Others - Completed - Seal of Lutellaria [v2024-01-18] [uzuraZanac]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game might be focus on gameplay more than you can fap

    The control is a two contrasted side of monster Hunter melee and a fighting game smoothness, combo cancel, and evasion are going to be a steep learning curve for many people. Parry is overpowered as a counterbalance is good, but still doesn't make the curve smaller.

    The sex are sadly meh and uninspired compared to the dev former work. A vtuber stream fake moaning pretend that she had a sex toy in her ass get me going than playing this game I played alongside the stream.

    Aaand that's how bad the game is as a porn.

    The story is Eldridge horror, the alternate dimensions, and a chosen one.

    but the way dev represent it is flooded the map with the former victims and the enemies with full uncontrolled random which turn them into eye irritating clustersfucks.

    The background is beautiful, but it's too focused that it's hard to distinguish between what is background and what is a platform. Just because the dev doesn't want to waste his hard work, but then just waste a full animated monster girl only as a background.

    The dildo keys and light sticks is not implement enough for its amount reminded me of Soviet womble essay video of the forest on how planning and debating your ideas are important because
    "Just because you can doesn't mean you should"
    Put everything on your creation.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4891014

    Came for the pixel art animations (no pun intended), stayed for the tight little Metroidvania romp with horror overtones. Just difficult enough to keep you wanting to move forward without inducing ragequits. Feel bad for not paying for this quality game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    rah cist

    this game is goated, i almost shitted myself when i heard the bells the first time, cool metroidvania, nice booba nice cock and balls, nice mechanics, cool bosses, cool stylized graphics, pretty good controls i`d buy it but im fucking poor
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games, very simple and at the same time very interesting and addictive. Great animation, great backdrops, great enemy variety and mechanics.
    If you run into Futa and/or side-scrollers you should try this.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A very nice game, I like it a lot, the futanari is really god here, the art, the animations, 10/10 amazing, the gameplay feels a little bit slow for the basic attacks, but you can cancel that slow animation with a dash or a shoot, so that makes the game more fun, it has a little bit of farm to see the girl in the shop naked but jsjsjsj its worth, maybe I didnt find all the secret rooms but, you can finish the game without that, nice game
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Difficult yet fun, the music and sounds are all very good. Many different positions and characters for all kinds of variety. The timing for parry feels rewarding. I don't have many things I don't like. Fantastic. I wish I could buy the game without going to some shady website.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Games's pretty gosh darn daggamn good, I tellya hwat.
    Puts some Yees in mah Haws, I reckon. All of 'em.

    This game has absolutely nothing to do with cowboys aside from a revolver on your gun, so feel free to no question my mymentary southern affection for Lutellaria.

    The gameplay is just solid in a lot of ways.
    Managing your resource (bullets) that function as attack, defense, evasion, and platforming all in one is key, especially since the most important weapon you have is NOT shooting and using your character's big ol' sword that's slower than frozen molasses.
    The difficulty is challenging, but not not hard once you get in your rhythm.
    The metroidvania-style map and exploration is nice, with a lot of goodies scattered around if you're willing to look for them, but only one is needed at all. (Hit: Head up when you start. If you fight a robot-spider-woman, you went the right way.)

    Sound is nice,
    The art is great,
    and the smut is actually useful (Recovers health if you need it.) and yet entirely optional. Once you beat an enemy, or get a game over to one, you unlock them in the gallery, so you don't need to go hunting for scenes.
    And it's some good stuff there if you have a hankering for futa.

    Well worth your time, even if you don't want to yank your chain, burp your worm, choke your chicken, spread your seed, or curl your toes.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're looking for a nice game with lots of futas having lots of sex at all times this is a pretty good pick for you. The game features well made H scenes that occur dynamically and regularly featuring a wide variety of strange machines and monsters, and the game's combat gives you good reason to engage with those scenes as well. There's a good amount of content here, you're looking at ~10 hours if you don't have a guide and you take your time and appreciate the scenery.

    As well as its good number of quality H material, this game has a fun combat system that wouldn't feel too strange in a less sexually focused game, although the behaviors and attack patterns of enemies don't do too much with that except in bosses and late into the game. I'd recommend this to anyone who is a fan of futas and would like to play through an interesting metroidvania-esque side-scroller. It's a good length but not too long or difficult, and it's got a surprising amount of depth.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Before starting off, if you have thought even a bit that you want to play the game download it right away and play it, however if you want a review of this spoiler free I have a slightly detailed below, and below that my own experience as well as a thorough review of it albeit with some spoilers (I will Try to keep any Bias I have away, and try to view it as objectively as I can):

    Overview Review:

    Bugs: 4.9/5
    This is a 4.9 due to have 1~2 bugs, however it's a 4.9 because it does not negatively affect the game in any way, and keeps the game to it's original purpose.

    Art/Animations: 5/5
    The art is visually appealing to the eyes, along with the animations in both erotic and casual being smooth, and detailed.

    Sounds/Music: 5/5
    Sounds like character voicing, gun effects to sword's are like what you'd expect them to sound and better. You can feel the emotion in it. The music relates to the specific theme you might be in making it better.

    Gameplay Mechanics: 5/5
    Very simple mechanics, dodge button, parry button, attacking in various ways movement. Mechanics aren't broken, and is used for it's purpose. Overall enjoyable.

    Difficulty Level: Easy~Low Medium
    The game isn't hard, has a mechanic where you could recover HP, break free from enemy constraints, as well as money system to make you stronger, if you use them, not even wisely the game is not too hard, however it is still strategic.

    Story: 5/5
    Although there isn't really an explicit story like visual novels, there is a component of it through fragments you can read, like notes throughout the game. Contributing backgrounds as well as other events, the story as well is great.

    So this is the end of the slightly detailed Review, below Is the more detailed review of it:

    Thourough Review:

    Bugs: 4.9/5

    This game seemingly has 2 bugs if you play it. One of the bugs makes it so you can't progress into one room of the many rooms you can enter in this game.

    Through experience of playing the game it seems to be a room that gives a slight HP boost, however this does not affect the games experience even slightly, it might make you more bummed to not be able to play more, that's about it though.

    The 2nd bug is from the store. if you buy 2 specific clothing consecutively, it seems to lower the price of the 3rd item, but if you don't do it in that order, the prices remain the same. This doesn't make the game worse or better, but you could leverage it to use less money.

    Overall, there are almost no bugs, and these 2 bugs it does have do not make the game any less better.

    Art/Animations: 5/5
    The art like I said before is truly great and detailed. The regular mobs have defined characteristics of clothes, eyes, hair, to the bosses having their own defined character clothes and what not.

    The Background itself is also nice, although for things like clouds it does repeat, it is typical and is still beautiful.

    Animations are really smooth, no lag no unexplainable stops to it. It is both consistent as well as appealing. The erotic scenes are both in variety and quantity with different positions and angles.

    Sounds/Music: 5/5
    There isn't much character voicing, but the voice of our protagonist has emotion in it, and fits the character. The sounds the sword would have to ground impact, to even the gun effects are pleasing, action filled, and reverberating.

    Then you have the music, depending on which area you are there are different themes, when you are outside, in the moonlight there is calming theme, to when you have a boss fight an urging "Beat IT" theme. Every theme is great to hear.

    Gameplay Mechanics: 5/5
    This game has simple mechanics which you can use uniquely. Rather since it is simple, after getting used to it you can implement your own ways to attack and use these mechanics.

    This game of course has simple moving mechanics, jumping, attacking with your sword to using guns with different acquirable variations. You can also dodge in this game with it's unique usage of using bullets as a way to gain I-frames. By using these, defeating groups of enemies to single enemies are really nice, not going to enrage, but rather fun.

    Other mechanics are like searching in treasure chests through the D key, to parrying mechanic where you can recover those bullets, as well as gain a boost to your attack power for 1 turn(very useful).

    You also have mechanics where you can gain more max HP through specific hidden rooms, that you use another mechanic of the game, although not too prominent to find these areas, a nice, small touch.

    There is also the erotic aspect, which like the gameplay is really great. If you've played games like Ayura Crisis, Eris Dysnomia, Succubus Affection, it's similar mechanics to that, more to succubus affection. Even with that the art is smooth, a turn on per se as well, contributing to it's own artwork it can stand on it's own.
    Through this erotic aspect is another game mechanic, where you are able to recover HP by engaging in sexual acts.

    Difficulty Level: Easy~Low Medium
    This game is Not hard at all. It is rather simple to play. You can level up your character by increasing attack damages in the shop through money, make it more tanky by the same, as well as the HP recovering mechanic through sexual acts makes it simple.

    However, you can make this game more difficult by not using those upgrades which I did, and if you don't it will forcibly make you rely on game mechanics like parrying which you wouldn't need to use if you upgrade your character like a maniac.

    Story: 5/5
    Now, the story here is unlike that of visual novels, not a story that is told to you through many words, but through a slight amount of words as well the gameplay itself. You are able to encounter little notes throughout the game which inform you of records of some ancient socity and the catastrophe brough along, as well as your own mission. Furthermore, throughout the game, you can see differences in scenery, to mobs, as well as possible horrors that happened, one of which you might question yourself on, and the ending might confirm what you thought.

    The backgrounds as well as mobs, and slight obstacles are also a big way the story gets conveyed so pay attention to those. The records/notes you encounter throughout also hint at the backgrounds so pay attention, which I reccommend you do.

    Overall, the story is really nice, albeit I'd say be prepared for the ending, makes you go WOAH, although if you payed attention the every detail you might've suspected it.

    Should you play it?
    Yes, absolutely. There might be some people that say it's not for you, but if you really can't stand walking or running or fighting in action games, which I doubt you can play.

    Also, why not play it, fast download, and you can see it for yourself and delete it, although you definitely won't after downloading it.

    That ends the Thorough Review, what do I think about this game?
    I really love it, the review are my reasons why, but the ending makes me feel puzzled and melancholic.

    Even then, I would still play this all over again.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Been so long since I binge playing this kind of game.

    I still have not progressed that much into the game but I reached the 2nd stage already and there's even more, I thought it was just like the beginning and it's ending so I was a bit like "oh no is this gonna end that soon" turns out there's still a lot more of content.

    The sale part on the shop is just basically to undress the shopkeeper, so, unless you have a lot of spare money, I'd suggest to just upgrade your stats.

    Just a bit tips, you can go in and out a room so the monster will always spawn, it's good on a room where it contain just stack of monster so you can farm them, and there's a chance a key will appear when you do that.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great innovation of combat! with bullets not only as a damaging mechanic but also a movement mechanic really emphasize the importance of ammo management(even though it got made redundant by the insta-reload mechanic) but a great innovation nonetheless
    Not too hard combat that can be grinded out if youre having difficulties with the game though the gun upgrades seem a bit lackluster seeing the melee + damage boost outshines everything with BIGGER than the heroine's milkers hitbox.

    The key stuff in the benningging might be a little confusing(im still confused too) and you quickly forget about the lightstick mechanic.

    But parry mechanics tho.... instant 5 star from me
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I loved Setalia and was looking super forward to this. The wait was worth: the combat is snappy and satisfying, the environment is well crafted, and the scenes are all great. The bossfights are also extremely well designed, I was on the edge of my seat constantly.

    My only gripes are that it's quite short, there's only two traps (which were my favorite part of the first game) and the last zone feels a bit rushed, I can only assume the enemies were designed first and then dropped there without a suitable environment.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    That was a surprisingly good hack n'slash. A bit short with only 3 zones but they're beautifully designed and there's a clear tone for each. The plot is shown to you with brief cinematics and a couple jumbled text logs. Nothing groundbreaking but the presentation is great. The music and sound effects complement it. The actual pixel-art is fantastic with incredible sense of motion and shading. I've seen several games with higher resolution assets that fail to leave the same impact. The swinging of your weapon, the idle heavy breathing, the sense of impact when a hit lands. All very hard to get right but here it's incredibly polished. Once again the sound effects sync very nicely with what's on screen.

    I'm surprised so many people found the content too dark to enjoy. There wasn't any gore, torture, or violence aside from the background of the first two zones being cluttered with people in bondage with dildoes and ballgags. A bit of body horror admittedly.

    The basic combat loop is fun and mechanically sound. You can easily get punished for spamming attack or dodge and parry timings never became a guarantee for me even after years of Assassin's Creed and Dark Souls. If you were struggling you can at any time adjust the difficulty by leveling. I think there could have been more variety in your ranged weapons and maybe introduce mechanics like debuffs or just more resource management for your 2 meters. Maybe excitement level changes your sword swings and your white meter makes you encumbered when maxed out?

    One good point which is often overlooked is that the game was never too punishing for sex scenes. I recently played 2 other sidescrollers, Alien Quest with Kmod and Angimanation, both had similar struggle mechanics but they could be extremely punishing. The former Kmod lead to a cumulative corruption stat which at its upper limit made escaping a button mashing hell. The base game enemies would rush you down en masse as soon as you lost your clothes which wasn't very fun. The latter would set a kill timer whenever you were inseminated which was actually worse than an instant game over in many ways.

    My biggest complaint would be the leveling system. It was kind of tedious and you'd never appreciate each gradation. It would have fit in a much longer game with more weapon and equipment types. Defense was nearly useless especially in later stages. Ammo capacity and gun leveling could allow for an all ranged build, but the game was clearly intended for up close combat. The ability to drop and reequip clothes was a nice feature.

    Overall it really stands out from the crowd and I want to see more from this developer of the same caliber.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Beat the final boss, now review.
    This game....is like you ask a cenobite from hellraiser franchise to make a "normal h-game"
    • Good and complex combat
    • Variety of weapons and parry
    • Good and consistent visuals
    • Is REALLY unique, not other game like this in concept and execution
    • I geniuly feel fear in some moments
    • No so fapable, at least for me
    • Some concepts and design are nightmare material.
    • Pregnancy tag is bait, not only is not an ending but it also is from one enemy
    If you are new here, i think this isn't the game for you. If you think the world of LonaRPG is gruesome, this is worst. I like it as an action game, not as a porn game. But because i don't like some concepts or i seem them in an odd way it would be unfair to remove a point.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Very decent action platformer , with responsive controls and pretty elaborate combat system for H-game, with parry windows, animation cancellation , and ammo/dash/jump = same resource as novel mechanic, was pretty fun to beat 2nd boss. Pixel animation are good as well, though not often gratuitous due to angles and mosaic.

    Overall , though, metroidvania styled map didn't offer much in terms of gateway mechanics, just basic grind and getting from start of the level to the end, via some elaborate route, with only reward for exploration being increased health and one butt-in-the wall scene - the only interaction with background NPCs besides saved cleaners .
    I would much prefer collecting and saving the captured NPCs instead (Abe's Oddysey style), and getting sexy and monetary rewards for it. As it stands, they just there for setting the mood(which admittedly was pretty erotic in the 1st zone).

    Docked 1 star for that unfinished feel - only few zones, not much to do in the hub, very few interactions with the world npcs , just to sheer disappointment of not being able to see "full" vision of this game realised some day
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Final

    A short but a very well made platformer that you can play for a few hours of great fun. The art style and the sexual scenes are also simple but very well made. I can compliment every major part of this game with the only real negatives being its short lenght and its confusing navigation of the map.

    Overall one of the better 2D platformer games i have played on this site.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Good variety of enemies that has both a domination and submissive sex animations though grinding might be an issue for quick players, controls are smooth best played with a controller in my opinion. The game also has lore with hidden fragments with messages along background npcs doing naughty stuff which one of my favorites are the cleaners that you can rescue. Overall good game consider buying to support the creator.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 stars! It's surprisingly rare to find a game with a badass futa/trans protag fucking bitches this good! So much so I'm willing to overcome my squeamishness around horror themese, which is no easy task so I understand if this is not for everyone
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    there is an idiot below me who can't play games, certainly hasn't played this game and probably is an NPC irl, so let me tell you how this actual game works, when you hit enemies or kill them your "sperm" meter fills up, and if you had been aroused(you pink meter is above 1/10) you can press d on down enemies to fuck them, REGAINING ALL YOUR HP, you would be full hp just after fucking one enemy. sometimes after enemies hit you, you get stunned, then they approach you and rape you. you can easily break out of it by rapidly pressing "z". use this to gain a bit of pink meter progress since you can go back to full hp very easily. upgrade your melee a lot, hit flying enemies with your guns, get shotgun, dash with shift, reload with "a" and have fun.
  20. 1.00 star(s)

    Papaco Schneider

    Some of the animations only happens after you are defeated, and I despise any game that works on the premise that you have "to lose to win". Not only that but stopping in the middle of action of side-scroller to watch an erotic scene cuts the flow of the game, and since there is no "build up" for the sex and you are too focused in the fights, when the "love" happens you are not aroused for it. Not to mention the key layout which is terrible and you can't change it in the configs. Frustating experience.
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