Seeking Searching for a few types of games


New Member
Jun 23, 2019
I'm looking for a few different kinds of games.

First, slave/harem trainer games, kind of like Strive, but more action-rpg than text-based. I love the myriad fetishes in Strive (milking, enslavement, force, body modifications) but I'd like the option to see things as they happen instead of just read about them.

Second, beat-em-up or metroidvania style games, akin to Crisis Point or Lewd City Girls, but with a male protag and female NPCs/enemies (No shame against those who like it, but I'm not into femdom). But instead of GOR like most, I want to be able to play with the defeated enemies like you can in Nightmare Sphere. GOR is fine too, but I want that option to enjoy my foes after I've defeated them.

Third, kind of like the second, 1-on-1 fighters where I can do the same to my defeated enemies, preferably in-game and not just post-victory cutscenes. I feel like I once had a game called Street Fucker or something like that, but I can't find

For any of these, mods for other games (DoA, Skyrim, etc) might be fine as well.