[R>Writer] Share Searching for a writer to help with a Naruto project


Jul 20, 2022
The game is a Naruto parody visual novel made in renpy with battles and exploration, and you can mold the world and story to your liking. You play as Sarada, arriving at a small village to search for a girl who hasn't returned from a party. While searching, you discover that a mysterious group is also searching for her. And now it's a race to find her before they do.

Sarada has unique abilities and players can equip skills to further boost Sarada's power. Explore the world with random encounters and opportunities for side stories. And there are no game-overs. Each victory and loss is just another path.

Me. I will be programming, little writing, and everything else in between.

An artist is already on board and made sprites and characters.

Looking for:
- Writer

The writer must know the lore of the Naruto franchise. You don't need to know much Boruto lore. For tags, I'm planning on one-on-one relationships. A harem route if the player wants to. And in some cases rape scenes. The writer must be comfortable with those tags.

I'm also thinking of having two writers. One focuses on the main story, while the other on side quests. And if the other falls behind, they can pick it up. This is optional, if you want to do it all on your own then that's okay.

Employment Type:
- I'm new to this so I cannot pay you immediately. If all works well, I'll set up donations and we'll share revenue. If we agree with one writer: 50% artist, 25% programming, 25% writer. If we agree with two writers: 40% artist, 20% programming, and 20% for each writer.

Work commitment:
Long-term project. I have plenty of free time so can dedicate a good amount of time to the project. For schedule, you work when you can.

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord: xyzangel

Additional comments:
-This game has become my main focus. I finished most chunks of code and have made notes on future plans, characters, and skills.

-If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
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Jul 20, 2022
Bump! I am also leaving screenshots of the project. (Ignore the background image; that is a placeholder.) Also, a thank you to those who showed interest in the project.

1.2.png screenshot0010.png
screenshot0012.png 3.png
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