Identify Searching for game I once played, with a sad story! [solved]


New Member
Aug 13, 2019
Hi, never thought I'd be one of those asking this help, but I'm trying to located a game I played some time back and cannot remember the title of it.

The story is you meet a cute red head girl at a school dance, both stood up by your dates. You spend the dance together and take her home, she invites you up to her bedroom and have sex together. Then her father catches you together., and you make your escape out her window. On your way home you end up crashing your car, and wake up from a coma, one you've been in for around 10 years. You eventually recover and start your new life and career. Then one day 3 girls show up at your door, claiming to be your daughters. They tell you of their mom recently passed away. ( girl from the dance) They give you a letter from their mother and in it she explains everything , tells you about each of them, and asks you to please take good care of them.

Man it was a very emotional and sad story, and when you read the letter from their mom who recently passed away, it breaks your heart! You now have new teenage daughters you never even knew you had. That story was really good and really broke me up.... love to see if it's been updated. If you know this VN game title, help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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New Member
Aug 13, 2019
I checked and that's the game. Thanks a bunch! Liked that story alot. Played so many good VN games, forgot about this one. I'm gonna go to the devs Patreon site, check for any update news and give some support. Cheers!
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