Seeking Searching for a game i used to play


Jun 25, 2023
Hey, I'm trying to find a game i played a long time ago. It has urination content in it,

The only things i basically remember from the game. Was smth about you helping "your special someone" or smth can't remember but anyways. She wanted help with 3 bitches at her office work. So basically from what i remember you befriend them and you get their content, They're mothers or something like that, I think there was one pregnant lady. And now the last thing i remember from the game was the urination scene i've seen. You meet the three moms at an bath house of some sort and then they literally just pee on you in your mouth etc, it's so hot. Oh i think there were also some kind of magic involved illusion type of thing idk. Hopefully my description isn't to bad, and i really hope this will jog's someones memory of this fantastic game. That i don't even remember if it was finished tho i think it's ongoing. Atleast it was at that time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2017
I literally have no idea, however, you can make it easier to remember or look for it if you specify more technical details of the game, such as whether it was a hand-drawn game or 3D, the engine used, year, etc. The more info the better


Jun 25, 2023
Hmm... From what i remember the models were pretty outdated. Tho that could've very much changed since the last time i played it. Give or take 4+ years ago.

Also from what i remember it wasn't sandbox but there were choices like "Go to the office and help her/ Don't" kind of thing.

Man i wished i remembered more of the game. But for some reason that scene in the bath house where they do all kind of things, thats the only thing i remember :/

At first i thought it was a game called killer project so after replaying that game i found it that it wasn't. But i swear the models were pretty similar to the style and shit.
Then i replayed a game called sorcerer because of yk the magic asepct of the game. But sadly wasn't that one.
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