RPGM - Completed - Scourge Of The Flymancer [v1.01] [Custom Oppai Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I actually enjoyed this game despite having to save all the time because of the abundant crashes.
    The protagonist was hot. I loved that she did not just get turned into a mindless bimbo that had gotten raped without end from start to finish.
    There had been put some effort into making a bit of story and the areas seemed original, with unoriginal rpgm assets.
    They(Creator) seemed to have an idea for the antagonist and some side characters that could have come from some funny ideas around the D&D table. There were a bit of side content with some thought put into it. Writing was ok at times, but often silly and not to serious.
    For some people the no sexual content might be a dealbreaker, but for me it was nice with some eroticism without sex.

    -Hot protagonist not turned slut
    -A little more effort put into the rpgm stuff than just using finished maps
    -Combat kind of the same old slough, but still with costum abilities for the heroines with a slightly higher level of engagement than the pointless stuff that many endless others provide
    -Some peculiar ideas but nothing groundbreaking
    -Derpy looking skeletons!!!

    -Endless crashes
    -Many areas extremely bland, especially some dungeons
    -Much of the stuff felt like it was going nowhere and as if there might have been planned for a lot more stuff that was never put in or based on ideas that got poorly implemented.

    In conclusion it was a relaxing(With infuriating crashes) and peculiar experience that had a bit more heart than just a quick rpgm cash grab.
    Not masterpiece and needs a lot of polishing if you want to justify charging money for it. But I still enjoyed it and wanted more of the protagonists adventures when it was done.