Wolf RPG - Completed - SCREAMER LABO ~The Girl Who Cannot Escape Lab of Nightmares~ [v1.02] [Nekomakura Soft]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    First things first this game is already 3 stars because it's not a RenPy with those ghastly, overused 3D cookie-cutter Kardashian looking models.

    Made it through the game within a decent amount of time, it is weird however that the controller settings are only accessible once you enter the game but revert back to default on the main menu. The Machine Translation is adequate.

    For PS4 or XBOX controller users, the controls are wack but can be made CORRECT through the settings, but can't be fixed through the main menu.

    Plot is nothing to write home about, but at least the character design is decent, the drops and monsters are OK, and the linear plot with different endings is fine.

    For the kind of story we have, i feel like there could have been more in-game consequences (mainly more status modifiers than just injury/poison and have our protag actually have to deal with mutations as you play as well much like the staff even if to a reduced degree)

    I do enjoy a manageable game with a good balanced combat but in some cases this is almost too easy. (But it is as easy or as difficult as you want to make it so that's a pass.)

    All in all i give it an OK but mid-tier because it is close to what I'm looking for in a Horror Eroge but still not quite cutting it.

    Really I want more consequences that have to be dealt with while you play instead of "OOPS, BAD END".
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    MTL is quite good but sex scenes are really bad, puzzles are meh and the "good" end is a bit frustrating. Can't really recommend it.

    The concept wasn't bad, just executed really poorly. Not even sure it deserves two stars but I did play it to the end so I guess two it is.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I didn't get more than one ending cuz I couldn't be bothered, but overall?
    This is another one of those games where "lesbian" means "futanari" and even then only has one scene with an unmoving picture where the only changes occurring throughout the scene is a change of expressions and how much bodily fluids is coming out of either participant. If you're in it for yuri, skip it.

    Otherwise I'd say the game is.. eh. I liked that it incentivized exploration by not having everything interactable be shiny (but the important stuff are), and the MC is fairly cute. Beyond that there isn't much going for it.

    Combat is dull, mostly in the way and commits the cardinal H-game sin of demanding two hands.
    Scenes are pretty much one picture with text that don't always fit into the text-box.
    And I feel it over-relies on "go find object to unlock" which gradually adds more of the aforementioned steps before you can actually move on.

    The story did intrigue me at first, but I was bored by the end and didn't feel I had a satisfactory payoff. I still don't know what is happening, why it's happening or feel like I got a resolution out of the ending I got.
    I think you get more out of getting a save and watching the gallery than you'll get out of actually playing the game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is meh, Combat is meh, H-scenes are REALLY bad and the ''puzzles'' are just you wandering around hoping to find ''key item 1'' to unlock ''key item 2'' to unlock next area wich is something i usually don't have a problem with if everything else in the game is good but this isn't the case, this game is not worth the time.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    All right, so this game started out a little fun... but come late game and I spent an unreasonably long time trying to find the key items to go forward. Only for me to realize, it was closer then you expected. Just find a shiny white star on a white table easy right? Hahahaha WRONG.

    Even on hard mode this game is easy once you get past 2nd area full of bugs that will ram you down again and again. same with the "puzzles" which really just devolves into combing rooms just finding the items you need to progress.
    Note: I never want to find "meat" ever again If it wasn't for my pride as a gamer I would have stopped searching and dropped this game long ago. Hell with there being two endings, I had the pleasure of combing through the entire game for me to try find what's missing. Only to almost give up and decided to go back to the final room only to see a random note in the middle of it that unlocks the true ending. I still have no idea what the trigger for it is.

    The H CG's are mid / not worth it and while there is clothing damage it's not much but if you are a futa fan you are eating decently well tonight.

    Overall, save your time and go spend it somewhere else unless you are looking for a game to go with the spooky season of October.

    Fun fact: Did you know you can change the girl's voice in the settings? There's 3 different voice settings, which would be neat if the girl did more then 2 noises.