there is only one threesome scene with the two sisters, especially with how involved the sister is in the story. There are also quite a bit of recycled scenes and, on top of that, there's not really too many to begin with as it relates to the amount of time you'll need to put in to unlock them. One major detractor is that there are no sex scenes for the vanilla routes, but I'll touch on that later.

    Story: The non-NTR endings are rather decent, honestly they're better written than the NTR endings. The NTR endings are incredibly generic and quite bland as all six NTR routes are not only heavily trope heavy for the genre, but relies far too much on forceful NTR in order to drive the story forward. Another major issue is that Ryouka goes from love-struck pure maiden to giga whore in the span of a week and is incredibly quick to give up her own values and desires, which in turn destroys her entire character. It's incoherent and anti-immersive. I've played many NTR games and this one is by-far one of the worst cases of the main-girl doing a complete and quick 180 for no reason other than to drive the NTR plot. It's like the reverse of The Curse of Kubel.

    Other: In order to unlock all scenes and all endings you must play this game at least seven times (and it's not a short game if you're reading the story) or pray that RNG is in your favor. That's absurd, especially since the NTR stories are rather poorly written and the hentai isn't really worth the effort. It leaves this game feeling incredibly grindy and drawn out. On top of that, the RNG aspect makes you want to have to follow only one route at a time in case RNG is not in your favor, thus causing you to have wasted your time by the end. If you want her to sleep with every man in town in one run, you're likely not getting a true ending. I also feel this game leans a bit too much into the genuine romance aspect for the girl, which is a bit much. There's also no h-scene for either of the two vanilla routes. At that point I ask, why bother including those routes? Yeah its an NTR game, but you included heavy non-NTR story and aspects. The MC is completely empty headed, I do not care that he is getting NTR'd nor do I care if he wins the girl. He is the worst character in a game of badly written characters. Also, are you telling me that every single male in this universe is a dark-skinned ugly bastard? Because that's what this game is entirely about. If you're into that, fair enough. But for me, it's way too much. I was expecting one or two of the guys to be ugly bastards, not every single one.

    Gameplay: A nice phone feature and tracking feature to see what the girl's up to, though it becomes incredibly repetitive. The trials to unlock her memories are quite easy, you just have to grind in order to get the materials needed to get through them. Gameplay is nothing special, but not horrible. Minor point though, it was fun finding and "playing" the games that are references to other well known hentai games.

    The game is by far not perfect, but if you're willing to slog through the story and are fine with every h-scene being an ugly bastard one, go for it. If you just plan on skipping the story for the H-scenes, then I'd suggest maybe spending your time on a different game. A solid 3/5, anything higher is too much.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    NTR heavy game that I would usually not bother, but if you're only slightly interested in the genre like me, then it may be worth a shot due to the voyeurism mechanic.

    I understand those who rate this game with 3 stars, as well as those who rate it with 5. This game does some things really well, while others are a bit lacking. Honestly I'm leaning more towards a 3 stars rating as well, but the older sister named Saki earns a free star all by herself LUL.

    Older sister is even hotter than Ryouka (with the kid version of Ryouka coming a close second due to her cuteness) and I wish she got more scenes, but all the ones that she's in (specially the threesome) are the best scenes in the game in my opinion, whereas the scenes with the main girl were hit or miss.

    The art and CG overall they are good, but it's a bit of a mixed bag because there are some CG's that are obviously draw in a rush with lower quality and they have weird proportions (for example in the shrine with Oyama 3rd day, their proportions are all weird in the futon).

    The main selling point that make NTR fans rate this game 5 stars is the gameplay mechanic where the main girl can be "tracked" via her icon on the map and with cellphone calls. Then you can try and go to where she is and you can voyeur her in different ways. After you understand the system you can see that it is not that complex, but just by existing it is novel at this point in time so props to the developer. I hope that from now on we will see this system copied and improved by other devs.

    Another good point is that the maps in this rpgmaker game are small and focused, as opposed to other rpgmaker developers who make huge retarded empty maps for you to move across just to pad out the play time. Here there are even some nice quality of life additions for teleporting back home, a world map for fast travel, advance time, etc. All other RPGmaker developers should take note and stop adding pointless battles system or huge empty maps that just waste time in their games.

    But besides that, the game is pretty straight-forward to a fault which is a negative: every route is railroaded and some routes are better than others. This could be down to personal preference of a type of corruption/cheating, but some routes do get more events/CG's/voyeur quality than others.

    And you can't even "fight" the cheating or do anything at all, so less of a game at that point and more of a visual novel really, so again the only appeal remains in the voyeur gimmick, where the male MC is just going along for the ride slowly being cucked and impossible to stop it.

    When it comes to writing, again, some of the routes got it better than others. Overall its decent, but something more is missing. I wish she resisted more in some of the routes, and some of the scenes in many routes were not that believable for some of the situations or the main girls reactions.

    Finally the NTR is avoidable and therefore there is a love route, but as expected it pales in comparison to the other routes unfortunately. There are some wholesome little dates that you can take with the main girl, but that's about it, other than that there are no CGs, no sex, hell not even a kiss on the cheeks with the male MC. The most you get are 4 short scenes of reminiscing about the childhood past with the kid version of Ryouka (cute!), so in the end it is extremely underwhelming, but not unexpected for the genre of game or developers know for exactly this type.

    Like I said I could very well rate this a 3, but for the effort of the unique mechanic of voyeurism and the older sister Saki I will give it a 4 star as I did bust a handful of good nuts to the uber slut Saki.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful love story, still don't have the courage to actually get to the majority of main girl's NTR content. Secondary heroine is a cute alcoholic slut, hope she'll get more attention in the sequel somehow.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    For all NTR lovers out there, especially those who love UB, this is the game for you. Because of this game, I really started to get into NTR game genre. There is so much to enjoy about this game that I can't summarise it. I recommend you to just play it. I am eagerly waiting for the sequel to come out, and you should too. Also, if possible, please try to support the creator of the game, Shinachiku Castella, in anyway that you can, even if it means just spreading the word about this game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute perfection. Only finished the game once and it was amazing. The NTR element was executed perfectly along with decent pacing. So far the best rpgm imo. Didn't encounter any bugs whatsoever. 10/10
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I am not a guy that is interested in being NTR'd. Having said that, the first thing I did was have this chick banged by the village bum, then the shota rich-boy, then everyone else. So Either I'm a cuck, or I can enjoy this on account of it's happening to MC and I'm basically looking over his shoulder. Whatever the case, this is a pretty good game. There's a large amount of content and endings, and the art's pretty top-notch. My only real complaint is that the gameplay is a bit boring. Not much to keep you entertained beyond watching her hang out with all the potential 'suitors' when you explore. Definitely recommend it to anyone who's interested in a slow grind kind of game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved the game. It's NTR alright, and a fine one at that. It doesn't introduce heart breaking scenes like from Guignol, rather endings that either make you drown in yourself or satisfied over a well fought war against the antagonistic genre.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Every once in a while there is a longing for a thick tomboy closet slut with deep and disturbing needs.
    Whenever that occurs, you can always rely on this game.
    The focus might be more on corruption than ntr but it definitely hits the spot.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best netorare games. The art is great and unique to each route no reusing images
    There are multiple varied stories and endings. Being able to call the heroine and listen in is also a great touch. It's one if the few games I don't want to end.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is by far one of my top 10 best NTR and replayable game of all H-games. Granted there are better CGs out ther and better story but this game manages to still be great despite the fact. To elaborate this further I'll explain my review in categories. Now understand when you read my review this is in the basis of I played this game knowing the MC would get NTR'ed and I am an easy to please guy so expect high reviews.

    Story - 4 out of 5
    The story is simple and straight forward. I like that all the "villains" of the story had their own themes and backstory. Although they had the same motivations or end goal it manages to work because of their back story and character arc. The story gets a point down though because of the happy ending. Expected to be more / deeper but it ended in a underwhelming way.

    Characters - 5 out of 5

    Making this quick. Loved all the characters. Love all of them were unique and had differing chaarcter arcs / scenarios and not just a simple copy pasting way. Love there are scenes with Saki and hopefully for future games more threesome scenes.

    H Scenes - 4 out of 5

    H scenes are great. I've seen better artwork but this one has its own unique charm. If you like or don't mind UB then this would work for you. I like how varied the artwork is for each of the "villains". Having this voiced makes the experience 10x better. I also like it that after the entire events of a character you can still spot them doing something with Ryoka. Makes the world feels more alive and immersive.

    Main gripe with this is that for Quality of life, I wish future games have a skip or move to next scene button instead of exhausting all the dialogue. Also some scenes have 1 - 2 changes in position, kinda wish for more variation. Last I wish there were more H scenes involving Ryoka and Saki together. LAST gripe 2 scenes I hate that some endings scenes are just a rehash of one of the earlier scenes with different dialogue. Now this is what I call lazy.

    Gameplay - 5 out of 5

    Easy game, 0 grind and I can keep replaying it over and over again since its so easy. There are keyboard shortcuts that makes your life easy as you can essentially skip time and fast travel instantly. I KNOW i keep repeating the word easy but that's the point. Love that theres a NG+ with all your bonuses and resrouces carried over.

    Here are just a list of QOL improvements and suggestions I would like to see in their future games though I doubt they'll read this haha.

    1) Again the skip scenes or a scene selector mode similar to Treasure of Nadia but appears at the start. Maybe the options goes like, play as normal ; scene 1; scene 2 etc ; END

    2) More threesome or Harem stuff - now this is more fetish based but I like threesome incest etc

    3) More fetishes - like am a foot lover so IDK personal preference, add more fetishes, BDSM etc.

    4) Last and this might be hard, increase the H scenes or scenario without decreasing the quality or shortening the time.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an amazingly written and designed game for those who can deal with NTR content. It is a lot of NTR content definitely watch out if you are only able to deal with Vanilla story lines. The artwork is amazing, the pacing of the scenes are perfect (not too fast or too slow), the stripping scenes have amazing build up and the characters have great development without weighing down the pacing of the game. Highly recommended.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Every resource they used with RPGmaker is great, the dev knows how to rip your hearth in one playthrough and if you're ntr fan then you'll play every route.
    There's not so many modern ntr hrpg with no dull combat (i always think that part can be scratch entirely for some cases) you only have to explore and pick that star/attention sign that triggers everything. But the best part of this game is the fact that you can hear her moaning while she's talking to you through cellphone, letting your own imagination fills the gap (And you, as the character, you already know what is happening you just don't have the courage to face it).
    You can basically make other games using the same system and it'll be a success. 10/10 i'll play it again
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    For an NTR game it's very good, sooooo good ...
    At least for me in terms of history it entertained me, despite how repetitive an NTR story can be and its logic, of course.
    As for if you came for a good handjob, well it fulfills it very well if you came mainly for that.
    Above that there is a guide in the comments that comes in handy in case you get a little confused

    But of course, if you came for a deep story and with an NTR with logic like someone who likes Vanilla, it is very obvious that this game is not for you
  17. 2.00 star(s)

    The Bubblegum Goth!

    This game will be a bit harder to review than the other ones I've played because it left me with confusing feelings. I would love to say that Scars of Summer was a nice game, but it not only has a lot of imperfections but also doesn't develop everything it had, leaving the player only with the fact that they've spent 2 hours on nothing (if not more). There aren't a lot of H-scenes and most of them are lame (I can mention only a few which felt somewhat decent). Was it the poor artwork? Definitely not - artwork is nice (even if it's mostly generic and some sprite sheets are repeating). The issue is with the "villains" characters, their absence to be precise. I can say that the authors spent some time elaborating on Ryoka's character, but it wasn't enough. The game's goal for players is to help Keita (main character) confess his feelings to Ryoka - yet the MC is blank as hell, why do we even care. At the same time, we have 6 other guys trying to get intimate with her. 6 other blank characters to be exact. They are here just for the kinks, nothing more. They are nobody, and players can't care less about them. Wouldn't rant about it for any other Japanese porn game, but this one is actually dependant on it. This game won't work without good characters, it is not just some defeat scenes based JRPG. But we have only one, more or less elaborated, and that's the main problem of this game from which other ones are occurring. Corruption is unbelievable, seriously considering Ryoka to become intimate to any of them is ridiculous, and it inevitably leads to H-scenes being lame and boring. We still have a Keita route, aka True Ending, but, unfortunately, it doesn't have any H-scene at all. It's a nice ending for some date sim visual novel, but not for a porn game where it feels frustrating and also nullifies all effort to reach it. And it was effortful - you need to spend time with her, break crystals in order to reach memories (weird mechanic to be honest) but first to get special attributes (knowledge, bond, athletics, life, etc). For what, exactly?

    I liked the first impression Summer of Scars gave me when I've started to play it, I thought it would be really an interesting playthrough. But pretty soon it became very boring as there was no reason to play it whatsoever. Games should be entertaining and rewarding, porn games aren't the exception.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    man what can i say its basically "ntrpg" but a 2021 ver. , its goddamn beautiful

    slight issue is the time system regarding getting "behind the door actions" as it seems to vary as time progress rather than through interaction & also due to the fact that player have control of the mc there is basically nothing to do after interacting with this "scenes" wish it could've skip time after the "scene"
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art, nice scenes, one of the best ntr games overall.
    Every route is interesting, there is some farm the first time you play but after that other full routes can be done very fast
    No stupid netorase (when mc likes being cheated)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Among the other NTR games I've played, this was the game that satisfied me the most. It would be perfect if she corrupted more slowly due to Ryoka's strong personality. Still one of the best ntr games.