Playtime: 3-4 hr
Overall: Your enjoyment of this game will likely be based on your enjoyment of these kinds of games since it doesn't really diverge from the standard. I was ready to give it a 3 right up until the ending(s). To me, this game feels like a product as opposed to something which actual passion went into.
+ The debt is 500,000Y (about $5000) which is a fairly realistic amount. The protagonists are helping their friend out, so they're not even actually liable for it. That's a nice deviation from the standard decidedly-illegal inherited debt.
- They talk about the debt being "beyond the reach of the law," but aren't situations like these exactly what the laws are for? Even if the laws don't render it fully illegal, they should at least be able to put the brakes on the $1000/week payment plan.
- As is usually the case in games like these, the girl will give a titjob and say lines like "it's my first time feeling like this... it's not like I hated" even though she's been giving titjobs every day for the past week on a separate questline and has been enjoying them. Or she might read an erotic novel and go "what am I feeling?" even though she's been banging her teacher every day for the past week.
- Boss says he'll give Nanami a bonus for being extra pervy but he doesn't.
- There's a rape event just... on the street. The game tricks you into it with a point-of-interest sparkle, and doesn't even have the decency to change the CG based on what outfit the girl is wearing.
- Speaking of the outfits, they're handled poorly here. You need to manually change clothes at a phonebooth or toilet before staring most jobs, and even if you're walking around butt naked no one directly comments on it and it doesn't change any CGs.
+ You can beat the game without having sex or being slutty, though I doubt it matters
+ Each girl has a quest where she gets a boyfriend, which is a more wholesome (and often absent) way to defloration over the punters or raped-at-work that games like this usually default to.
- The endings are trash and are what really drag this down to 2 stars for me. These aren't even really spoilers since the game apparently doesn't care what you did in it or even what it did in it. Let's consider the bad ending you get from not earning enough money. There's some nonsense about insurmountable debt and the girls drop out of school and lose their homes(?) and can't ask their parents for help(??) and spend the rest of their days as pregnant whores. Except... It's. Not. Their. Debt. It's Mobby's debt! It would make sense if she dropped out and N&M went back to being regular schoolgirls except maybe a little sadder than before. Okay, so that's trash, what about the other ending I got? In my actual playthrough Marina only did titjobs, exhibition, and half of the boyfriend quest. Still a virgin. Nanami's getting down and dirty with her teacher-boyfriend, but other than that only gets groped a bit by her business boss. I did stage one of all the jobs (gimme those outfits), so something relatively wholesome should be coming my way. Unfortunately not. The ending starts and they're both turbo-sluts all of a sudden. And already pregnant (Nanami's a virgin!). And on their way to an orgy. Just because. I was expecting ending variations based on how slutty the girls got and which quests you finished, but instead the devs phoned it in with this one-size-fits-none ending. It's possible the ending is based solely on their lust levels and I would get a different one if kept the girls at 2 lust each, but that's a lazy way to do it and I don't care enough to find out.