Searching for a "RE" game (I think)


Jul 3, 2018
Hi I'm searching for a game that i don't remember if I found it here. I think it has something like "RE" in the title. It's an RPG game with a female protagonist (big boobs) in the game you can't get new allys but in different parts of the map you can find items to summon goblins that acts like the rest of the party.

The game has some H scenes but are more a secondary thing, it's pretty history driven (i think that its the expression). I can recall that it has bestiality, but only 2 scenes. With like a demon dog, this dog also work as a dummy trainer in the begining of the game. This dog and the rest of the characters are in one little village and don't move from there. Basically all the history happens there.
There is also an option to masturbates in your own room.
And also I can recall that at least it has 2 scenes with the goblins.

For the Trama I can remember that the Protagonist starts losing his memory and finding the village where the rest introduce the RPG stuff. The history also involves this loli and this shota that works like as opposite forces. In some point the shota want you to join him to save the world and the loli want you to join her to destroy it.

That's all I could remember basically if someone could help me with the name. I was said that this game was like a second part of another game but I can't confirm that.
Thank you :)