Unity - Completed - Schoolhouse [v1.4] [Sakakumo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    As all the other reviews point out, this game is GRINDY.

    Personally, I really enjoyed the game. Though, I think most of my grievances from this game comes from the horrendous MTL. Slight spoiler:
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    The artstyle really is one of a kind. I absolutely love the creepy atmosphere. It's like, you know you're doing something wrong and you're not supposed to be there.

    Now for the elephant in the room: The grinding. Personally, I stuck out the grind, just making a full trip around the school each time I visited, and picked up all available cum stains. This left me with enough money to buy one, or sometimes two favors from the girls the next time I visited. But yes, it's a very large grind with a very small reward. I suggest you speed up the game like many others have.

    All in all, I recommend giving this game a try. It's a breath of fresh air, and the artstyle is honestly some of the best in the market (in my opinion). If you feel the grind is too heavy, speed it up via the included "cheat".
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Before I talk about this game, I just want to say that I used the cheat mod and that most likely changed my enjoyment of this game. I highly recommend doing this since the game is really grindy and you will need to clean a lot of used condoms just to earn enough money for one girl's route.

    With that out of the way, I just want to say that I liked this game a lot. It's honestly really flawed, but I really loved the premise. Initially, it felt kinda scary and creepy, but the longer I played, the feel of the game turned from "creepy" to "taboo" and I really, really liked that. The art area all well drawn and it really mixed with the taboo feel of the entire thing. I like this combination so much that I overlooked A LOT of flaws and still gave this game a 4 star.

    I really like the characters, too. They're literally cardboard cutouts but their personalities aren't as flat. I personally enjoyed talking to all of them everyday, even if it cost me a thousand yen for each of them.

    I don't think it's fair of me to not mention its flaws though, so I'll list them all from the top of my head.
    • Way too fucking grindy without the cheat. I lasted three days before caving in and installing the money cheat. With it, I was able to almost all of the scenes, save for the endings. Without it, you will probably have to play this game 5 times or so...
    • While the exploration aspect is nice and it's cool that the school gradually opens up for you to explore, it's really shitty because the school is really fucking big and the collectibles aren't that noticeable. For example, you can collect "tickets" to fuck girls outside of the school premises, but they're really fucking hard to find even when you're looking for them. I wasn't looking for them specifically and I initially didn't know what they do, but fuck me when I realized what they do after collecting them my initial thought was "Wow these things much be a pain in the ass to look for if you're specifically looking for them". What's worse is the CGs they give aren't in the gallery, so if you want them you WILL have to look for them eventually.
    • MOST PROSTITUTION CGs ARE RECYCLED. Like literally the only unique ones are the fellatio, handjob, and some of the masturbation scenes. Everything, and I mean everything else, are recycled. Even the ticket scenes are recycled!!
    • Game literally has 30 minutes of content but lengthened by the slow movement speed and the exploration. It doesn't help that the girls change their position every day, too.
    • We know very little about the protagonist and the little that is revealed made me dislike him, though I understand why he's set up this way from the developer's standpoint and the story's standpoint.
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    Overall, play this game for a little bit and see if you can bear with its mechanics. If you don't like it, you probably should drop it since it does have a lot of problems...
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I should have read people's comments before playing the game because the horror part of this game is how it's slow as hell until I learn to fix the game speed by unity explorer and a full manual translation by alter.

    Every girls are loveable but the issues is on the Dev. He could be borderline masochist, imposter syndrome, or his fear of having commitment that make many things in this game half assed not going full feet on anything.
    Or he's so detached that make him think that adult game is so scarce that people would play or fap to anything he made.
    Either ways it's a wasted potential of his good arts and story telling.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    Schoolhouse is a 3D adult game with 2D character sprites that has a unique and eerie atmosphere. Our character has 1 week to explore an old abandoned highschool that is used as a brothel at night. Characters you interact with are sex workers. They are in constant surveil by a mysterious "pimp". So everything going on in there has to be by the book. You can't cum more than 3 times a visit. You can't explore certain areas. You don't use real names to call them, instead use ID codes. Eyes have to be censored by a stripe, you can slide in me but no masturbation because eww, yada yada. Despite all that restrictions sex workers kinda feels like they are freelancers. Each has their own character and preferances. You need to gain trust and pour your hard earned money on them to do anything meaningful with them later on. As gaining entry to the brothel covercharge is aint enough. You gonna bleeding money all over the place. Speaking of money, you start the game with 20.000 Yen. Cover charge per entry to the brothel is 3.000 Yen. Talking to a girl 1000 bucks. Telling them to get naked (yeah, just getting naked, nothing crazy) cost the same. As you waste money on them, there are more kinky options gonna be opening to do with them.

    So what's good about this game?

    - One of a kind concept and atmosphere.
    - Implementation of 2D and 3D to stay true to hentai concept is charming.

    Now to the cons.

    - Sex scenes are horrendous.
    - Animations are wonky.
    - You don't know what you are looking at 60% of the time on sex scenes.
    - Game is censored.
    - Everything feels zoomed in. Especially in scenes.
    - Auto translation makes you wonder if you'll ever read anything more confusing and feel left out of context more than what you just read.
    - Grind is painful. Just like 99% of the Japanese games.
    - You don't make money the same speed you are spending it. Or you can say "wasting it." You clean cum stains on the floor to get 1000 yen per go in the abandones school. Finding them on day by day changing areas are tideous.
    - Finding sex workers in day by day changing areas is more of pain.
    - Exploring is slow. Option to make it go faster doesn't work.
    - Max res this game offers is around 720p. Doesn't support wide screen as well.

    Final conclusion
    Stay away from it unless you want to experience something different than a Ren'py. Be warned, it will leave a bad taste in your mouth.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this a lot. Great atmosphere and art. I would love some horror themes, but ahh well. The player moves a bit too slow for my liking, and graphics options are lacking. I'm excited to see the next game by the develpoper
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is fine. There's a bit of spoopy moments with those damn boxes and sometimes the camera angle of the good stuff isn't that good, but the dialogue can be pretty hot. There's basically an archetype for every kind of "hentai" girl. The NTR girl cheating on her BF, the disgusted anime girl, the holy virgin, etc. The only thing is that it's walking simulator 3.0, but if you use the in-game cheats and zip around it makes it a lot better. Also a lot of cum collecting.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    It's an alright game. Could easily be a 30 minute game if you focus on one character and one thing at a time.

    Gameplay, 2/5: Somewhere between 1 & 2 stars.
    By default, you move super slowly, which can be fixed via the F7 menu by setting time to a higher number, which also makes messages, text, etc. faster by the same amount. It's a time speed multiplier so... The FOV is really low too, and it's very dark making it hard to see some things, yet, phones and missing items are easy to see since they shine in the dark. Press F7 to hide the menu, locking your mouse in the game too.
    At it's base, it's just a grinding game to grind affection, and a game to look for things. Honestly, with it's environments and engines, it would make a good horror game, but it's an H-game with no horror.
    There's also only 5 girls, A - E, with different personalities. I'd say they're all plenty interesting in their own ways.
    Overall, with some tweaks and additions here and there, it might be a really interesting H-Game. As is though, it's sort of... Annoying.

    Visuals, 3/5: Interesting, H is disappointing.
    The art style is nice. The environments are spooky. But it's 2D girls in a 3D environment, and one side is invisible. Yeh. The H-Scenes themselves, some of them are disappointing. Handjob is fine, fellatio is more of a licking than any real sucking. Bukkake is okay. Masturbation is meh. Insertion, it's locked to one position, and also feels claustrophobic. You also get two sets of animations for each animation, and the animations are shared between all girls.
    Overall, it's meh. The game environment is good looking. Some H-Scenes are decent. The other stuff is meh.

    Audio, 2/5: Footsteps.
    There's moans, there's interaction sounds... No voices (unless you call the breathing during H-Scenes voices), and just a whole lot of you stomping around. The door opening sounds and phone ringing sounds exist, too.

    Plot, 2/5: Inconsequential.
    You get dumped by your GF, your friend introduces you to this back alley harlot house which is actually an abandoned school building. You leave for another job in a week. Have sekhz.
    At least it gives a premise. It's an alright plot to be honest. Just... It's a tiny bit. Hard to say average, but can't rate 1 since it's a game focused on H, not story.

    Overall, 2/5: Disappointing, really.
    Honestly, a lot of the environments, mechanics, and sound design really make it feel like it should be a horror game. At least, an H-Horror game. No, it's just a disappointing H-Grinding game. It's slow, clunky, claustrophobic (for this kind of game. Again, if it was horror, low FOVs make you feel trapped which would be good instead). Personally, I somewhat enjoyed my experience after speeding up the game but... Not a whole lot, but, you know.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Do take note that i play this game in japanese so i will not comment on the MTL translation but hey its MTL so.......

    First for for most

    now into the game, in this game you walk around in school to find girl you can pay and have fun with.
    How you make money
    basically find those sticky juice on the school floor or some weird fluid on floor and clean them. The game master will then award you money. Take note that for the first run i suggest you focus on grinding money as the it was the only way to get through the game since interaction with girl required money

    Each girl have a code starting with A to E(if my memory was correct), with A is the easiest to interact with and max affection and E is the hardest. Thus you need to farm money to max them and get their ending.

    What is those SHINY/GOLD box
    Basically those are collectible memory for each girl after you collected one (which are very easy to found since those things is like GOLD colour). After you collecting them, the next time you enter the school again at the entrance the event will trigger with the girl of the item spawning behind you (a bit sudden but not scary) This is important as it unlocked CG.

    FINAL RATING: PLAY only if you have like ton of time
    this game is like very slow......you cant run at all thus game pace is slow as hell, and you need to grind also. the only good things about it is those girl CG is some of the best fap i ever seen other than that is a NO for me.