VN - Others - Completed - Scream [2024-11-30] [POISON]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    3 out of 5

    the game is fine per say, the translation is bad MTL (mispronounciation of gender even japanese word that just turn from katakana to romaji) and word wrap that is ass and they want to charge us around 60$ (base game + DLC) for this shit?!

    the game is basically 8 turns of picking girls with each girls having 3 scenes each, with some of the scenes needing another girl to be corrupted to unlock

    the censoring of the art also fuck it up if it were uncensored then the MTL might be bearable but sadly no all of it are censored

    but even if you do unlock all the CGs (which will probably take you an hour or two), you only get a diff start screen, there is no extra scene or an alternate ending if you 100% the CGs, disappointing

    also if you are not a fan of scat and urine play i would not recommend this to you, most of the scene include that.

    TL;DR: game is fine, translation is ass, it is still censored, stay away if you don't like scat
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Madre mia ninio UFFF

    i cannot wait to the full game

    this is a new approach to POISON games, interesting choice of settings and gameplay, you can choose out of a variety of fucking hot women, each one with the sterotypes associated with anime girls

    busty whores waiting to be raped by the MC and friends, just another poison game with a new dynamic, some of them with boyfriends and husbands

    he he he he :cool: